don't worry guys, obama just wants to take AK's away from criminals

If I needed a battle rifle to defend my home in the United States, I would move to another part of town.

I understand this, but in the country where there is a lot of open land, it is good to be able to take a target at 500 yards. Plus, you can feed yourself with game this way as well.
dr.j: People can always bump fire an AK, it works pretty well and requires no modification
Right! Bump firing an AK is real accurate. And, since this can be done with any semi-auto rifle I guess that all semi-autos should be thought of in the same way?

I think I smell ‘troll’ in the air.
B lahey asks for proof of Dr Js assertions @ 3:11 and Dr J provides reams of documents @ 3:16. Thats either really fast work or a setup.:rolleyes:
I could dig up 150 million or so murders of their own people by Marxist and Socialist (though I don't really see a difference) leaders in the last 100 years. I bet all street crimminal murder totals are not even close. And AK murders would be a tiny fraction unless you counted those done by the government side. If I had to do an action/value analysis I would lock up all Marxists and Socialists before I even thought of regulating guns or transfats or CO2. The Chosen One would be toast under my system.
Obama says he wants to take AKs out of the hands of criminals.

What he means is that he wants to make AKs illegal, and he wants to take them out of your hands because you are criminals now.
Dr. J - what your post simply demonstrates is not that crimes with AK-47 assault rifles are common, but rather that utter ignorance about firearms is common among reporters and politicians.

The AK-47 is a fully-automatic assault rifle, a "machine gun," and crimes committed with actual machine guns, which have been under strict federal regulation since 1934, are exceedingly rare.

A "semiautomatic" rifle operates in much the same way as many hunting rifles - one shot per trigger pull.

It is obvious that anything that looks like an AK-47 is going to be called an AK-47, even if it's not:
Sixteen years ago, Josh Sugarman with the Violence Policy Center put the campaign in its proper perspective, admitting, "The weapons' menacing looks coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semiautomatic assault weapons -- anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun -- can only increase that chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons."
It's a steaming pile of bull, friends, and we should remember that.
Obama as POTUS

with a 60 vote majority in the Senate, and a Democratic House led by Pelosi will do a great many things regarding all types of guns which we will HATE! Just a heads up...
All I ever said originally about the AK-47 was that I don't see a personal need for one.

That's right, Dr. J, and neither does your man Obama; after all, you don't "need" an AK to hunt, right? Obama also supports "sensible gun safety laws" like banning handguns. I suppose that we don't have a "personal need" for handguns, either, because you can't use handguns to hunt, right? Same with that "armor-piercing" ammunition, like .30-30 ammo, right? Nobody has a personal need for that kind of ammo (even if it can be used for hunting).

Yep, the neo-libs and Obama don't see a "need" for so-called "assault weapons", handguns, ammunition, or magazines that hold more than 6 rounds. Because to Obama and his supporters, keeping and bearing arms isn't a matter of an individual Constitutional right; instead, Obama and his friends judge firearms by the standard of what an ordinary, law-abiding civililan "needs" to possess. Not surprisingly, Obama and the rest of his supporters are quick to decree what kind of firearms you really "need" to possess.

People can always bump fire an AK, it works pretty well and requires no modification

LOL. I'm sure you're an expert at accurately 'bump-firing' an AK. And it sounds like you were pretty accurate with that 'bump-firing'. Even though no ordinary, regular civilian would ever "need" to bump fire anything. :rolleyes: