Don't vote for congressional porkers!

I don't know. They may all have porked in the past. You could just as well say that the former mayors and governors requested pork in proposed budgets in the past, for that matter.

But I think that the congress of the last 6 years (and some of the members of congress who are now running) has been particularly porky. And it's not just the sheer amount of pork they get, although if you look back at the amount of pork - hundreds of millions for each candidate -- the sum becomes staggering. It's also the fact that these people have been complaining about how bad the spending has been - before and after they gobble up the pork. They've been too close to the pork pie for too long.
So, if 400 billion dollars are appropriated for highway construction, that's fully appropriated funds voted on by both houses; which is constitutional (post roads) you think it's wrong for each congressman to specify which roads in his district need repairs or to be built. And, that further, we need to allow the federal highway bureaucracy (i.e. the executive branch) to make those decisions?

Have I understood you correctly?
All I know is that Ron Paul has "specified" millions to the shrimp industry in his State. And Hillary has "specified" millions of defense appropriations to her State (no blood for oil, Hillary:rolleyes:).

Oh yes, we've seen plenty of examples of how these porker congressmen have been specifying pork left and right, all the while complaining that the budget is out of control. Why reward these porker congressmen with the presidency? They've had plenty of time in the last 6 years to pork-out, and we could use a President who has a different attitude about spending taxpayer money.

Now that I think about it, Hillary's pork is the most interesting. Think about it: on one hand, Hillary is gorging off of defense appropriation pork. On the other hand, Hillary is gobbling hippie-museum pork. Sort of an odd contradiction in pork, wouldn't you say?!? :D
Don't like all of the pork spending earmarks that congress takes every year? Then don't vote for the porkers who've been doing it!

The only effective way to stop pork barrel projects is to give the President the ability to line item veto like many state governors have.

Other than that, it's not possible to stop this.

It's only getting worse as the government continues to frow in it's belief that the people exist to serve the government. It's a shame too.
With our political system, it is impossible to eliminate pork. Remember, one hand washes the other. If you are a Republican looking for a Dem to vote a particular way on a particular bill, you make a deal. He changes his vote in exchange for a little pork for his district.

Why do you think so many who go to DC with ideals wind up corrupted?
Why do you think so many who go to DC with ideals wind up corrupted?
Yep. It always amazes me that when we do send a good honest guy to DC we find out that he can't do anything unless he helps all the other guys with their pet projects designed to help them get re-elected.

Even if the guy doesn't get "corrupted", he's going to not be very effective unless he plays the game.

Screw what's good for the country, they're too busy playing mind games with the American people.