"Don't forget your magazines!!!" pistol or rifle

All my unloaded guns are stored with an empty magazine in place. That way, the mag doesn't get lost or forgotten, its always there. Spares are separate, as is ammo.

SO even if I forget the spares I always have one magazine to use, as long as I've got the gun, and remember the ammo!

This sounds like a good idea . All my semi auto pistols are unloaded without mag in . I've done this because there is a full mag of ammo loaded next to every pistol in the safe . I'll have to put a bit more thought to it but keeping most with empty mag in the pistol and maybe 1 or 2 semi ready would be a better way to go about it .

Just imaginig how they must have felt having discovered they forgot something as such at home

I don't have to imagine , I've done it and it sucks . I would have loaned them some or walked the line to see if anyone else had what they needed . I've forgot the ammo once , now "there's" a faceplant for ya ,haha . I mean I shoot a lot so I'm bound to forget stuff from time to time . I've never fully forgot as in never even thought about what mags or ammo and just left . it's usually something like getting stuff ready and pull that mags out to put in bag . Then see something else I need or have to do something real quick and set the mags or ammo down and never pic them back up .

I do that kind of thing maybe not often but enough . Forget the drink I was bringing , ear plugs , safety glasses etc . The thing is I have spares for all of that stuff always in the bag so it's no big deal . However when you forget the mags or ammo there isn't extra in the bag . The one time I forgot the mags I still shot it was just one shat at a time . Ammo last a long time that way lol .
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magazines and ammo go in the same bag, I would never forget those items

usually two magazines for each gun

I dont bring too many magazines, I like to take my time and load each rd , usually only load 5 rds
Storing mag in gun . . .

Shave, above, brings up a good point. Do you store your mag in the gun? I tend to do that so I won't get to the range without the mag. But I hear Shane's point on the safety issue.

One idea may be to put the mag in the gun but don't seat it. Leave it sticking out of the grip. Maybe best of both worlds.

Life is good.
Prof Young
If I slide in a mag part way, this idiot would summarily pull the firearm off the rack before securing the magazine...assuredly causing the mag to fall to the floor. You'd think it wouldn't be but one more step in practicing proper gun-handling. Alas, I don't want to put myself in that position.

Good thought. Poor execution for me, anyway.
ARs that I have don’t get magazines stored in them, due to the large quantities of magazines that I have for them.

All AR magazines are loaded and in ammunition cans.

Guns that have “unique” magazines such as my Mini14, gets the empty magazine stored in it.

I occasionally keep a varmint gun handy with a loaded magazine in it.

My pistols are always loaded, as I carry 100% of my waking hours. Pistols that aren’t being carried are loaded in the safe.
All guns are treated as loaded anyway.

I’ve forgotten things like hearing protection, safety glasses, targets and oil before. I’ve forgotten extra ammunition and have had to buy range ammunition.
I think that if I had forgotten magazines, I would have just fired one at a time unless the gun wouldn’t fire without a magazine.

In a completely opposite story, I had a pistol eject it’s magazine while waiting in a checkout line. I don’t use that pistol anymore. Bad design, pressure from my belt pushed the button just enough. Poor design I think.
I keep all guns loaded, all the time. I'm going to treat them as loaded anyway so they might as well be loaded.

Keeping them in a safe is a moot point, of course, because there is no quick access. I keep one on my person at all times at home anyway. Feels like being fully dressed.

The only consideration I still haven't resolved is the imaginary scenario where someone breaks into the house and catches me off guard. Puts a gun to my head and makes me open the safe. Now he has more guns which are all loaded. Ugh.

The mind tortures us more than anything!

My shooting buddy forgot his only mag to his FN FAL recently. We loaded it single-shot and put a few downrange to sight it in, was still fun. I can see it happening if you own a lot of guns and are bringing several to the range.

Myself? Would never happen. I love the preparing for a range trip the night before, wherein I load mags for the guns I'm shooting, ears, eyes, etc. I love preparing and enjoy knowing when I leave and I load my gear into the car, I'm 100% good to go. I also try to cut down on loading while at the range - I value the time a great deal, especially the last few years when I've not gone as much due to how costly ammo is.
+1 for getting in the "range bag" habit. I have a range bag that contains magazines, ammo, spotter scope, magneto-speed etc., hearing protection etc. It always comes to the range. I'm not saying I'll never forget something, but the big range bag lessens the chance of an oversight.