Doncha hate losing stuff in your own home.


It wasn't in that tackle box,,,
So now I know what my weekend is going to entail.

And I was all set to binge a season of The Crown.


I really gave you all a cussing last night.

I took the RDS off my rifle and set it on my loading bench to put a scope on it for a day at the range. When I got home and went to put the RDS back on the rifle, it wasn't on the loading bench.

I spent 10 minutes blaming you all for cursing me til I found out the RDS had moved itself up to the top of the safe.
"...but the Gremlin theory explains so MANY things so much better."

I would be more worried about my cats growing thumbs.

I thought I had accidentally tossed a set of scope lens caps after cleaning a rifle,,,
I stumbled across them completely by accident one day.

They were in a shoe under my bed,,,
Along with several other things.

Apparently my new kitten would take stuff to play with,,,
And when she was finished she stashed the things in that shoe.

When one of my very expensive hearing aids went missing from the charger,,,
I thought of those lens caps and looked in my under-the-bed shoes,,,
There it was along with a few more unnoticed missing items.


I generally put things in safe places. Problem is I don't remember where those safe places are. I can tell you the situation isn't getting any better with age...
Natman's rule for finding parts you've already bought:

1) buy another of the same part. The first one will turn up within a week.

2) for difficult cases, sell the gun it was for. That always works.
natman said:
Natman's rule for finding parts you've already bought:

1) buy another of the same part. The first one will turn up within a week.

2) for difficult cases, sell the gun it was for. That always works.
Or wait until six months after the need has passed, clean up the end of the workbench where you weren't working on that project, and find the thing you were looking for at the bottom of the pile.
So many great suggestions for finding lost items. I wondering if I tried them all the spare mag for my Ruger LCP would show up. I remember putting it in a pocket of a bag. I have been looking for that mag for over 10 years. I would be happy if I could find the bag.
I am admittedly to WORST as far as initially trying to place something in a location where I will easily find it at a later date. THIS DOES NOT WORK!! lol . My most recent situation was I lost my coveted Gerber 06 auto folding knife that my kids bought me for Christmas. I though I left it at my gun club while volunteering some hours of work. I tore my house apart, sent emails to the club asking if anyone had turned it in. 2 months go by and I find the knife partially jammed in the passenger seat of my Honda Civic ! (knife is black, and my seats are black so it was hard to spot. Only reason I found it was cleaning the floor mats in my Civic ! Very relieved and happy ! Old age is not well with me !
I've really only lost a couple of things forever in my house, I moved out here 11 years ago and thought for certain when moving I'd find a couple of things, the extra key to my wife's Explorer and a little 2" ss S&W knife I got with a 686 when they first came out, neither one was found.
I did manage to lose stuff during the move however, still looking for a unopened set of 3 montec broadheads.
Old age is not well with me!
I hear ya, but remember, it beats the alternative!

I did manage to lose stuff during the move
A good friend of my went into the military and his wife told my wife one of the (very few) benefits of being moved around so often is that it cuts the clutter. "Three moves is about the same as a fire" is something my friend's wife said. I sometimes think my wife is looking approvingly at one of those two bedroom senior living condos/apartments thingy's.
I hear ya, but remember, it beats the alternative!

A good friend of my went into the military and his wife told my wife one of the (very few) benefits of being moved around so often is that it cuts the clutter. "Three moves is about the same as a fire" is something my friend's wife said. I sometimes think my wife is looking approvingly at one of those two bedroom senior living condos/apartments thingy's.
The alternative beats old age.
What's worse it loosing stuff in a move. I bought a nice trail camera before I moved and I'm sure I've checked every box that's still unpacked and it's nowhere to be found. There's only a few things that I can't find after the move and I'm sure they weren't packed together.

My gun room is still somewhat disorganized but I've been though every box in there a dozen times. I'd fix it up better but we're still planning to remodel that part of the house so I don't want to get the gun room all fixed up to have to tear it all out later on...
