Doncha hate losing stuff in your own home.


New member
Doncha hate losing stuff in your own home! :mad:

Years ago I bought two inexpensive red dot optics,,,
I put them on a pair of Ruger 22/45's I have.

I didn't like them on the Rugers so I took them off,,,
Then I put one on a 6" Beretta NEOS and I liked it quite a bit.

So last night I'm playing musical scopes.

I took a Leupold Rifleman off of a H&R .357 Mag Handi-Rifle,,,
So I can mount it on a Mauser es340b rifle.

I took a Bushnell Banner off of an H&R 22 Sportster,,,
And mounted it on the H&R .357 Mag Handi-Rifle.

Then I went to my parts cabinet,,,
To get the spare red-dot and mount it on the H&R 22 Sportster.

But where the second red-dot was SUPPOSED to be,,,
Is apparently not where I put the dang thing.

I have no memory of where I stashed it.

So I took the red-dot off of the Beretta NEOS,,,
And mounted it on the H&R .22 Sportster.

That H&R .22 Sportster was the first rifle I bought for myself when I got back into shooting,,,
It was only minute of soup can at 50 yards with the original iron sights,,,
That Bushnell Banner made it minute of soup can at 100 yards.

But I never liked shooting it very much after that as the scope was too high,,,
I had to use shoot-thru mounts to get the scope to clear the hammer.

I played around with the red-dot on the Sportster for a while last night,,,
I decided that this is what I should have done years ago,,,
The rifle is now quick to find the target and aim with.

So now I hafta spend some time scouring my cluttered gun room,,,
Hoping to find the missing red-dot to mount back on the Beretta NEOS.

I know the quickest way to find it,,,
Is to order a replacement.

I'm happy with the new arrangements,,,
The Leupold will mate with the Mauser very nicely,,,
The Bushnell Banner is much more appropriate for the H&R .357 Mag Handi-Rifle,,,
And I believe that I will be much happier with the red-dot mounted on the H&R .22 Sportster.

But that Beretta NEOS pistol really begs for that red-dot's return,,,
Bracing against the roof pole at my rifle/pistol club,,,
I can hit a clay pigeon at 50 yards with it.

Oh well. :o

Saturday the red-dot search begins,,,
Wish me luck.


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I'm still looking for a spare red dot scope that I haven't seen for years. I know it's here because I have an empty box, but why the scope isn't in the box when it's not on a firearm is a mystery.
I hesitate to ask, but is there a chance you guys have "lost" a gun that just happened to have a dot attached?
I DON’T lose things. 99% of the time if something is misplaced it’s due to somebody else moving it/losing it.

That said in those super rare times I do lose something IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!! I will damn near tear drywall down in the hunt and will not rest until it’s found.
"I hesitate to ask, but is there a chance you guys have "lost" a gun that just happened to have a dot attached? "

Nah, at least I don't think so,,,
Last "semi-annual rust check" they were all accounted for.


"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."

An old(er) science fiction story had a voice responsive computer that could keep track of anything in your house. Example: "Computer: red dot sight, third drawer of my desk." or "Computer: reading glasses, bedside table." or "Computer: 3/8 electric drill, garage." etc.

I wonder if Siri or one of the voice actuated computers can do this today?

(I know, in the future the cameras everywhere in your house will keep track of everything for you...but I'm not willing to go THAT far...heck I don't even have the Siri.)
Guess it all depends on the definition of "lost" or "misplaced". I use them freely unfortunately. I know it here, but where did I hide from myself. LOL
Two things I always seem to loose are reading glasses and allen/torx wrench sets, I've conquered the reading glasses problem by buying a dozen pair and leaving them in every room and vehicle. I'm still working on the allen/torx wrench set problem, every time they go on sale at home depot I buy a set, probably have 4 each of sae/mm and torx but it's not enough, to many shooting boxes.
My Father would lose his screwdriver when he stuck it in his back pocket. Every car he owned had a rip in the driver seat backrest....

Before she grew up and moved out, any tool I lost in my house, I would just ask my daughter. She knew where it was, no matter what it was I was looking for. (and it was usually in her room!)

TOday, the lost ones just stay lost. UNTIL I buy another one, THEN they show up again!! :rolleyes:
Perhaps it a Gremlin and not me ???

I DON’T lose things. 99% of the time if something is misplaced it’s due to somebody else moving it/losing it.
Right and when it happens, it's us who is the problem; or a Gremlin, that maks the rounds. I usually don't worry much about it as I know that sooner or later, it will turn up. My step-dad use to remind me of putting "it" back where I got it. Being a "Vintage" person, I now know why he said that. I too lost a RedDot that was suppose to be in the scope drawer. Found it in my holster drawer. ..... :eek:

Now then I said I don't worry much about it but once in awhile, I'm reminded the I have "mislaid" the spare key to the Dial-Lock for the Gun-Safe. Tried to get a spare made and the refused to make one. ..:rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
Aguila Blanca said:
I'm still looking for a spare red dot scope that I haven't seen for years. I know it's here because I have an empty box, but why the scope isn't in the box when it's not on a firearm is a mystery.

Perhaps it's not on your firearm, Mr. Blanca?

chucky222 said:
I experience the 5 second rule mostly.
Put something down (10mm wrench) and 5 seconds later I can't find it.

That's because it's a 10mm.
I just had a thought,,,

I was reading this thread and remembered,,,
I have a fishing tackle box with some old cap and ball stuff.

It might be in there.

If not I will have to dismantle the storage room,,,
It's a rats nest anyways so it could use a good tidying up session.

I'll find it,,,
I'm somewhat OCD,,,
If I don't locate it I'll go crazy!


Funny you mention it--I recently bought a fast fire red dot--took it off a handgun and put it on a shelf where I keep optics, and now I can't find it anywhere. I've done several thorough searches and examined all my guns just in case I spaced and reinstalled it on something--nope--it's gone!!