Doing anything different this weekend?

My wife and I are headed to the airport to begin a much needed and deserved vacation. I was an airline pilot on 9/11. It took weeks for the people to begin to fly again. I want to show my support for my airline and I also want to demonstrate to my friends that I am not afraid to fly. If we become afraid, the terrorist have won.
Sorry ringolevio, sometimes its hard to embrace the subtle beauty of the forest when all those damn trees are in the way. I did indeed review your post & thought about attending one of those rallies myself given their prominence throughout our land today.... oh wait.
The problem with forum conversation is that it can't convey the subtle nuances of sarcasm. Sorry for lumping you in with "them".

Today I'm going to work a little. Got off work at 0600 and have some odds & ends to do on the farm. Love to see my son for a while but he's with his mom today.
Started the day, as I try to start all Sundays, by assisting at the Traditional Latin Mass - offered at old St. Mary's Church in downtown DC (in Chinatown, actually). We offered prayers for the dead, their families, and for all those in harm's way.

Later, I'll just be cleaning a couple of 1911s and reflecting.

Oh, and the U.S. is playing Ireland in the Rugby World Cup (televised by NBC :eek:) at 1300 ET.
Put up the flags on the front lawn. Remembered my family and friends here and gone. Said a prayer for those who protect our country.

Other than setting out the flags - same as everyday. If we change they win.
I am going to be out and about. I have no fear at all of a terrorist attack. If it comes my way i will deal with it.
Sorry ringolevio, sometimes its hard to embrace the subtle beauty of the forest when all those damn trees are in the way. I did indeed review your post & thought about attending one of those rallies myself given their prominence throughout our land today.... oh wait.
The problem with forum conversation is that it can't convey the subtle nuances of sarcasm. Sorry for lumping you in with "them".

'Cool! Thanks!

And here's how it stands as the 10th anniversary of 9/11 draws to a close [no sarcasm here]:

Unfortunately, there's still some likelihood that the future may bring (God forbid!) other attacks.

And, just as unfortunately, there's precious little likelihood that we'll ever see any of those rallies...