Doing anything different this weekend?


New member
I was in LE ten years ago, some of the behind-the-scenes stuff was mind-boggling back then, still hard to believe today.
FBI has done a good job of getting the word out to the public about being extra vigilant this weekend, especially in NY and DC. Since I would take a beating rather than go to either city on any other weekend it's a moot point for me but from what we learned a decade ago I can't rule out terrorist acts at any large gathering or metro area.
So my question is this, other than the obvious reflection are you going to change your routine or other activities this weekend? And please, don't make this a SHTF thread, that horse has been beaten to a pulp around here.
Theres a blood drive in Carson City for the victims of the I Hop shooting, I'll be there about 8 in the am then off to the range to check the zero on a rifle and to run some drills with the mini 14 and sidearm. Then I might go over to the Bunny Ranch on the was home.
Changing your routine is what they wanted. -Slopemeno

Agreed, terrorism is effective even if they do long as we act out of fear.
Big plans

I'm looking forward to attending one of the many rallies and demonstrations at which our non-radical brethren in the religion of peace will be taking to the streets all across the nation to show their love for America and their respect for other religions and to unequivocally condemn and repudiate terrorism done in the name of their faith.
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Flag at half-mast...
Wearing a black arm band to work Sunday...
Expect to be in several conversations...
Flag at half staff, driving all day with headlights on, attending memorial in Town, and candlelight vigil in Village.
May the Lord keep them to his bosum, and may he protect those who still fight in their name.
Ring, there are wackos in every religion. Making a point to emphasise that yours is a "religion of peace" prompts me to ask a question you may or may not be able to answer. Why do the leaders of the Islam not work to control the extremist Muslims with every ounce of energy & resources at their disposal? Like it or not, the perception of Islam is anything & everything except "peaceful". This is an honest question with no disrespect meant to you or your faith.
As for this weekend, same as always. Not a lot of attractive & high profile targets in central Ks. I am on EMS duty from 1800-0600 today/tomorrow but expect a good night of sleep.
Gonna take the AR to work plus extra mags. Just in case. Taking another out of the safe for the boys to have for the next two days.
I went and donated blood at the red cross!

Other than that no. I am on call this week end so I cant do much other than hand out and may be watch some football before I get called in. Of course my thoughts and prayers are with those most effected by 911.
I kind of screwed up my weekend for shooting.

I wasn't thinking and I did a pretty intense workout yesterday, and now all of my muscles are sore. I got a GripMaster recently and I went a little nuts with it and my fingers are killing me today.

I thought about taking aspirin and just going to the range but just doing dry firing this morning, my hands are shaky and I know I'm not going to do well at the range.

If I went, it would be a waste of money.

So I'm cleaning my handguns today and waxing them.

Yes that's right, I'm waxing them with Turtle Wax car wax. It's a way for my guns and I to still be close this weekend even though we're not going to be shooting...
safest place i know

I'm going to the safest place I know.......Eastman gun show in Macon way they would hit that place....all the ammo and guns to defend our redneck selves with!!!
Im going to go see some family and probably do some gun cleaning as I planned on it tomorrow. However, I am a bit more cautious at the moment in case something did happen. I am also going to have my AR near by when I can with at least 6 extra mags. Im carrying extra ammo for my Smith 3913NL, many magazines in my car and a few more (4 + 1) on my person. .32 Seecamp as a BUG. Other than arming myself a bit more than usual my day is not going to change and I dont mind being prepared ;). Dont let these guys in your head too much, like someone else said in another post they dont even have to attack to terrorize. Technically, they are terrorizing us by making us prepare for an attack. Well I plan on being prepared but Im not going to worry about them and let the terrorists win. Of course I will be thinking of the fellow American's who lost their lives which gets me :mad: and sad. R.I.P. 9/11 victims and hero's who fell victim-- You are NOT Forgotten.
What do I need, a "sarcasm font"??

Ring, there are wackos in every religion. Making a point to emphasise that yours is a "religion of peace" prompts me to ask a question you may or may not be able to answer. Why do the leaders of the Islam not work to control the extremist Muslims with every ounce of energy & resources at their disposal? Like it or not, the perception of Islam is anything & everything except "peaceful". This is an honest question with no disrespect meant to you or your faith.

"My religion"?? "My faith"??

Although I still greatly enjoy reading and posting here, among my disappointments with TFL are that this seems to be a largely humorless group, and that irony (being one of the more sophisticated forms of humor) is largely wasted here.

But scroll back up to my post and try reading it again, and perhaps the message will not be so elusive. You might even get the intended chuckle out of it.

Cheers, "Ringolevio"
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I'm doing absolutely nothing in regards to the date. It has no effect on my personal life, and tomorrow is simply another day. I'm no more or less armed, I will be doing what I would normally do, and hopefully sleep in. If I don't wake up for some reason, tonight has left me with all I need, and I'm at peace.

As for the religious talk, let's keep that out of here guys, I'd hate to see an honest thread thrown out because of personal opinions on a subject that's caused more wars than monetary gain.
I'll be participating in a 2-gun (centerfire rifle and pistol) Zombie match where some/most of the zombie targets are being replaced with Bin Laden targets in honor of 9/ essentially, I'll be killing (paper) terrorists tomorrow! ;)

I've been in LE in CT for the last 15 years, and previously served nearly 10 years in Army intelligence and special operations. Like many other LEOs in the region, I assisted at Ground Zero immediately following 9/11/01 and vividly remember the carnage. I also lost a few friends from the special operations community in the years that followed in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places.

All the media hoopla surrounding 9/11 every year really hits home. I think it's much needed to remind many of us that these threats still exist and of the loss of so many of our friends and neighbors.

For me, I hope that this shooting event will help me cope a little with the day by lightening up the mood and providing some much needed stress relief.
what I'm doing this weekend.

On 9-23-2001 I attended a Cleveland Browns game with my wife. It was the first game played after 9/11 and we were a little nervous about large public gatherings. We had talked about it for a couple of days and finally decided that, if those members of the NYPD and FDNY had the guts to run into the burning WTC, we could certainly go to a football game. I'm glad we did because it turned out to be a very healing experience. I don't remember the score or who the Browns played, but I do remember Jon Bonjovi on the Jumbotron leading every Nfl fan in the country in a patriotic song. I remember everyone holding a small flag and more than a few of us wiping a tear from our eyes as we saluted the Flag. I have tickets for the game tomorrow. Am I going? You bet your ass I'm going!