Dog Defense

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Correct !!!

Pahoo, you obviously do not understand dogs.
You need to go back and read the OPs initial post refers to. He is specifically talking about Pitbulls and not just any dog. As far as understanding what a Pitbull might be thinking, you are correct. I do watch a dog's body language and I always look for a leash. Most of time, it's the dog owners that I find fault with. ...... :mad:

Be Safe !!!
You need to go back and read the OPs initial post refers to. He is specifically talking about Pitbulls and not just any dog

I've read the original post. Are you implying that Pitbulls are somehow special among dogs? If so, please elaborate, because the type of dog should not be what one reacts to, but what the dog is actually doing.
I can quickly assess the dog's attitude.

If the dog is attacking with vicious intent, it is shot to death. No time for "second guesses". If the owner wants to "attack" I'll make certain that I have enough ammunition.

Irresponsible owners (usually druggies) can be easily removed from the "gene pool". (A little "chlorine" works wonders).

Be happy and responsible. "Avoid regrets... control your pet".

Captain, that kind of aggressive attitude is frowned upon in court I would imagine. Just because it is a dog that is attacking doesn't make it necessarily much different from any other SD scenario. Even if you were justified you could still be sued for destruction of property, charged with unlawful discharge of a firearm etc. and the chances of this happening increase if one takes on a "shoot first, ask questions later" frame of mind.

Back to the original discussion, if going the pepper spray route make sure that it is quality stuff from a proven brand. I had a mailman that once "pepper sprayed" my brother's dog after he jumped the fence. The stuff must have been expired or as weak as water, because aside from a few sneezes, it didn't slow him down in the slightest and he proceeded to chase the poor man down the street.
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NateKirk I love dogs. The difference between pitbulls and other large aggressive breeds, and other dogs is huge. I am going to be far more willing to give some breeds a chance to posture than a pitbull. Why? I am not going to give an animal (or 3) that can kill me or mine the opportunity. If the neighbor lady chases me with a bat I will run; if her husband pulls a gun, maybe not. Allowing a pitbull or a thug the chance to hurt me or mine won't happen if I can prevent it. I will always look for a way out, but I am not going to allow an undisciplined, unrestrained dangerous animal to aggressively approach me. If that offends the owner or anyone else, so be it.
Could you explain exactly why pitbulls are more dangerous than other breeds?

If a dog is running up to someone, that person must judge the situation based on what they think the dog's intentions are, not by what breed it is. Automatically spraying or shooting a dog because it is a pitbull is akin to drawing on someone just because they are running in your direction; it's a failure to assess the situation which can lead to problems. Reading the animals body language, and reasoning is always important; are the dog's wagging their tails, are they growling, raised fur, are they more interested in me or my pet, etc.

BTW I just had an interesting thought; What is the legality of shooting a dog that is mauling your pet? Of course one would be moraly justified in doing so, but if pets are technically property then wouldn't that legally count as firing a weapon for defense of property, and not life and limb? I suppose the other persons dog is considered property as well.....any legal minds out there that can shed light on this?

Oh no! So dangerous! Look at her now.

Pitbulls aren't any more or less dangerous than any other breed.

People. People are ones that make them dangerous. As can be done with any breeds. Why Pitbulls? Well... Why did they get the best fit gladiators to fight in the colostrum?

Pitbulls have more natural muscle and can be trained to gain even more, faster than any other breed. That's why. So your little chart is skewed facts. Kind of like how people use charts for "gun crimes" in all types of skewed ways. You don't happen to think guns go off on their own too, do you? Cause it's kind of the same thing.

Pitbulls aren't any more or less dangerous. In fact, the German Shepherd we have and the African Basenji are both far more aggressive than our Pitbull.
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