Dog attack

Bullrock you are not receiving 5x5

I never said the USA is a democracy. I don't think I am living in ancient Athens. BTW Athens was a very limited democracy due to restrictions on who could vote (kind of like Florida). Just kidding. :D

Some laws get enacted by referendum in the USA.

There are different types of Republics. The Republic we live in is very different from Plato's fictional republic and the Ancient Roman Republic. In our republic all adults with few exceptions vote on referendums and to elect representatives. Plato and the Romans only allowed a narrowly defined aristocracy to vote.

Now if anyone else disagrees with me could you please start a new thread so we can get back to the dogs and guns.

"In a world devoid of semiautomatic, a properly set-up Webley is the ultimate full-size self-defense handgun".
quote} once a bitter always a bitter {quote
first off its "biter". and second where do you get your facts??? thats entirely unture. its just like saying that once a dog, wolf, bear, or whatever gets a taste for human blood they will be a man eater for life.
its 100 times easier to train a viscious dog to be friendly and safe than it is to train a friendly safe dog to be viscious.
i read maybe 1/50th of this thread.

i wish we were a pure republic. too many uninformed people voting - hence restrictive but impotent gun laws, for example.

on the dog thing, i gotta say, if you're moving in close enough to whack it or stab it, why not just take a contact shot? through its back or side, into the ground, away from the kid. that's what i'd do - i think the potential for shock is a lot higher with a gunshot. wrestling or inflicting wounds similar to what the the dog might get in an actual dogfight could only encourage it to stay clamped, but i would think a temporary disruption that gets up into double-digit centimeter size in cross-section is probably going to make the dog at least back off momentarily to try a new angle of attack.

heck though, i'd just fight him with my hands for fun. maybe even tie the thing up, throw it in a cage with some snakes, a moose and myself and see who comes out. i love rasslin' with my 130 pound bernese, i could see if that "training" has done me any good :rolleyes:

I tend to agree once a biter always a biter, because most people will not train or act any differently once their dogs bite someone. They just go in denial mode (my poor doggy wouldn't bite no one!!!) Like I stated in an above post there is a lot of losey irresponsible dog owners out there. There are a few good ones, but they are beat out mostly by the bad ones.

Let me see, I think I can sum up.
In spite of any evidence to the contrary...

1. It's never the dog's fault.
2. The dog's breed has nothing to do with it.
3. It's always the owner's fault except when the victim brought it on himself/herself.
4. MY dog would never do anything like that.
5. A well-trained dog would never do anything like that.
6. If you KNOW dogs, you'll never have to shoot them or injure them to prevent them attacking or stop them attacking. Just raise your voice and say "Bad Dog". [In extreme cases, you might have to smack their nose lightly.]
7. Anyway, I'd rather not talk about dogs, let's argue politics instead.
8. Why is everyone so upset? It's not like the kid actually DIED!

can anyone tell this is sarcasm?
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My Lab an I were the victims of a PB attack about a year ago so my opinions, right or wrong are based upon a personal experience.

"Would you run to the dog and shoot it? Or would you try to distract it and then shoot it? If it had released the victim and started to back off, would you still shoot it?

Like a fool, I had no means of self-defense other than my hands and feet when we were attacked (that will never happen again), but it is my opinion that since the attack occured in a residential neighborhood, and the ferocity of the attack it would have been extremely difficult to shoot the dog while attacking. Running up to the dog and shooting him while attacking would be extremely difficult, PB's latch on and don't let go.

Distract a PB, not likely, I kicked and beat the PB as hard as I could (I am not a little guy) and it never slowed him down, he was intent on killing my Lab, and my Lab was intent on protecting me. It took a baseball bat and two round house hits to the top of his head before he released.

Would I have shot him once he relaeased? No! As much as I would like to have, that was animal control's job. If I had of been armed and he tried to attack again, I would have shot him.
horse pucky

1. It's never the dog's fault.
Bs, it is still the dogs fault if it bites you and you did nothing to provoke it. You can get bad dogs just like you have bad people.

2. The dog's breed has nothing to do with it.
Another misconception. If the dog is bred with high aggressive tendacies than it is more likely to be easier to be provoked

3. It's always the owner's fault except when the victim brought it on himself/herself.
I agree wholeheartedly

4. MY dog would never do anything like that.
That is the biggest crock of all. I have heard that line while the dog is trying to bite my head off......

5. A well-trained dog would never do anything like that.
I agree, but 95% of dogs are not trained.

6. If you KNOW dogs, you'll never have to shoot them or injure them to prevent them attacking or stop them attacking. Just raise your voice and say "Bad Dog". [In extreme cases, you might have to smack their nose lightly.]

I really don't know who you are trying to fool with that one. Apparently you have not had to deal with dogs on a daily basis. Over 3000 mailmen are bitten every year. I have hardly every got a dog to stop because I raised my voice and say BAD DOG. (you must be joking)

Somebody is definatly living in kansas with toto and alice if you believe even half of this junk.

Sorry johnksa

Sorry, I had a bad day with dogs. Mostly pitt bull mix. The owners just can't seem to figure out why they have not recieved any mail for last 30 days.

steve :rolleyes:
Bullrock you are not receiving 5x5
I never said the USA is a democracy. I don't think I am living in ancient Athens. BTW Athens was a very limited democracy due to restrictions on who could vote (kind of like Florida). Just kidding.

Hey web, stuff it will ya! I may not be receiving 5 x 5, but I never was much good at understanding physco babble! I've voted a few times. I don't ever recall voting on a Federal Referendum, nor have you...I've been to Athens, Have you?

It is my understanding that the United States is considered to be a country where adult citizens vote to enact laws by referendum and to elect representatives to excersise the power of administration and to enact laws. In other words the U.S.A. is a Democratic Republic as opposed to an Aristocratic Republic. Am I wrong?
YES! To compare the Roman Empire to the Republic of United States of America is STUPID!!! Do they expect you back at the hospital anytime soon??? My last word, cuz this is off topic...

I hate to perpetuate this off-topic thread jack but...

ATW525 said:
making sure young children are supervised when they're outside playing... teaching them not to provoke dogs (most likely the number one reason kids get attacked by them)... teaching them not to talk to strangers... being prepared for an emergency with both the proper mindset and the proper equipment... and other common sense stuff that could save a child's life far better than trying to regulate the world into a safer place.

I agree that children need to be taught the things you mentioned but I have a problem with a few of them. How would you define "young children"? A powerful dog can even take out most full grown men. As for not provoking dogs, how does a kid walking home from school constitue provoking a dog? Nothing to argue about with teaching kids not to talk to strangers. As for being prepared for emergencies with the proper mindset AND THE PROPER EQUIPMENT... How about we make sure our kids are always armed? As for watching kids every second of the day, it is not possible or practical. You rely on the government to keep your kids safe when they are not directly under your supervision. This is done by having laws in place and law enforcement to enfore those laws.

ATW525 said:
It does not. To use your speeding example, the state cannot make you not speed. They can only punish you after the fact. How many people do you know that always drive the speedlimit or under? That's the problem with trying to obtain safety through regulating what others do... it's only marginally effective at best. People will do what they want, anyways.

If you follow my reasoning, the government will eventually STOP you from speeding. Fines are mainly a deterrent as you can physically put the pedal to the metal in any car and make it speed (assuming the car is capable of surpassing the speed limit of course). If these deterrents do not work, the goverment will place stiffer penalties including arresting you. If you do not think that being thrown in jail is an effective way at stopping you from doing something, in this illustration - speeding, than you are delusional.

People are effectively controlled on a daily basis by the laws that are put in place due to the penalties they have to face. These laws are highly effective as most people abide by them. Those that do not are penalized if and when they get caught. If you don't believe me, make sure you speed every time you get in your car. You will be controlled!

As for your last 2 lines, what will charging a home owner with murder do to bring your child back from the grave? How will a scarred child lead a normal life? Can you count on people to be responsible for their own actions? That is not the norm in todays society. People must be controlled to some extent and we are blessed to live in a country where we have a say in who controls us and what laws we allow to control us.
stephen426 -

Not sure what to tell you, you seem to have countered your own points and answered your own questions better than I could.

Not being arguementative but how did my previous post counter my own points?

I still believe that government intervention is required to force people to act in a safe and responsible manner. I still stand by my point that government does control you.

Back up your comments please.
You either get or you don't, what can I say? I've already pretty much said everything I had to say in previous posts. As far as I'm concerned this is one dead horse that's already been beaten to a pulp, and I don't share your interest in continued debate on the subject.
Interesting posts. I am handling a case where the neighborhood pit bulls got free and attacked their neighbor when they walked outside their house. The home owner was able to get back inside and headed back out with his trusty 9mm. The dogs were unimpressed however (they only respect .45's apparently) and charged him forcing him up onto his car hood from which he fired one round into the chest of the lead dog length wise ending that confrontation. After investigation he gets his gun back.

"If he's actually holding the boy in his teeth, I'd start kicking the dog in the abdomen to make him let go, and if that didn't work, just hold the gun against his abdomen - can't miss at zero inches"

I thought that holding the muzzle against anything is a bad idea. Bad things can happen when there is too much pressure in the barrel. Am I wrong? Can someone back me up on this?
Actually, Pit Bull aggression is almost ALWAYS directed towards animals, particularly other dogs. They've been bred that way for over 1,000 years.

Yes, you can still manage to excite one into paying you particular fixated attention, but it is the rare occasion.

If, however, one chooses to nibble on your noggin you're in for a world of hurt.