Does your wife or GF hunt???

My ex hunted deer & doves with me. She did get a buck.

My GF now will retrieve for me, but will not shoot game. She does shoot sporting clays with me.
Does your wife or GF hunt???

Yeah, they both do
My wife dont but my GF does,wife might start if she finds out about GF.

Kraigwy & Big P.....This may not be a very good idea for yall....Havin women who know how to shoot....LOL
My wife likes to shoot, but won't hunt deer. She says that they are too pretty, but she also says that she'd shoot a hog because they are ugly. So...won't shoot pretty but will shoot ugly. As I get older and uglier, that whole logic pattern bothers me.
The wife is an enthusiastic fisher-person, but she has made clear that she has no desire to hunt with me. To be fair, she has no problem with my hunting habits, nor when I grill venison (or whatever), and I in turn respect her desire to have "no heads on the wall." Sometimes I suppose compromise is best..... :)
My wife likes squirrel hunting and target shooting. She has no desire to be cold, wet, nor miserable. She owns her own shotgun and an absolutely pristine pinned and recessed Model 28. She told me a couple of years ago, "The grandsons are getting older, you'd better pick up a few rifles when you can find a good deal on them."

She totally supports my hunting habits and I hunt with her sister and brother-in-law. She'll cook anything I bring in the door, but insists that it be sans hide and entrails.

I don't like heads on the wall, so there's no problem there.
My wife of many years is a small varmint hunter.

With a fly swatter in one hand and a can of Raid in the other she's hell on bugs, especially spiders. Anything larger is left for me.
My wife is a true southern country women. Born in Florida raised in Tennessee.
SHE LOVES TO HUNT.....Prefers to do it durring the fall and winter months.

"She's good in the woods, and better in the cabin".
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Hunting? wife and I discussed it.....had to make a choice on who would stay home to cook, clean, do laundry, and have the babies, she seemed better equipped for that than I. ;)
YEP,Wife found out about GF,Now wife is hunting Her does that count.I hate TV dinners & sleeping under the porch. LOL;):D
My wife hunted pheasant and quail a bit when we were dating..... does not have the patience to set still on a deer stand.....

Two of my daughters hunt deer, and Eldest daughter hunts just about anything that walks, runs, flies or swims......