Does you skeet or trap club have minimum barrel lengths?

No minimum barrel lengths at the clubs I belong to. The open and out and no more than two in the magazine rules apply at all of them. The only other restrictions are that targets must be shot from the designated firing positions and all guns must be shot from the shoulder. The later rule is less about not permitting pistol grip only shotguns but to discourage hip shooting.

Although I have shot skeet with a 14" 870 at my club it was a stunt and I've got more suitable guns for the purpose.
oneounceload said:
The reason most clubs have barrel minimum lengths is for the blast and noise generated by the shorter barrel. It is especially prevalent on a trap line.

I've heard that line before, too. However when you ask them if they forbid fully ported trap and sporting clays guns for the same noise reasons, you get dumb blank stares.
That's because the majority of the harsh blast is with shorter barrels and closer to everyone. Personally, I HATE ported barrels for the same reason - they serve no purpose on target shotguns except to make more noise on the side. It would be great if Browning offered target guns without them - you'll notice their field guns do not come equipped as such
Excessive noise had nothing to do with the rule at my public range, at least that's what I was told. The county employees were tired of the safety violations they witnessed by a large percentage of the HD gun crowd. I was told that it was common for someone to show up, hand the puller his ticket, then pump out 7 rounds of buck shot there on the table.

I've been doing this long enough to know that safety has nothing to do with what kind of gun you shoot, but these employees felt that a certain 'type" of gun was more prone to have an unsafe shooter behind agreed.
I've been doing this long enough to know that safety has nothing to do with what kind of gun you shoot, but these employees felt that a certain 'type" of gun was more prone to have an unsafe shooter behind agreed

If their experience showed them to more right than wrong, then that becomes an image problem that HD gun owners need to correct