Does This Scare Anyone Else?

The definitive "robot" warrior was depicted 30 years ago by Keith Laumer in his books Bolo and Rogue Bolo. Imagine a 40-60 ft high armored tank equipped as a "planetary siege unit" that is not only computerized, but it is self-aware and self-directing. :eek:

In the meantime, to see how good robotics are getting watch this video. Very good robotics.

And for kids, nothing is as fun as seeing a "real" dinosaur.
(I couldn't help but think that since the Japanese killed off Godzilla, why do they keep trying to make a new one?:D)
Co worker, a few years back was one of General Pattons Battalion Commanders. Even then, all sorts of theories about robots were floating around. Anyway, he thought they were a big waste of money, as combat machines. No matter how dangerous the mission, he was always able to find a private able to carry it out, and a human brain is ever better than a computer in unpredictable operations.

Robots are easily overpowered, if you are familiar with its capabilities.
Ok... am I the only one who has seen the terminator and matrix films?

These things just scream Skynet to me...

On the plus side, in the future you wont have to worry about fighting the human swat team kicking down your door for owning a gun...
I thought the police floaters in RUNAWAY were an excellent example of how robotic technology can aid in police and military roles.

A small robot with thermal imaging and the ability to send it's take back to base could be invaluable with searching for the bad guys.
No, this does not scare me. It reminds me of those farcical AT-ATs from The Empire Strikes Back

Why would you want this sort of contraption, when you could put a lot more armor/armament on treads?
I've also wondered about the problem of remote control. Someone smart enough to deploy a strong RF signal in the right frequency spectrum might shut down your 'bot -- or worse, take it over.
Mebbe I'm just paranoid....BUt I have a huge despisation for robotics.

I know the sci-fi goes a ltitle overboard....But life is truth, and the truth is no matter how good it is, eventually programming has a "fttzzzz" in it.
Give the old graybeards and blackhats a few months and couple dozen trips to the local radio shack, the goverment won't be the only people with nifty robots.

Speaking of which, I've always wanted to build my own UAV. Kind of like a mini predator, GPS guided, and carrying a couple small cameras to record its flightpath on.

I've got way too many ideas, and not near enough money.
Yes, it does scare me.

I had not planned on buying a Barrett (or other .50 BMG). However, seeing that video changed my mind. Seriously.

Having a background in embedded software, I realize:

  1. This thing will eventually be dirt cheap to manufacture.
  2. Adding autonomous capabilities will be near trivial.
  3. Someone has probably already given thought to having them work together in packs.

Yes, right now it is mostly a fancy remote control toy. However, it will be a simple thing to add capabilities that give it functionality to work like such:

  1. Robot command gets a call for help needed in a man hunt.
  2. 12 Big dogs are deployed.
  3. Operator loads target coordinates into each and selects "pack" programming.
  4. The Big Dogs move in and attempt to locate and contain target based on motion detection and heat signature.
  5. The operator sits in a comfy chair at the CP possibly hundreds of miles away and monitors the status, video, etc of each Big Dog making corrections as needed.

Sounds wonderful. What a labor saving device! Unless you are the one being hunted...

They will eventually carry firepower, no doubt about that.

The PR campaign will eventually get in full swing, there will be a cute and cuddly costume for SAR purposes.
There are some people who are paranoid.

Then, there are other people who are *called* paranoid - however, the reality
is that they have been around enough years and seen enough rough road that
they have a clearer vision of what mankind is capable of given the opportunity.

Many events have played out in the last couple of decades that if you had
suggested the possibility of happening would have labeled you a member of
the lunatic fringe.
The government just shows off these new toys to distract you from thinking about the chip they put in your brain.
I will crush you like an insect!