Does the Heller Verdict open the door toward lifting the import Bans

Redneck_Riot said:
...when the enemy is weak and retreating should we not offer our terms of unconditional surrender?
I afraid that the enemy is not weak and retreating. Remember, it was a 5 to four decision. That is far too close for my comfort.

And one or more of the Justices may be retiring in the next year or two. Depending on who the next President is, we could see any vacancies filled with Justices opposed to our interests. The Supreme Court Court has reversed itself (albeit rarely) when there's been a change of personnel.
I believe that you are right about the foreign ban being lifted, unfortunately for us I do agree in that the American Gun Manufacturers definitely were the main orchestrators in the ban being passed.

IMHO many American manufacturers could stand to learn from European engineers in terms of quality and overalll value. I carried a Colt M4 carbine into battle and know first hand the drawbacks of this manufacturer when it truly counts. Stovepipes, FTF,failure to feed, FTE are the most common

American manufacturer's used to have more pride in their work, and in their overall craftsmanship somewhere this has fallen down and I for one would like to see a comeback-

I love America and am proud to be her citizen but for me when my life is in the balance I prefer an Ak-47 from Russia or an HK they do not jam just keep on firing till all your ammo has been sent down range-

As for the Presidential race it is still anyone's ballgame and we have to do our best to support our team-