Does the government monitor TFL?

The thread title asks if we think the government monitors TFL. “Frankly, my dear, I
don’t give a damn!”

But Ruger makes a good point here, “Every time we have a chance to show gun
owners as a positive part of society we all win.”

This thought often eludes me in the heat of the moment. However, I believe each
of us would do well to recall that many people read our TFL entries. Many of them
sympathize with us. Some don’t. Some are actively searching for entries that
could be used to defame gun ownership.

More importantly, many are in partial agreement with us. But, when we “vent”
(feeling accurately that we are among friends) we forget the “fence sitters” may not
understand we are merely blowing off steam. When we display the “shoot ‘em all
and let God sort ‘em out” attitude, this does not (as Ruger would suggest) “... show
gun owners as a positive part of society...”

As much as anyone else, I also am guilty of misrepresenting our positive role in
society from time to time. So, here’s giving y’all a “big stick”.

If you catch me making us look bad, e-mail me and tell me so - and explain why.
Just knowing some of you will be “gunning for me” ( :D) should make me a bit more
careful about how I represent all of us gun owners in public.

After all, Ruger is absolutely correct. “Every time we have a chance to show gun
owners as a positive part of society we all win.”
Who was it that said, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself." FDR I think. But anyway, we still have the vote. And that is how we have to fight our battle. And we need to get like minded people on the ballot and we need to support them; with money and time. If you develop a siege mentality and only sit back and wait for the midnight knock on the door, you have already given up. But I know people that are afraid. They have given up their FFL, they have sold their "assault" weapons. Its a tough call. But if you let the issue of gun control fester in the dark, its only will only reach critical mass at a later date. If the government wants to spend time monitoring what is said on this web site, then BFD. What are they going to do shoot me?

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts
Well, as Ruger and I have an ongoing debate in another thread, I won't comment on his statement here, except to say, that if comes down to it, Ruger, Give me a call, I'll bring more ammo ...

As for the Gov't monitoring this board, well, I think it does matter a bit, if we all present ourselves here as foaming at the mouth idiots, yes, then we might have something to be concerned about. However, there are many ways to make your positions known, and take a stand on issues that are decidedly "anti-gov't" - The problem as I see it is that more and more things are falling into that catagory.

So I will not change how I act or post. I will be truthful, and when I deem it neccessary, I will either withhold comment, or post my truths in a manner that obviously has the power to confuse and confound.

Nebob, I, too, used to be a normal guy until the clintons were elected... and for 4 years I was in denial, then it happened again. Now I'm a bit of a noid... (there's only one of me, not a pair :) )
George, behave! Some of them might be recruiting.


Devil and the deep blue sea behind me,
Vanish in the air you'll never find me...
I think everyone has a point "beyond which they will not be pushed". My age gives me a little longer time line to view things than some here, not necessarily better just longer. I know some folks who reached that point back in '68 and have just spent the last 30+ years perfecting the perfect load at their bench and at the range.

I personally have not reached that point - as of post time. But it's now down to about this far (.) from the end of my nose.

What's your point of no return? The knock on the door? Glass breaking? The smell of smoke? Just curious.

I suppose MY point of no return comes when they openly abolish some OTHER civil liberty in their efforts to get at our guns; Trial by jury, for instance, or the vote, or freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. I'm committed to the ballot box until that avenue has been closed.

Although if we see very many more episodes like that CCW ballot proposal "B" being killed with ballot rigging, and no consequences coming of it, I may just decide that that avenue HAS been closed!

Sic semper tyranus!
Remember, the people are the government and it is a axoymoron for us to be "antigovernment". How can we the people be against ourselves? There was a time when even the average American understood this fact. But i am afraid the average American believes he ,the citizen, is the servant of the government and not the other way around. It is really a hard battle to convince people they are the Sovereigns,not government property. The idea that the federal government is monitoring this or any other site is repulsive to me,but It doesnt surprise me in this day and age we live in. Sure, even back in Hoovers day there were abuses by the FBI and other Federal agencies,but this survalence today is beyond belief and would have been considered science fiction not so long ago. But the average American seems not to care and when you bring this subject up(intrusions into daily life) they give you that thousand yard stare!
The "average American" is not capable of giving you that "thousand yard stare". ;)

While not a solution, deep breaths and an occasional paragraph break are an acceptable paliative ! :) :)
Heck, I hope that all the FBI and the ATF Agents DO monitor this TFL bulletin board.

Cause then they can all read this invitation to come over to my place for some of the best barbecue, and laughs, and even some practice shooting.
Just drop me an E-Mail, and we will set up a date. Looking forward to getting to know each and every one of them.

Then the day I am brought into a court for standing up for my constitutional rights, or I am being railroaded because I am an EVIL firearms owner and must be a threat to my community.
I will have my lawyer subpoena each and every one of them, and have them testify that they know me,broke bread with me, and even shot guns with me.
And know me to be a good upstanding citizen who chooses to own firearms....just like them.

Just a thought, WOLF
Wolf: Not to dampen your invite or anything, but Koresh had the gvt over for some shooting before they decided to arrest him. He and a couple of agents fired some rounds and even exchanged guns. The gvt came back later for a BBQ.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Hal, after your post I invest you with the Title of Honoury Aussie !
Hope y'all don't get into trouble like RA did.
Monitor the TFL ?
Monitor THIS ! (I) ;)... as I pull down my pants! :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
Yeah HAL, :)

Except I wont hide in my house.
I dont play the RAT and get cornered.
That's what them seige boys like.

I don't really know what to make about what happened in WACO.
The story has kept changing over these last 5 yrs. and now seems to be revving up all over again with alot of new information.
I hope to get a chance and sit down and review it some day, and make sense out of it for myself.
All I do know is that the agent in charge needs to go.
If I understand correctly he is EX-MILITAIRY and is more comfortable with a tactical response than a negotiated resolution. That is why all these screw ups in WACO and on RUBY RIDGE.
I wasn't sure if this top guy was in charge of ATF or of FBI.

But back to my original post, my tung is planted firmly in my cheek. :)

Darn lack of winkie thingies ;)
The post was half in jest and half a reminder that: it had a somewhat erie coincidence.

HS: ME, an honor OZ? I'm flattered (blush), but really , I, umm, well, lets say,,ummm. I would have a lot of trouble saying G'day with a straight face. The scene from the Hogan movie where he discovers the B'day would play through my mind ;) Still like I said Sat morning, ya gotta love a country that has Waltzing Matilda as a national anthem. ;)

CCW for Ohio action site.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited September 14, 1999).]
Waltzing Matilda isn't our Anthem.
Advance Australia Fair is .....
Still can't figure out why we are "girt by sea" !
Who writes this crap ?
I was going to give an interpretation of Swagman etc, but as I scrolled down the song I saw the Author already provided one.
Anyway as I said before, if anyone's monitoring these boards......
Kiss my rosy yellow butt ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail

[This message has been edited by HS (edited September 14, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by HS (edited September 14, 1999).]
Don't buy the "Agent in Charge ScrewUp" spin. That was the biggest event in this nation at the time, with a new AG and a new Commander in Chief who has since demonstrated that he loves to play with military toys.

Nobody can tell me that the FBI field guys were running that op. It was political all the way.
I really don't care if the Feds are monitoring this. If they are true Americans, they will understand how I feel.
The following says it all for me!

"Little more can be reasonably aimed at with respect to the people at large than to have them properly armed and equipped. The scheme of disciplining the whole nation must be abandoned as mischievous and impracticable." Alexander Hamilton

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them." Richard Henry Lee, 1787

"A free people ought to be armed." George Washington, 1790

"The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able may have a gun." Patrick Henry

"The Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of The United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." Samuel Adams

"Unfortunately, nothing will preserve public liberty but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined" Patrick Henry.

I am an excellent American...Never infringe upon anyones rights, I believe that I am one in my community that all people respect and like, am a grandfather and have raised my children correctly (one is going for her Phd another a nuclear engineer), I have many LEO as close friends, I come from a dirt poor family and have worked hard for all that I have.

MY STATEMENT: I will not let anyone take my firearms! PLAIN FLAT PERIOD>>>>NEVER!!! No matter if it is a LEO friend. This is where it stops. If the Feds are monitoring this...SO BE IT...I am fed up with what is happening!

I guess I should take a few deep breaths...
Enough for now.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.

You stand in good stead. Almost everybody I have come in contact with states that door to door gun confiscation is the last straw. All the feds need to do is walk into any gun store and ask a simple question. "What are you gonna do when they come after our guns?" (please, don't look like a fed when you ask this question) The feds would soon see that this is not isolated. There are hundreds if not thousands of people who feel this way and, out of all those people, they have to ask themselves how many would resort to violence to protect their rights. I ask this question all the time and you would be surprised at the answers I get and the anger invoked. To me it boils down to one thing. We need to have a gun rights case go to the Supreme Court to finally answer the question of our gun rights or have a constitutional convention. I consider it a destinct possiblity that extreme violence and killing will arise out of gun confiscation schemes. Especially after talking to many, many gun owners who are absolutely American and who use the founding fathers as their guide to their freedoms. Interesting concept, isn't it? These people use a bunch of dead white guys who founded this country as their leaders. Truely a leaderless resistance, isn't it. As to me, I must by necessity sit on the sidelines as I am part of the MACHINE. None-the-less it is my right to sit on the sidelines and cheer in support of those who would fight for our freedoms.
Thanks for the message Frank, but...

Supreme Court be Damned....
Because this game is all political....$$ and Power. If the powers that be decide that they do not want firearms in the hands of true Americans....Then they can kiss my @ss.
I too can read and interpret the constitution and the bill of rights as well as any Supreme Court Justice. The laws are beginning to suck big time...
OJ the Murderer gets off...Clinton the Rapist gets off...They blow away Randy's wife...They kill innocents at Waco...Tell me that the Supreme Court will be just...I THINK NOT. Just as you said "I consider it a destinct possiblity that extreme violence and killing will arise out of gun confiscation schemes. So like I implied before, I am awaiting the firefight as are litterly thousands of others. I will continue the fight the proper way with $$ to the NRA, GOA, ILA, etc. I will continue to write the letters, make the telephone calls, write letters to the editors, get the message out by gathering signatures...But it is really getting serious....
Sorry to sound so bitter, but I am.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
I'm with Elker but I've got a couple of other trip wires-mainly breaking my door down and stealing my hard earned money. You don't need to play around with my ISP either. I will tell you where I'm at and give directions. Just email.
Don't worry about it, who ever is reading this from the DOJ probably screwed up and this is his or her punishment or it's one of those Gen-X'ers who saw too many X-files re-runs and decided they wanted to be a FED.

F.B.I- Federal Bureau of Idiots
A.T.F- *******s That ****ed up (the Waco assault wasn't too bad, I mean, you only managed to kill 81 people!)