Does the government monitor TFL?


New member
I was being my paranoid self yesterday and began wondering, "Does the government monitor The Firing Line"??
They apparently monitor sites for child porn all the time, so I was wondering if they do it here for gun violations?
What do you think?

(i used to be a nice normal guy, then the clintons got elected...)
Of course.
All the time.
Some of our members here are federal agents.

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence.
Charles Austin Beard[/quote]
Actually I think that it is a good idea that some of the agents stop here as members as long as they do an occasional post and contribute to our knowledge. And it's not a bad idea if they correct us wackos when we come up with some off the wall stuff. After all every thing we post here is public property. Or is it? Rob that question is for you. Anyway.... law enforement should be our friends. If at times we feel that things are getting to the contrary.... talking it out is a whole lot better than other alternatives. Fear comes from the unknown. To eliminate fear you must get to know the situation.

And again Rob, thanks for the site. It has really increased my knowledge and has keept me uptodate on a lot of news I would have missed.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
So what if they are. I'm not doing anything illegal, are you?
I forgot who first posted it, but we had another discussion on this topic a while back. To paraphase the quote:

To any government agency monitoring this board: BITE ME!
Heck Yeah, they monitor this site and every other site dealing with firearms, hunting, politics...etc.. They are compiling names, addresses, phone numbers....

Have you ever wondered why on many other talk forums you only have to register for the politics forum? They are compiling a list, and our names are on it. I care, but then again I don't because I want the government to know how we feel about its actions and the actions of our politicians. By reading these sites they may get the message and start acting civilized for a change and understand our concerns.
Bwahh ha ha! Good one with that last remark, Solo; I'll have to remember that one if I ever want to crack the guys up at work.

Sure, I expect that the government monitors The Firing Line. And if THEY don't, groups like HCI, or the ADL certainly must. But we're not doing anything illegal discussing this stuff, and I'm certainly not going to let the knowlege that we're probably being monitored shut me up; I'm on so many lists already, who cares about one more?

Sic semper tyranus!
I doubt BATF or any other agency spends a lot of time monitoring this or any other site. They simply don't have the resources. BUT, any LEO is obliged by his/her oath of office to take action on violations or possible violations of the law that come to his/her attention.

As I have said before, posting on a forum like this is not like whispering among friends, it is like shouting on the Larry King show.

You may feel that what you say should be private. Even if that were possible, consider this. What would you do if someone on a site said he was going to blow up the school your children attend? Would you keep quiet?

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can excerise their constitutional right of ameneding it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it."

Would this quote get a politian in any hot water in 1999? I don't think anyone hassled Abe Lincoln about this part of his first inaugaral address on March 4, 1861. I'm now probably on 50+ new lists for quoting it!

Well might as well get my name added from this board to. Here's mine.

If your out there, if your reading, my suggestion to you is leave me alone. I will let you have my guns when the last of the ammo is expended at you, the last knife is dull, the last rock is gone, the last tooth in my dogs head is broken, the last cable and rope is gone to strangle you, the last object to strike you is gone, my fingers cramp from choking you, or you have killed me. So my suggestion to you, in order for your own safety, is to simply leave me and my rights alone. You can tell your lies and take your guns in CA. But if you venture to my little part of TX, I promise to give you a war. Leave Me Alone!

Live Free or Die Trying,

I'm civil service, does my being here count for monitoring purposes?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
By God I hope they are "watching". I hope they realize that good, law abiding citizens have been made into felony criminals by the stroke of a pen. Let's see if they "JUST DO THEIR JOB" and start coming after gun owners. I have to say, of course, that I have heard many, previously, law abiding gun owners say that if the feds or local law start going after gun owners they would be happy to see....... UUHHHH, retribution. I hate to say this in a public forum but I think people need to know what may happen. I heard one guy say that he would "snipe" and kill every LEO he thought he could get away with it if they start coming after our guns. I am very afraid for the future because, from what I see, many gun owners see their gun rights as more valuable than their first amemdment rights. Apperently, many LEO's are aware of this also.

I wonder how our politicians would feel if someone were to come up to them and tell them, to "shut up" because they have no more freedom of speech. I think if you can understand that then you can understand how many gun owners feel about having their gun rights taken away. Like I said, I fear for our future.

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited September 14, 1999).]
I hope they monitor this site. My suggestion would be for the anti's, and Feds, to have the surgical procedure called an operectomy. This procedure involves severing the optic nerve from the rectum, thus inturn it would help improve the $hitty outlook they have about gun ownership.


Your welcome to hide under the bed, but when it's all over if the house is still standing, would it be to much to ask that you shut off the lights. Wouldn't want to run the electric bill up.

I truth though, I see that very type of statement I made as the key to insuring our continued firearm ownership. Yes it's radical, cold blooded, may even seem theatrical, but the fact is if ATF, FBI, Local sheriffs, and politicians see 4 or 5 million posts along those lines, it should make them take pause. Make them wonder if the fight they will create is worth it, to get a few more tax dollars out of us, sell a few more of our lands to the UN. I strive to be the nicest citizen I can be, I wear a gun shirt our ballcap everywhere I go, and I help every person that needs help. I even helped a multi tatoo, mutli pierced person hanging signs the other day. Why, because it makes me feel good to help and it makes them see us gun owners in a positive light. It can be as simple as picking-up dropped items or go as far as changing a tire. Everytime we have a chance to show gun owners as a positive part of society we all win.

Live Free or Die Trying,
