Does the GOP get the RKBA?

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
1. Huckabee is going skeet shooting to show his support for gun rights.
2. Mary Maitlan on Meet the Press, said that most GOP voters won't support Rudy as they are sportsmen and hunters and he is pro-gun-control.

Noooo!!!! Ducky wucky guns is the RKBA strikes again!!
As the GOP swings to the left they are beginning to act like Democrats. They seem to think US citizens are sheep to be sheared to support them and their big spending ways. No farmer wants armed sheep at shearing time.
The implication is correct; no they don't get it, in large part. Mary Matalin mentioned "constitutionalists" as being part of the constituency after she mentioned "hunters and sportsmen", but still.... what self-respecting conservative isN'T a "constitutionalist"? You don't have to be a "constitutionalist" (or even an English teacher) to understand this phrase, and understand that it doesn't mention "hunting" or "sporting purposes":

"The right of the PEOPLE....

to KEEP and BEAR arms

SHALL NOT be infringed."

Notice that period at the end.

Ron Paul gets it, of course.
I have to wonder. To me, it's kind of a big deal that Rudy Giuliani is leading in lots of polls. The Republican majority either don't know or don't care that his lawsuit against gun makers is still going on.
The Mary Maitlan 'conservative' probably views 'constitutionalists, sportsmen and hunters' as amusing eccentric, troglydotes from the country who can be manipulated into voting for the GOP.

She and her ilk would probably think the handgun, black rifle owning crowd as nut cases that need to be controlled. Just let big business run amok.

We can get the social conservatives with flag burning, abortion and gay marriage. So shoot some of them skeets for the hunters.
With Rudy and Hillary as our choices, we don't have a real good choice, as gun owners. Between the two, however, Rudy is by far less despicable and might be willing to listen to the voices of us, the unwashed, "not New Yorker" masses. Hillary has no socially redeemable qualities. She is devoid of morality, ethics and character.
IMO, Rudy is nothing but Hillary in drag. If Hillary is elected, at least we all know were we stand. If Rudy is elected, there will be a lot of uninformed conservatives who will be in for a shock.

1300 years ago Sun Tzu said, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I have one friend who said he will vote for Hillary rather than Rudy for just that reason.

I remember the days when I voted for someone. Then it changed to voting against someone. 2008 may be the first year when I don't want to vote for anyone.

Also, while we are all focused on the POTUS election, we really need to concentrate our efforts on getting good people in both houses of Congress.

Hilary and Obama are both socialists. Just listen to their "trial balloons" of the the nonsense that they propose. I CANNOT and WILLNOT vote for a socialist. I hope the Repubs come up with a viable pro gun candidate! :mad:
but...but...Rudi claims to have seen the light on the second amendment and is a born again gun rights advocate :rolleyes:
To the best of my knowledge there exists one and only one politician in the DC septic tank that fully and completely understands the second amendment. Not a republican, strangely enough.

Indulge my memory failings now, but if IIRC John Conyers stated something to the effect that he was not all that comfortable with the idea of private citizens have access to firearms. Oh how I wish I could find that quote because it ranks right up there with the writings of Judge Kosinski of the Ninth Circuit Court. The whole idea of the second amendment is that politicians would not feel comfortable with an armed citizenry. Being uncomfortable implies that one understands boundaries and that one is hesitant to cross those boundaries. It shows admirable psychological development and maturity.

If anyone out there in the ether runs across the quote and a source please post it because it deserves signature status.
Huckabees website statement on the 2nd specifically mentions the founders iintent. Kinda hard to make politician shooting into a photo-op (at least till the revolution) so skeet will probably have to do. Ron Paul gets it, Tancredo and Hunter both get it, it's just the "top teir" that don't. I was watching Meet the Press this morning also, I didn't get the impression she was dissing constitutionalists but she was really focused on Romney and Guiliani. She left it up to her husband to mention Ron Paul.
I think the real question is wether or not the GOP gives a flyin' hoot about RKBA.

Methinks the answer is an obvious NO! People who become politicians want power and power is only held in check by those who are subject to that power.

Has it never really occured to you that none of the politicians are saying something to the effect of "Vote for me. I will insure you maintain your rights to keep us in line".

They are the masters of your destiny (in their eyes) and how dare you even keep the tools of resistance?

Power corrupts. Suspect all who seek it. I can't remember who said it, but I live by those words.
The GOP doesn't even get what the GOP is about, let alone RKBA. Republicans were a roaring political success when they
1) cut taxes,
2) tried to reduce (not grow) gov't spending,
3) tried to shrink the gov't,
4) tried to cut gov't waste,
5) stayed out of people's gun cabinets,
6) advocated law & order policies.

A simple 6 point platform and they screwed it up by chucking the planks that most solidly resound with the public: Putting Uncle Sam on a budget, eliminating frivolous spending, and keeping Uncle Sam from getting grotesquely obese.

Naturally the GOP front-runners for president are continuing a
[sarcasm]resoundingly successful political strategy of platform simplification[/sarcasm]
by dumping yet another political plank that made the GOP successful.

As I see it, the best hopes those clowns have of winning in '08 are 1) Hillary Rodham Clinton is the Democratic candidate, and 2) the voters are so repulsed by her that they vote Republican, thereby forming the "Repulsican" party.
The GOP wants one thing, the White House. They do not care about anything but getting a candidate that can beat the democrats.
The republicans understand they want our votes and will say anything to get them, especially if Rudy gets the nod.

Rudy or Hillary doesn't really matter on the 2A. Between the two Rudy has far more of an effective Anti track record than the Hildabeast. I will vote Libertarian if it is between those two since there is not one piece of anti legislation Hillary could sign that Rudy would not sign also.

Remember the Clinton character debate... how funny that was when you now look at the Rep front runner...
I think you guys are underestimating the inherent evil of Hillary. Rudy MIGHT sign pro-gun control legislation; Hillary would push for gun control. As I said previously, Rudy at least has the capacity, in my opinion, of realizing that what New Yorkers think is good for NY isn't necessarily good for America. Hillary does not have that capacity. She's ignorant and arrogant...a deadly combination.
1. Huckabee is going skeet shooting to show his support for gun rights.

Many more Republicans "get it" with regards to the second amendment than do Democrats.

Mike Huckabee is particularly strong on an originalist interpretation of the second amendment. He has stated explicitly that the second describes an individual right that exists independently of militia service, and that the second only incidentally touches on hunting, collecting, and sport shooting.

Fred Thompson, Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, and Duncan Hunter are all as strong on the second amendment as Huckabee.

Unfortunately, Romney and Giuliani aren't. Both support a renewal of the Assault Weapons ban for example.
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I want to see a candidate at an IDPA or IPSC match. A three gun one!

Not the ever popular skeet shoot or birdie hunt. Darn - Clinton, Kerry, Bush - they all went out for birdies!!

Of course, leave Cheney home! Sorry!! :D