Does SO62 = IMR4320?

Explosia is the maker. Lovex is a brand name they own. On page 9 of their reloading manual, they describe S062 as:

"S062 High density, single base, tubular propellant similar to Accurate 4064 most suitable for 8 x 57 IS, .30-06 and other ball cartridges."​

That's from the horse's mouth. No mention of IMR4320.

On pages 39, 40, and 41 of this load data they list data for 8 different 180-grain bullets, all of which include using S062. The pressures you see are for the maximum load only, and not the minimum load. The Garand doesn't mind full pressure (very strong receiver), but it does mind the op-rod being exposed to an excessive pressure impulse. Lowering peak pressure does not necessarily lower that impulse because the bullet is slowing down, giving the gas port longer exposure to whatever pressure is there.

I know that observation goes against a lot of conventional wisdom about Garand-appropriate loads being intended to minimize gas port pressure. I've run the gas impulse calculation from QuickLOAD data and found the weight of the bullet far more of a factor than whether the powder charge is full or not, with middling loads of the lightest bullets being easiest on the op-rod, but for 168-grain bullets and up finding the gas impulse applied to the gas port is greatest in the low-ish to middle range loads that most Garand owner load to, and is actually smaller at higher pressure because even though the muzzle pressure is higher, the bullet is going enough faster that it shortens the time the gas port's exposed to it more than the pressure has grown.

The above was confirmed in actual gas port pressure measurements made by's engineer, Chris, who devised their hollow gas port plug. He measured pressure in the gas cylinder produced by increasing loads of IMR 8208XBR, and the hotter the load, the smaller the gas cylinder pressure was. So I think the medium load wisdom was always based on historical military loads combined with how the shooter imagined the pressure relationships worked out, but not on measurements.



  • IMR 4064 Gas Port Impulse (Bore side).jpg
    IMR 4064 Gas Port Impulse (Bore side).jpg
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am I the only one that knows that Lovex Powders markets in the US under the Shooters World label and SO62 is also called Precision Rifle

The Shooters World Reloading Guide for center fire ammunition was created as a
manual for reloading of Shooters World branded LOVEX® smokeless propellants
manufactured by EXPLOSIA® Company.


here is the data for the exact bullet and powder the OP requested - page 57

30-06 Springfield Winchester 175 gr Sierra SMK 3.32 45 2533 49 2714 59,900

as far as the M1 Garand part I would think that anyone that has loaded for one before knows to they need to adjust the charge

There may be some sites and data books that have data specifically for the M1 which is why I made the statement in my first post where I linked the data that I did not know if it was applicable to the M1
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so why is everyone including the OP referencing the Lovex load guide and the 180 gn bullets instead of the Shooters World load guide which has the info on the bullet he is using?
I don't think it's an exclusion. I think the OP either just missed that load on page 57, or it is the fact that it and none of the other S062 loads are labeled "Garand Load" like the one on the bottom of page 50 has put him off. I don't know.
On ebay operating rods are in the $180 range.
At those prices I would try hard to find the right powder
for reloading for the Mi rifle.
Saving a few cents now at the cost of large dollars later is foolish.
well at the moment 4895,4064,Varget and most other Hogdon/IMR/Alliant powders etc are pretty much unobtanium and since the SW powders can be found instock occasionally at some places and there is load data available I think I would take the chance rather than just using my rifle as a showpiece. I would use common sense and like in any load development start low and work my way up of course

I have a feeling that anyone waiting on the ADI produced powders is in for a long wait
Yep. COVID-19 has cut deeply into all the imported loading supplies and ammunition. Additionally, reported in a news release from July this year, ADI's WWII era Mulwala plant has been closed down by reason of long-standing agreed to closing and decommissioning dates. It's the one where they had a drier fire a few years back. It's where AP70 (Universal Clays) was made (and it will be made no longer). They have a replacement called AP650 which was supposed to be in production by now, but they've had delays and in July were hoping the new infrastructure would be up and running in this quarter. I have seen nothing announcing they are there yet.
Thanks to one and all.


Thanks for all the content. Will have to read it all through a couple of times.

Haven't made any 30-06 yet. Gotta learn more.

Plus which I don't have all the components yet, much less the gun.

Unclenick, I swear you should write a book. I'm serious.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Prof Young
I have H 4895,Varget,and RE-15. I've never used your powder. I do have a Garand.
I'd suggest two things. Order up the above mentioned hollowed out gas plug.I might be wrong,but I believe they are CMP competition legal.

That ought to cover any sneaky little variables such as Unclenick mentioned.
I don't have one yet. I bought a Scheuster adjustable one but never installed it.I just use 168's and 4895,and I don't hot rod.I think I want a hollow plug

No one wants a bent op rod.

With your powder company...I do not hesitate to contact a tech rep.That may be a path to reliable Garand data.Talk to them. They may insist upon mailing or e-mailing printed data. I've found tech doesn't give verbal data. (With good reason)

There is also a forum at CMP where folks discus this sort of thing
The Garand Gear gas plugs are competition legal for service rifle matches that allow accurized rifles. For the as-issued CMP games matches, the rules under 4.2.1 (page 38, here) say:
"f) Only government-issue parts or government or commercial parts of the exact same weight and dimensions may be used;"

So the hollowed plug will not be legal for the John C. Garand or other as-issued matches.

But that plug is great for making all powders compatible with the 30-06 Garand. It does not work with the 7.62 Garand or the shorter Tanker models and was not designed to.
Got on to Shooters World web site an manual . . .

So, due to all your help I got on to the Shooter's world website and manual. Have seen the formulas they recommend and, assuming they know what's up, I think I can load some 30-06 that will be safe and run in the Garand. Will stay on the minimum side of things.

Also, I found some remington 30-06 ammo, 150 gr, off the shelf for only $1 a shot.

Won't have the gun for a month or more but will be ready when it arrives.

Thanks again for all the help and advice.

Life is good.
Prof Young