Does it really matter who gets elected?

A new AWB will restrict more types of Semi-auto guns than the expired law. It will close all the loopholes in the old ban, making AWs illegal to own. Don't believe me, then look at the AW bills that have been introduced in the house. The last one introduced went so far to ban M1 Garand's, Carbines and shotguns. If a Dem wins the Presidency except to see a new ban introduced shortly afterwards. Not including the importance to get another constitutionist judge on the Supreme court. A Dem will pick leftist judges to interrupt the Constitution depending on the current political correctness. I am starting to wonder about people's motives when I see posts claiming it does not matter who we (gun owners) vote for in the next election.
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Arabia, As stated in the original post I really don't give a damn what they try to ban, because I've already got all the guns they would want to ban. Everyone knows the stakes so they should buy them now and not worry about an extension or new bans, It's all a bunch of hype anyway. We had guns when Clinton was in office and will have them if another democrat gets elected. There's just to many gun owners out there who are willing to die for there guns, me included. Besides most politicians are for the AWB extension and against assualt weapons in general that's why it's important to get them while you can. It really is just a matter of time before assualt weapons are completely banned unfortunatley. We have all these yahoo's running around blowing people away in shopping centers to thank for it.
Thanks for proving to me that you are not a supporter of the RKBA. If you do own guns, that is a big maybe, then you are the type of gun owner that thinks their hunting guns will not be touched, if you make deals with the enemy to strip others of their rights.
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Arabia, you're not paying attention. At worst the AWB will be extended, they are not going to outlaw semi-auto shotguns and all that hype, it's just not going to happen, trust me. If you're worried about it you should buy them up now, and it will not matter who is elected, because you will already own them get it.
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Which would you rather do, fight this war in their country on our terms or this country on theirs?

Actually if we had secure borders and ports it would be tough for terrorist
to get in, but we need that cheap labor right.

If we continue to go after all countries that hates us we will be broke, and
please be pro war only if your willing to sign on the dotted line and carry a

I do not want to stay in Iraq 100 years so therefore I will not or could not
vote McCain who by the way is not a conservative.
Doesn't matter who gets elected? Just ask Attorney General John Edwards, uber-Ambassador Bill Clinton, Supreme Court Justice Ted Kennedy....