Does it really matter who gets elected?


New member
I'm no political expert for sure, but considering all matters does it really matter who gets elected? As far as gun rights, we will always have our guns. The 2nd amendment will always be protected, because the millions of gun owners across america will always stand united to protect it. If anything the AWB may be extended but so what everyone that wants a "assualt weapon" has had plenty of chances to get one. I think the whole pro/anti-gun issue is a scare tactic used by some conservatives to get votes. I think we have the NRA to thank for our many gun freedoms today. I guess when it's all said and done I'd rather see a republican win, but if a democrat happens to win I don't think it's going to be the end of the world, well unless it's Hillary..:barf:,.:D
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Does it matter who wins???

Who do you want making Supreme Court nominations? Hillary or Obama, or McCain. All three would appoint liberals that would open the borders even more and give away more money that the Govt. dosen't have or will take from your pockets.
Romney or even Huckabee are the most conservative that have a chance to get elected. Ron Paul is to far out in the chicken coop to even have mention.:(
Worked in the "great halls" of Washington DC for 16 years.


(and I can't tell you how sick the following statement makes me, but Hillary is probably less of a threat to RKBA than Obama is).
It sure does matter folks - the President makes judicial appointments. I'm guessing the older liberal justices have been waiting to retire until a Dem is in the White House...
Then they would be replaced by a liberal, nothing changes.
Besides, practically all of the 2 main party candidates are liberals (meaning big government). So if one of them is elected, no, it does not matter.
It can matter

If the new president has some gun agenda to get through it can matter a lot. But right now you have to consider what each might have as a big item. Anti-gun is not on the top of the list for any of them. How many times has gun issues come up in any of the debates?

All this gay rights and change the constitution stuff is more of what each is playing with. Even the best or worst of them is not going to get everything they want. And what ever they get comes with trade off or it just will not pass in Congress.
copenhagen, tell the boys what?, if McCain gets elected the boys will never come home. Everyone is tired of the Iraq war and ready for a change I think. If it's between McCain and Obama I might have to go with Obama, if it's Hillary I'll have to go with McCain. Despite some of the "liberal" aspects Obama to me seems sounder than anyone i've heard, i dunno though.
I am not really sure that the coming home part is the part the boys are worried about so much as a candidate who will put their life on the line for our American way of life much the same way they have.
Despite some of the "liberal" aspects Obama to me seems sounder than anyone i've heard, i dunno though.

Well, you got that part right... :barf:

Check on his 2A record, then get back to me. He's a smooth talker, but so was BJ Clinton.

Not that any of the Republicans is any better...

Pretty sad "choice" we have here.
Obama hints towards regulating the internet. He says only retired cops and military should be able to obtain CCW. He wants to ban semi auto's and calibers .50 and up including muzzeloaders! So, he's quick do make laws about subjects he's not even educated in.
I must say though, for the interest of American lives and an attempt at world peace, if it were McCain vs. Obama or Hillary, I'd not vote McCain. Well, I'll write in Ron Paul actually, but I'd rather go back to flintlock and than to see our economy crash and WWIII happen. McCain is pretty ignorant, there's a video of him out there where he states that Putin is the president of Germany, he stumbles over economics terminology and admits he's totally clueless about monetary policy! We're in big trouble if he wins.
I hear the drum role in the background

ever time I listen to McCain spewing the we have to win so our boys are not disgraced this time. McCain is running on a one issue campaign the more he talks. It's win win win in Iraq so our boys can come home without shame. Or more importantly so McCain can die a victorious leader.
Personally, I feel there's 2 guys running who bring hope to America and the world. These 2 guys will fix our economy and resolve our foreign affairs.
Aside from these 2 guys, it essentially doesn't matter. Equal evils. We can have McCain, a depression, more war, a draft and gun bans. Or we can have Hillary, more taxes, more terrorism, socialism, gun bans, less freedom. We can have Romney, more taxes, less jobs, more war, a depression, more illegal aliens. We can have Obama, gun bans, more taxes, more war, more terrorism, less freedom, a regulated internet, socialism.
I guess you can conclude who the 2 guys I'm supporting are.
but so what everyone that wants a "assualt weapon" has had plenty of chances to get one.
You're forgetting one thing. IF they grandfather in current "assault weapons" they will ban their transfer just like in CA. Know what that means? It means that once everyone who owns an "assault rifle" dies, there won't be anymore.

Besides that, not everyone who wants an "assault weapon" has had the opportunity. How the **** are we supposed to continue our "tradition" (lack of a better word) when those too young right now can't buy "assault weapons" when they're of age?
ever time I listen to McCain spewing the we have to win so our boys are not disgraced this time. McCain is running on a one issue campaign the more he talks. It's win win win in Iraq so our boys can come home without shame. Or more importantly so McCain can die a victorious leader.

Which would you rather do, fight this war in their country on our terms or this country on theirs?
Of course it makes a difference who's President, and a big one too.
I don't want some knee jerk Liberal holding the keys to our Nuclear Arsenal.
Everything a Liberal touches turns to chit, including taking our guns away from us honest citizens, all the while allowing criminals to have them.
Liberals are VERY sick people.

My son has had two trips to the sandbox as a Marine. The Corporal is far from a "combat bum" he is looking forward to civilian life very soon. He is no particular fan of the current administration, or the last one.

He believes, having been there, that it is important to fight the extremists where they live and breed, not here.

On the only report card that matters, George's warehouse has not had a major accident since 09/11/01.

I too am disgusted with contractor shenanigans, out of control spending, and politics in general.

I truly believe that McCain is sincere about the need to win the war in Iraq and the war against Islamic extremists.

All of the Democrats want to withdraw, don't think that's a good idea. Not that I can't be wrong, just everything I understand tells me otherwise.

Democrats want more restrictions on personal defense tools. I think that's a bad idea.

Rudy will likely run as VP, so no difference on gun control really from the Democratic side. McCain's stated position is in favor of the 2nd, but his record says otherwise.

On gun control, it may be a coin flip.

Of the choices we have, I hope it's a republican. better the frying pan than the fire, lesser of two evils and all that.