Does eye dominance matter if you're using a scope?

Also here is a technique that really works with shotguns. Shooting right handed, point your left finger at the target. Now lift your thumb up as you point. So, the front beads gets eclipsed by the thumb and it is only visible from the right eye. Bingo, problem solved.
There are people that learn to walk tightropes over flaming pits, juggle 8 balls at once, memorize encyclopedias, and multiply 12 digit numbers. Eye dominance can be trained, it just takes consistant practice.

In many cases you are probably right, my left eye dominance is extremely persistent. At one point I left blockers on all my glasses for several months so my dominant (left) eye mostly saw a static nothingness.

Although I did not have any trouble using my right eye for almost everything for these months (including shooting 2X week), upon doing away with the blockers my left eye dominance returned like I never even tried to change it.
This might be of interest. The shooter is a gunsmith and an active small bore prone competitor. He is right handed but lost the sight in his right eye. I did not examine his rifle with the scope attached, so no idea how he did it.

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Slamfire, that is awesome! As an apprenticing machinist and aspiring gunsmith, I truly am blown away by that. As someone who is left eye dominant, I've wondered if you could do something like that. I usually just end up shooting left handed with rifles though. I've found with scopes I can shoot with either eye (although I get fatigue in the right eye after a while). After shooting rifles left handed for so long, that just feels better now.