Does anyone like Sigma pistols

Shot a SW40V (or at least that's what I think it was .40 S&W anyway). Ergonomics were pretty good. Comfortable grip and pointed where you were aiming well. Firing was comfortable but the trigger sucked. By the way Marcus, it wasn't the weight that bothered me, I shoot most my N frames DA anyway. It was the multiple stages, jerkiness, and scratchiness that drove me crazy. No one long pull, about four separate, different pulls. Accuracy, when you figured the trigger out was acceptable. Won't get one to replace my Ultra CDP or Combat Commander though.
I've never owned a Sigma, but being the "gun guy" around the office, I've been offered to buy 3 in the past couple years. Always "hey dude, I hear you like guns, and I'm trying to get rid of this pistol I just bought"

The only other gun I ever got approached like that was a Rossi .38 revolver, and I bought that one :)
Bob,I know what you mean. My Sigma wasn`t bad but a friend`s was awfully gritty/stagey. The culprit was rough edges on the trigger mechanism stampings (which S&W SHOULD have smoothed out at the factory). About 3mins. with a felt cone and jewlers rouge on the ol Dremmel and it was as good as mine. A few mins. on mine and it felt just like a Glock with the NY trigger (not great but not bad at all). Marcus
My general complaint on just about all DA semis has been the trigger. Some are just ridiculous (Colt Pocket 9) and require entirely too much force. Most aren't that heavy, but are NOT smooth. Many feel like there is an extra hinge point in there somewhere. Others are inconsistent in takeup, light, heavy, light again. Most stage to some extent or another. I admit that it doesn't help that I've had 30+ years shooting SA semis with GOOD triggers (Colt 1911 patterns and Browning (Belgian) rimfires - plus one M41).

I also have heard a lot of bad things about the Sigma 9mm. I, however, happen to have a Sigma 380. Its reliable, accurate (when using good ammo), and is the most comfortable gun for concealed carry I have ever owned, but then again I haven't owned that many. I have found it to get very positive comments from first time shooters at the range, which is extremely important.

Zorro, I used to own a Sigma .380, too. It never failed to fire, was accurate for it's role, and super easy to conceal. The only problem I had was the take down pin walked out after an extended session. For concealed carry, it was great.
The only reason I sold it was to buy the Ruger P-95 when they came out. The guy I sold it to liked it, too, and then he stepped up to a Star Firestar Plus 9 mm and sold the .380 to another guy I work with, and he wants another one.

Could you explain what exactly you did to your trigger to smooth it out? I just put a 3.5# spring in my 40E and it helped a lot but it still seems a little scratchy.

Thanks, regards. -Coop