Does anyone like Sigma pistols


New member
All of the stuff aside about the S&W agreement, does anyone really like Sigma pistols? Personally I've held several and shot a few but was never pleased with them. In fact I don't know of anyone who owns one and I don't see many advertise in magazines.

Is it just me or are there lots of Sigmas out there with lots of owners?
It seems there is no such gun in the world that someone on these boards wouldn't like. I have read some people claim they actually like their Sigmas. Different strokes for different folks? That or they had a lot more luck than me when buying the gun. I hated my 9mm full-size Sigma. And it definitely seems I ain't the only one... :p
They've never been very popular (even before the *&* sellout), since there are much better pistols for the money. Sigmas are nothing but a cheap imitation of a Glock, with a trigger that's even worse.
I've never owned nor shot one, but they did feel good in my hand and unilke Glock .40s they have supported chambers and will interchange with no mods.
I guess I must be in the minority, but I actually "like" my Sigma. It's now my load testing gun (man, it would suck to blow up my Glock :) ), and I've actually gotten pretty decent with the trigger. It took alot of polishing before it finally stopped FTF'ing and the trigger is probably the worst among all the guns I own - probably on par with the HiPoint Carbine, but I'm satsified with it. I found a good deal on it used before I learned of the history of the Sigma and did experience my share of problems with it.
YES! There, I said it.

I got my Sigma for a price that couldn't be beaten with a stick, and (besides some minor gripes about the trigger) I am perfectly happy with it. It is VERY accurate, very reliable, and all-around a good buy. You can't beat the way it feels, too.

There, put that in your pipe and smoke it. ;)

I don't have any first-hand experience with Sigmas, but I will pass along a comment I heard from a friend of mine. He is the firearm instructor for one of the police forces in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I was interested in one and asked his opinion. He said, we refer to them as "Suckmas." Since he is someone whose opinion I respect, that was all I needed to hear.
I have a Sigma .40. It is the one with the stainless slide and regular lower. I bought this pistol 2 years ago and only have 100 rounds through it. So far I don't think that the pistol is very accurate but it could be the brand of ammo I was shooting or that I'm not used to the trigger. I purchased this pistol brand new for $279.00 and thought it was a good deal, but now I wish that I would have spent a little more and purchased a Beretta or Taurus in 40 instead.
I guess I just got a good one but my Sigma 40V never missed a beat (read 0 jams!) in 3000+ rounds of everything from cheap 3D lead SWC reloads to Corbons. Granted the trigger pull wasn`t anything to write home about but it was no where even close to as bad as folks make them out to be. It felt great in the hand,it pointed well and was controllable even with hot loads. All that being said it was never very accurate and the 10rd. magazines (and $79 hi caps) bugged me so I traded it for my Ruger P-97. I like the Ruger better and it`s MUCH more accurate but I`d still feel well armed with my old Sigma. Marcus
I've had a Sigma 9 since before they were "enhanced".
After two weeks, I had to send it back to S&W because the striker mechanism clogged up and increased trigger pull substantially. Once returned, I discovered that after shooting all you have to do is a blast or two of GunScrubber through the firing pin hole, never have had a problem again - several thousand rounds. Ergonomically it is very comfortable to shoot, points very well and seems pretty accurate to me. (I don't think many 9's are very accurate anyway.) Just in case you think I may not know what a "good" handgun is - I have a couple of Sigs and 686's. I still like to shoot the Sigma.

Every time I see a thread similar to this, I just have to answer. I guess my experience is the exception.

Regards, Jim
My sister traded away her Glock 19 for a SIGMA! She likes the feel better, shoots it better, and it has never failed her (her Glock did several times). Ya never know?

Her primary PDW is a Ruger GP100 3 in fixed sight BTW. The SIGMA is just a teaching/fun gun (she is an NRA Instructor).
I shot my friend's Sigma 9mm and in comparison to my G17, objectively speaking, the Sigma has a better grip, a much worse trigger pull and very poor accuracy. Again, you get what you paid for, this is the part where the public is not stupid. When it comes to gun control, the public is stupid.
The first Sigmas might have been a POS but mine work great.. I have the SW9VE and the SW40VE I would have even bought the 357sig verson had S&W not sold their soul to the devil. I would even go as far to say I would bet my life on mine, and that's not something I take lightly.
I have both the S&W 40VE and the 9VE the 40 is now just shy of 3500 rounds and the 9 is at about 2600. I found that they are a great little gun, the trigger is a little more than I like about 8 pounds. I have never had a problem with either of them.

A friend tried to sell me his 9mm Sigma. Price was too good to believe. He was gonna let me shoot it, then I could make him an offer. 50 rounds later, HATED IT! If you want the Glock, get the GLock, not some rip-off copy w/ a very bad trigger.
Heh,funny how folks that will embrace Springfield and Kimber 1911s,Witnesses,Taurus PT-99s etc. call the Sigma a rip off copy. Then folks that`ll shoot a revolver with a long 12lb. DA pull all day without complaint go on to say that the Sigma`s medium length 9lb. pull is intolerable. LOL! ;) Marcus