Does anyone carry the least expensive gun?

Simple, had a talk with a co-worker. Said I'm crazy for having 2 expensive Sigs in my carry rotation. That he would just carry the Glock 19 if he was me. He carries a Glock 32.

Please leave out the "is you shoot it better then it shouldn't matter". I shoot Sig and Glock great. Sig a little faster. But no biggie.

So for the sake of conversation, you shoot them equally. Would you carry the lesser firearm in terms of appearance and price?

Nothing gospel. Just a conversation!
I would want to carry what I feel is best for me to carry given the situation. I mostly carry a diamond back because of its size. It's ability to go in my back pocket is very appealing. When I can I like to carry my walther in a holster on my belt but that can't always be the case due to the lack of concealment. If I open carry I would perfer to carry my glock 20. The cost doesn't really make a difference to me. I think what is most important is the right gun for the right situation.
seen & heard the horror stories of damaged guns, & lost fire arms after police impound waiting to be released after a "good" shoot... ( yes, theose stories could be urban legend ), but I've heard that in some areas, loss of firearms in police custody actually goes as high as 10% or more...I guess personally I would avoid carrying anything with a higher maintenance finish ( high polish blueing for example ) as it may be sitting in an evidence locker for 2 months to 2 years ( depending on if any civil suits are filed ) the gun could get handled by many & not so much as a rub down with an oily rag in that time frame... That said, I do have a couple "BBQ" guns that get cycled thru my CCW guns for rare occasional use

one of the 1st autos I started carrying was a very early CZ-75 Compact that we inherited from my FIL... after hearing some of the horror stories, I now rarely carry it, because of the sentimental value...

one thing, is carrying a gun everyday, does add finish wear... an expensive gun can devalue more than a cheaper one... no matter what you choose, the gun needs to be reliable... lately I've been carrying a Taurus TCP, that I bought, because it was small light & cheap... it's proven reliable, & I find it difficult to replace it, as an every day carry... I have nicer guns I carry occasionally... but the cheap TCP is on my belt the most :o
Carry what you are confident with, it is a tool and will wear...perfect finish will not matter one bit in a CYA situation.
"Expensive" is relative. If you shoot much at all, you'll spend the difference in cost between Sig and Glock in buying ammo pretty quickly. Not sure if that makes sense. The point is that (with few exception) the cost of the gun itself is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of total cost of ownership. So as long as it is reliable, carry what you are comfortable carrying and can shoot well. The gun can be replaced (unless there is sentimental value as MWM said).

But to your question, you said if "you shoot them equally". If that is true, and since "concealed means concealed" then you've taken away any reason to choose the pretty/expensive one, so carry the cheaper/uglier one and save wear/tear on the other.
There's so many ways a gun can get lost, it's probably prudent to carry what is completely trustworthy, affordable and replaceable.
All relative, of course, to individual situations.
The hottest days of the summer I carry my EAA Windicator 357. I only shoot 38's out of it but I trust it will do the job if called upon.
Gun value is not a criterion for what I carry. Never even thought about it until I read this post. These days my two carry guns are a Ruger security six .38spl. and a Browning Hi-power 9mm. Rotated on the sole basis of what I feel like carrying that day.
There is a lot to be said for carrying the same firearm in the same holster in the same location every day unless there is a reason to depart from the routine.
I would probably not carry some expensive collectable gun. However, the truth is the price difference between SIGs and GLOCKs is generally only a few hundred dollars, so I would carry which ever gun worked best for my situation and forget about the cost.
I have carried expensive handguns but I don't think it's necessary to do so and there good reasons not to pack a pricy pistol. Anything you take with you is subject to theft, loss, wear and damage. Also, if the gun is taken by the police it can be ruined with case numbers inscribed on it, poor storage and rough handling.

Two years ago I started carrying a Taurus because it fits all my needs. Only $199 and I don't feel the need for a higher cost handgun.

Buying a defensive firearm and then refusing to carry it into potential defensive situations (everyday life) just doesn't make sense.
This means everything other than target, hunting, collectable, investment and heirloom firearms are a waste of money if you're not willing to utilize them.
That's what I said.. he freaked and said it's a bad idea. I really don't care. I'd carry the TRP Operator more if I was tuned to it under stress, (safeties) but I'm not.

So I stick to Glock and Sig Sauer.

On the other side of the coin I know what he's talking about and it does make sense, in theory.

Example: you have to get rid of one of two guns right now. Pick one to go bye bye.

I'd pick the Glock to go bye bye. And the Sig P229 or P226 can stay. So I do get that as well.
Just be prepared to not get the gun back. My daughter used hers to stop an armed robber from eliminating any potential witnesses , he wanted all the employees to face the wall and kneel she shot him.
Gun was taken for evidence, years went by, appeals filed case finally settled with a plea bargain ....Her gun, seems like it "got lost" . They will return it as soon as they "find it"...yeah...right.
So just be prepared to NOT get your gun back...that's the way things realy work.
oh yeah, the last thing i want to do is bet my life on a Glock or S&W when i could bet my life on a Hi-point instead.