Does anyone carry "crossdraw" style?

There's a lot of fair weather here and I ride a motorcycle frequently. When I'm on the bike, the only thing that has worked well for me in the past is a verticle shoulder holster.
I'll try the Cross draw though. I have one of those belt slide holsters for IDPA. I'll try it out.
Faster draw from a buttoned/zipped coat then others I have tried. Very comfortable. There is one of the bigger gun schools that finds their average student is much quicker with this draw then strong side behind the hip.
Cross-draw on a motorcycle works pretty well with a good cover garment-- very comfortable. Cross-draw is also a very fast draw movement for most folks. The retention factor is greatly exaggerated unless the wearer is openly carrying and clueless in hand-to-hand as well as being completely tactically unaware.
Crossdraw works better for me, especially since I spend a lot of time driving a pickup which has a center console, especially wearing seatbelt. It's just easier to draw from the other side. You're not impeded by seatbelts or the closeness of the console.
I originally started carrying with a cross draw, but moved to strong-side carry before long. I very much liked the idea of being able to access my gun with either hand, and I already carried a knife on my belt on my right (strong) side.

I found I could not as easily conceal when carrying cross-draw style, as the gun as was infront of my hip. When carried on the side, it was more difficult for my right (strong) hand to grab and draw. Being carried slightly infront, it was more prone to showing when my jacket/shirt moved and seemed more recognizable as a whole. It could have been only recognizable to myself, and it might not be as big of a problem now that I am more comfortable carrying.

I carry on my strong side now, slightly behind the hip at about 4 o'clock position. This makes it very easy to conceal, as my cover garments never get pulled back far enough to expose it to my front (as hte gun is slightly behind me) and is generally blocked by my arm from the size, espcially if I have my hand in my pocket.

In terms of retension, I was never concerned with cross-draw in this respect. If someone was close enough to grab the gun from me, I suspect it would be fairly obvoius of his intensions and there are plenty of countering moves available. While its been some years since I have actively trained, I did study martial arts when I was younger and believe I could rely on some of the basic training to deflect an agressor from my holster. I think its safe to say that I am very far out of practice to attempt the advanced moves, though.

I will have to consider trying out a cross-draw carry again now that I am more comfortable with carrying in general. My attitude towards concealment has lessened since I started, so perhaps the biggest deterent (lack of ease of concealment) would no longer be an issue for me. I recognize the benefits for CD carry, though concealment is still paramount while at work, when I sit/drive the most.
My Wife does, she is tall 5'9' for a woman and very statuesque with very long arms and has lots of problems with a strong side draw. Anyone who has R.O.'d an IPSC match know that a woman can wear her rig lower than a man due to the body/ arm proportions. Anyhoo, a few years ago at a local gun show I happened upon a booth run by a retired gentleman who had taken up leather holter making as a hobby. We spoke for a while and I told him about my wifes difficulty finding a holster that fit her properly for daily carry around our farm. He asked me If she had tried a crossdraw, I said no. He showed me a right hand c/d holter that he had made, it was not on the same level of some of the stuff you see out there but it wasn't bad looking and it was only $45. She tried it and absolutly loves the thing! I think the most important part is she is very comfy with it, has developed a pretty good draw sequence and USES IT!
Just my .02$
crossdraw holster

FYI....just found this. Simply Rugged (name says it all) makes a 3 slot pancake with straps which can be worn IWB, OWB, strongside or crossdraw!