Does anyone actually like 11-87 design?

Sounds like as many for as against, just like the glock,sig,hk,1911 arguments. If you want reliability get a pump it will beat all the autos, if you want a steel reciever buy a remington or 1911, as most of the rest of the gun world is now polymer or alloy, like the AR-15 pattern.
Never noticed all these problems with mine but then again I have 1911's that funtion, must be that I am just lucky? Or maybe a little limp wristing on the part of all the "tac-team" guys?
I think I will go ahead and keep my M1 and 870's.
While I cannot comment on the durability of the Benelli receiver, I can on the ammo sensitivity.

I have to preface my comments with the statement that I do not own an M1 Super 90. That said, four of my friends own them and they all report that they have never had any malfunctions with their guns, shooting everything from light trap loads all the way to full power loads. Federal LE127RS reduced recoil slugs are our load of choice for the 3 gun matches, and this has never caused a problem. I've also shot these Benellis in hot and cold weather without any problems.

The durability issue does concern me, though. The M1S90 is a $800+ gun and if by banging it a bit causes complete failure of the firearm, then that is not something I'm prepared to accept. However, I am not a SWAT team member, so if the durability issue only arises among personnel who constantly bang the guns around, then it is not so significant to me. What kind of abuse does this entail, I wonder? Some people really abuse their guns and expect them to work. I don't abuse any machinery and expect it to work, although it is nice if it still works even after the abuse.
Oleg, I know your question was about the 11-87, - I have a custom 1100. I have shot it extensively in 3 gun matches and training exercises since 1991. I think I have cleaned it a whopping two times. It is ultra reliable with anything I put in it, and works especially well with Federal tactical 00 buck and tactical slugs. The great thing in my mind about the Remington 11-87/1100/870 line is its versatility - it is, in my opinion, the 1911 of shotguns. Accurate, reliable, and in minutes can be transformed into an upland/deer/slug/home defense/tactical gun with whatever accessories/barrels/sights you chose - all at a reasonable price. The same cannot be said for the Benelli. Don't get me wrong, Benellis are fine guns, just more expensive and not as versatile in m opinion. Plus, since I saw Remington's commercial about gun rights and the Second Amendment for the upcoming elections, I have decided that any company that produces such fine equipment and remains committed to the right to keep and bear arms deserves my unmitigated support. GO REMINGTON!!! (P.S. the 700s ain't bad rifles either!) Stay Safe.
(Sorry for the off-topic nature of this post)

Remington is hardly an unabashed supporter of RKBA and 2Am Rights. This is the same company that heralds the fact that they produce "sporting arms," that does not sell rifles like the 700PSS and the 700LTR to "civilians," and does not sell the Special Purpose 870 Police and 11-87 Police to "civilians." The same Remington that will not sell magazine extensions for their guns to "civilians," with the exception of the 870 Marine Magnum.

I just wanted to point out these facts, as Remington is not much better than Ruger, S&W or Colt in that regard and they are definitely falling in line with the PC crowd. In that regard, Benelli is much better, selling their complete line (w/ the exception of long mag pistol gripped M1s and M3s and M1 Entry models) to those of us who are not beknighted military or law enforcement personnel.

Still, I own both makes and am happy w/ my Nova and my 870.
Looking at the 1187SP, I noticed the mag tube dimples and that, combined with the poor fit for me, turned me off Remingtons in general and 1187 in particular.
Regarding the Benelli M1S90's, the experience in my neck of the woods with the 3-Gun crowd is that they, for the most part are pretty reliable, especially if one leaves them fairly stock. The more stuff one adds on, seems the more likely the chance of cycling problems, etc. I mean stuff like Sidesaddles, Surefire lights, etc. While most seem to work okay with add-on's, a few started choking as soon as something as simple as a Sidesaddle was added, even when the mounting bolts are left loose. Take it off, and same gun works fine.

Fwiw, I've owned 2. My first one had problems right out of the box and would fail to completely eject empties (buck/slug). The empty would hang in the ejection port and I'd have to pull the bolt back another 1/4 inch to eject the empty then feed the next round. Sent it back to HK warranty and they replaced the recoil spring tube in the buttstock and fixed the problem. Guess it was out of round or dragging someplace. This shotgun was also very sensitive to Sidesaddles.

My second M1S90, otoh, has worked flawlessly from day one, albeit I only shoot buck/slug/highbase birdshot in it. It works fine with the Sidesaddle, too. Go figure...

Fwiw, I've also seen the occasional 11-87, 1100 choke at matches. However, I have had a chance to shoot friends' Vangs or Scattergun Tech 11-87's and they certainly are more comfortable to shoot, recoil-wise, than the Benelli.

If I had to shoot 750 rounds of buck/slug at a 5 day shotgun class, I think that might make a difference. <g>

Oh, regarding Remington, although availibility is spotty, we have a few gun shops, even here in the People's Republic of No. Kalif. that sometimes have the 700 PSS, 870P, 11-87P for sale to us civies. I assume they are combo civilian/LE dealers who have access to the full-line (versus the big chain stores).

Speaking of LE/Mil-only, I got to handle that new Benelli M4 at the last SHOT show, designed, supposedly to USMC specs. Pretty cool package: telescoping stock (heavy!), rail for dot-optics, improved operating system. Too bad we won't be able to get one, at least in that exact configuration...

M1911, the short barreled 11-87's have less 'time' from the gas ports to the end of the tube, and therefore need heavier loads or ream out the ports to generate more pressure.

Oleg, try for new 11-87's
So it would look something like this


Except mine has MMC ghost rings and a sidesaddle without a sling. Sorry for the dark pic, need to take them again

[This message has been edited by Intel6 (edited October 17, 2000).]

I have been hunting in SE Arkansas for 29 years since the age of 7. I have seen more
than one shotgun and owned a few myself. More importantly, I have seen masses of people go after the latest fad and witnessed the results there after. I can tell you now that the Benelli fad is coming to a screeching halt in the State that is home to the Duck hunting capitol of the world.

I know nothing about personal defense shotguns. I do, however, know about Duck hunting shotguns. I can tell you from first-hand knowledge that the Super Black Eagle and M90 Benelli's built on a hunting platform are pieces of crap. They are overpriced. They kick and they hang up. They cannot take the rigors of rain, ice mud and snow. My father hunts every day of the hunt except on Sundays and he had a Super Black Eagle that was babied and thoroughly cleaned each week. The spring that goes from the bolt into the stock became so rusted it would not function after only one year of use. A fellow member of our hunting club had an M90 that was brand new last year that hung up with Duck loads constantly. Another member of the club had a brand new Super Black Eagle that hung up constantly. STILL Another member of our club had an M90 that literally spit the part of the bolt assembly into the icey SE AR river bottoms last year. I witnessed all of this first-hand.

Meanwhile, I have consistently been rewarded with unyielding service from an 11-87 SP 3" Magnum. Yes, I lost an O-ring once after dropping it into the water. I cleaned the gun with break cleaner on the side of the bank and put an O-ring from a Mag Lite in it and the gun is still shooting today with that O-ring. This year I did get another shotgun but only because I am a lefty and I wanted an 870 Pump in left-handed version.

Go with the 11-87 and ignore the hype of the Benelli. They are novelties only and they cannot take harsh treatment. The fact that they go for $1,100.00 + is nothing short of criminal.

[This message has been edited by Will Beararms (edited October 18, 2000).]