does anybody have any funny or strange hunting stories?

Not a hunting story but a good hunting dog story. Had a standard (full size)poodle who was very protective of us.
Came home to find the house broken into and the dog locked in the bathroom with blood all over the sink and tub. Scared to death we rushed the dog to the vet. He examines the dog closely and starts laughing while we look at him like he's nuts. He then informs us that not one drop of the blood came from the dog! Very little was taken from the house for some reason
P.S. We kept the dog trimmed in that old school french poodle style( like on a poodle skirt). Imagine having to admit to your buddies that you were savagely run out of the house by Jacques, (his name I swear) the french poodle!
A friend was bowhunting and standing up in the crotch of a tree (no stand). He's all decked out in his camo and face paint when all of a sudden something GRABS him by the shoulder VERY HARD. He about filled his pants and slowly turned his head to see a huge owl had landed on his shoulder. The owl blinked twice and flew away.

Another time we were deer hunting (Wisconsin paper company land) when there was a freezing rain and all the trees and brush were coated with a silvery layer of ice. It was like something out of a Disney movie, just beautiful. Of course we are also coated with ice hunting out in that and a bunch of us were sitting on sawed off logs waiting for it to stop. Here comes a nice six-point buck CRAWLING on his belly right behind the log this guy was sitting on. He jumps up and can't get his safety off, can't cycle his bolt and his trigger is also froze solid on his Argetinian Mauser. None of the rest of us had our guns near us thinking this guy would take the shot. So we all sit there watching this deer "sneak" behind this guy not 3' away and then run for it.
Was hunting Canadian Geese with decoys. had just planted them and a small flock comes in, we are limited to one in the pipe and two in the mag, I get two in rapid connection and the flock flies of but I see a straggler and shoot even thou I now realize that it was too far of, but it goes down to, I go and prop the two first downed only to see the third one start to trot away, my gun is back in the blind, I call to the dog but she is tussling with the one my pops got. a nova scottian so she wasn't much bigger than the goose:D

Well I start running after the goose and the dog joins me, but the darn thing keeps flying of, landing flying of, so I sprint back and get the gun, and I am built like Rulon Gardner so... I think I catch up and get a shoot of when it is on the ground, but again it flies of, and again I hit it, she flies thru some brush/trees and the dog jumps in, I don't see it flying out of the brush, it is only like 3 meters wide and 1 meter deep but I search the dog searches and it has disappeared,

we go back, get a few more but now I am being conservative and cautious. We round up the decoys and head back to the truck, there it is on the hood!

turns out it had dropped right from the sky infront of my mates that were a couple of fields down from us and their retriever made short work of it, it was very chewed up, we did try to take out the breast but it was just filled with pellets and missing a foot. how it managed to fly of a kilometer is beoynd me
I'm on public land in Wisconsin ambushing whitetails. I prefer to stand in the ladder stand amongst the birch, rather than sit and limit my already limited field of view for there aren't many shooting lanes reaching out 70 yards. There are a few doe moving about and I could hear them coming long before seeing them so I'm eager to have at it. Around 2pm my feet are cold from standing on the steel. I tell the Forrest Gods that I'll sit for a few and if they could please send a deer through this little clearing; Id appreciate it. Soon after I sit a large buck comes out from behind me. Its head is down and its marching. I can see already that its been shot in the front left leg. I didn't move until it passed me, then I shouldered my Romanian SAR1 with surplus hollow points. It was behind cover and could have stuck to the trail it was on and not offer me a shot but right when I needed it to turn hard-right, it did. And right when I needed it to pause, it did, and I squeezed a bullet betwixt some trees right through its boiler room at 50 yards. It went about 20 yards. This was the first deer we butchered.


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My dad set up some deer decoys near a feeder. One day during when hunting we see a young buck trying to make love to the decoy. We watched for about 5 min. The buck soon realized his new girlfriend was not real and started to attack the decoy. He tore it up pretty bad before my dad finally got him.
Our first Texas Hog Hunt last year gave us some experiences that we had not endured before.

In addition to Hogs the ranch sold Buffalo elk and various deer hunts as well.

The first evening we spread some bait corn for the hogs and took our places in a large blind.


Before we could settle in, a herd of Buffalo and elk hit our bait corn like it was a farmlot dinner. The hogs came in, but used the big (expensive) animals for shields while everyone ate their fill.



I did finally get a clear shot and here was the result of that nights effort. I could have smacked a buffalo with my rifle butt if i wanted to pay the $2500 kill fee !!