Doctors worried by Supreme Court gun ruling

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If you are not going to let facts get in the way of this argument, please take it to private message.
And what would those facts be? A misleading and misunderstood repost of numbers from a skewed article? An article loosely based on a report people love to quote but have never actually read and simply do not understand.
Is this what you are talking about being inaccurate???
We are talking about the number stating 250,000 people die from "malpractice" each year. People love to misrepresent this statement. These people are not being represented to die from "malpractice" in the original report. They are reported to die from causes that are "iatrogenic" in nature. That includes normal deaths that occur from standard treatment with no wrong doing.

"Iatrogenic" in nature does not denote malpractice. It includes malpractice but is not primarily composed of it. It can mean death from allergic reaction, it can mean death from secondary infection/illness while under a doctors care, and most of all, it also includes people on hospice care where their medical regime (to reduce pain and increase comfort) actually contributes in a small manner to their passing. My partner is a hospice nurse and ever single terminally ill person that dies while under a doctors care because they simply weaken to a point where pain treatment kills them (or actually just hastens there passing by a few days or so) gets counted as an "iatrogenic" death. So in other words, doctors are getting blamed for malpractice for a great deal of people that are simply dying from old age and terminal illness simply for making their last days more comfortable.

I love how gun owners are always the first to point out how easily numbers are skewed except when they support their own preconceived notions.
Doesn't matter what we post, PBP is gonna shift focus, dissemble, demean, and maintain whatever it is he says he's saying without resorting to sharable, repeatable, linkable, reasoned, show me, facts. Like picking pepper from flyspecs.

Not gonna happen.

You beat me, PBP. It's all about you.
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Doesn't matter what we post, PBP is gonna shift focus, dissemble, demean, and maintain whatever it is he says without resorting to sharable, repeatable, linkable, reasoned, show me, facts.

Not gonna happen.

You beat me, PBP. It's all about you.
Nice deflection. This is the first time I have ever seen anyone that cannot back up their statements or deal with real facts that counter their position resort to sarcasm and martyrdom...wait...that's not true. I see it all the time on the net when people have nothing real or new to add. :rolleyes:
As I see it, a few anti-gun doctors who edit a known anti-gun journal publish their anti-gun stuff is not reason to make statements the "doctors kill patients".

Doctors I know - as I did - worked hard to get into and through med school and worked hard to do the best they (we) could to provide our patients the best medical care we could and don't deserve to be labeled as "patient killers".
Direct your vitriol where it belongs.

This thread has gone way too far and should be closed, IMO.:mad:
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Nice deflection. This is the first time I have ever seen anyone that cannot back up their statements or deal with real facts that counter their position resort to sarcasm and martyrdom...wait...that's not true. I see it all the time on the net when people have nothing real or new to add.

I rest my case.

And I agree with OJ. I'm out.
Please read this post regarding language:
parrothead2581, Message received and understood. I apologize for my offences. Thanks for saying something.

Posts edited. My argument stands (cleaned up).
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