Do you wear glasses?


New member
How many of you wear glasses, (either script, or safety) while competing? Have you ever had them save your eyes? I HATE the way they steam up, and get oily, right in the spot you need to aim!!!:mad: Is it a big no-no to shoot highpower without `em?
I wear prescription glasses. Usually while competing (USPSA, IDPA), I wear my contacts and a pair of Oakley M Frames with clear lenses. They have deflected several small pieces of jacketing and shot that has richoched off of steel targets. I can't imagine shooting without some sort of eye protection.
Good glasses are essential for any type of shooting.
Back-spatter off steel.
Side-spit from revolver cylinder gaps.
Hot empties ejected in any old direction, or coming over from your left side neighbor.
Unburned powder in the muzzle blast.
Pierced primers; blown caseheads.
The oddest thing I have seen was shooting trap with a shell catcher on my Remington 1100. Every once in a while a hull will eject and hang on the shell catcher on fire, real flames from powder gas and residue right up close.
are ya nuts? sports shooting without eye protection???? I got hit 4 time just last saturday at a CAS shoot and I was only sitting and watching.

39 years.
My regular glasses are OSHA-spec specs.

I shot one match (indoors at the S&W Academy) with non-prescription glasses to simulate a worst-case case; did okay (better than I thought I would).

Things fly around when shooting; eye protection is mandatory.
I wear prescription glasses when I shoot & have learned to wear a baseball cap too. Sometimes, especially indoors, I feel a little goofy, but th cap bill and my glasses have deflected alot of things over the years and over the many rounds.
Fatelvis! I'm surprised at you, asking that question.

To answer your last question - yes, it is a no-no. I would be extremely surprised if any competition shoot even allowed you on the firing line without protective glasses. If they did, I wouldn't want to be in that competition, it would be run carelessly.

Sounds like you need to find a better pair of glasses. If they are steaming up, there may not be enough ventilation around them or they might be made of a meterial that is prone to fogging. As a temporary measure, try spitting on them and wiping it around evenly - works for face shields when scuba diving.
I always wear prescription poly-carb glasses. I have scratched and chipped many lenses over the years. Especially from shooting bowling pins and steel plates with a shotgun.

They are tri-focals and boy do I have a time in IDPA trying to see through the right plane during a match! I know I should break down and get special lenses for shooting, but these already cost me about $400.
I wear poly carbonate prescription safety glasses which are made for left eye focus to infinity and dominant right eye focus on the front sight. If you check around you should find an optomotrist who will let you bring your gun in and be measured.
Mal H and Fatelvis:

NRA Highpower rules do not state that eye protection is mandatory. Luckily, they are not trying to dictate what a person does for their own safety yet. To me, its just like a helmet law...and should not be a matter covered under rules or laws.

Anyway, lemme climb off my soapbox...ehh, there we go.

I have been shooting Highpower for the last year without safety glasses. So far, I haven't found a set that I can see through when the rifle is mounted. I recently went to a shooter-friendly optical shop and I'm working on a solution, and I hope things work out.

Having shot IDPA and IPSC in the past, I'll say this: You stand a much better chance of getting by in HP without the glasses than you do in pistol matches (where I ALWAYS wore safety glasses). In fact, you're probably statistically in greater danger in the pits then on the line due to target frames being hit and so on. Your biggest fear on the line is if yours or another's rifle blows up. That's a pretty rare occurance, but its something to think about.

All too often I have tried to use a pair of glasses on the line, and before the first shot they got tossed. I hope my optometrist-type can help me out. If so, I'll let you know what brand worked for me.

Two things I've found were the most important factors to me. #1, they went VERY high above my eyebrows so that I can see through that part of my range of eyesight and #2 they stay VERY close to my face. I don't want to replace the glasses after every match because of a marked up lens from my rear sight. I know many guys who have ruined glasses because of this, and I've gotten sight black on my eyebrow from my rear sight before. If you're not shooting an AR for HP you won't understand that last one.
Steve, I`m glad I`m not the only one who has trouble! It gets foggy during slow prone, when you have your stock weld for a long time. I think having your face up to the stock for that long resticts the air flow around the glasses. AND ITS NOT EVEN HOT YET!! I know its only going to get worse, come summer! Please let me know what you find. Mal, I appreciate that you thought I already know about safety, you must have some confidence in me! ;) Unfortunately, the urge to improve my score, sometimes leads me to throw caution to the wind (and into my eyes!!) Good shootin` guys!
I have prescription shooting glasses from Ranger. They are so comfortable I wear them all the time. Best glasses I have ever owned. Their desigh keeps them from fogging up as they sit higher on the face than regular specs.

Have a pair of lenses that are chipped courtesy of a #6 shot fired from the trapline. Did I mention I am able to change lenses very quickly.

You are a fool to shoot without eye protection!

My $.02
"The eyes have it!"


Very clever!

I just read an article from an old Handguns magazine January, 2001 about an optometrist who measures his clients for shooting glasses using that very approach. The article indicated that he also asks the shooter which shooting sport they usually participate in to determine the usual maximum target distance. Although it was not explained fully, I assume that the left non-dominate eye piece could be dialed down from infinity if you only shoot IDPA which is normally about 20yds. max.

Do you normally wear single, bifocals, or trifocals? If bi or tri what do you do about up close sight while wearing the shooting glasses?

I will check this out further because I wear trifocals without lines and can't fully focus on any of my front sights without taking a lot of time tilting my head up and down. I need a pair of shooting glasses in order to improve my scores and have more fun!!!

I have glasses like 9x45 describes. I got mine from Lehman Optical in Arizona. I would not be competitive (IDPA Expert) without them.

My right (master) eye is adjusted to focus on the front sight. Or should be, I think I am due for a new Rx or at least more "overplus" added to the present one. The left is my regular distance Rx with no dialback. It takes a few minutes to get used to them at the range and to change back on the way out. No problem, just change glasses first and then get out (or pack up) everything else needed to shoot. That is long enough to acclimate.

I am nearsighted and presbyoptic. My street glasses are progressive lenses pretty much like yours.
My shooting glasses are ANSI rated prescription industrial safety glasses. I frequently catch jacket spall on my face in indoor handgun ranges. I've caught rebounding brass in the center of the lenses before also.

If I didn't wear shooting glasses my eyes would be full of metal crud already. Highly mandatory. May cause a few hours' discomfort, but beats discomfort for the rest of your life.
9X45 & Jim Watson

Thanks for the glasses info. I'm on my way to get a pair of Rx shooting glasses as you have described!!!
I was ROing an IPSC match, and had an ejected case come back (more correctly, up) and slip between the visor of my ballcap and top of my glasses - couldn't be a gap of even half an inch - and rattle down my cheek, behind the lense! Without the glasses, that case might have hit me right in the eyeball. I clean the lenses before every match, and am always surprised by how many "dings" there are. I even concentrate now on keeping my mouth closed when facing downrange; it not only makes me look more intelligent, but it might save my teeth, etc.
Fatelvis, fortunately, I live in a very arid area, so fogging is something I only hear about from guys like you. However, I doubt you will fire in many 100+ degree days with zero shade this summer...I know I will. Be all have our cross to bear. :)

I will let you know what I find. I may have an answer by Monday.

Do you keep your rifle mounted between shots on the slow prone? I tried doing that but the rifle had a tendency to slip as I moved slightly to look at the scope. Now I bring the rifle down and back up for each shot. Not only can you get the right position with the rifle, you also lower the stress on your body considerably. I have noticed an improvement in my scores.

As summer comes up, and you start getting wind at 600 yards, don't forget to only shoot in one condition. I have really started to fine tune this for myself and it makes a huge difference.
Don't like eye protection??? Fine. Practice walking around your house & outside with your eyes closed. At least you'll be experienced when you lose your eyesight (that's WHEN, not IF)!
I am very nearsighted & can't see or shoot without my glasses. I've been shooting for 28 years & I've thrown away six pairs of lenses when they become too chipped & damaged from bullet fragments, unburned powder, oil splatter, ejected cases. Reminds me of the old DEAF shooters I've met who thought only wimps wear hearing protection.
Fatelvis: In S. Texas, we often shoot in 95 deg. temps w/90% humidity so I understand your problem. I have found two (unorthadox) methods to help the fogging problem. I wear the older Rayban shooting glasses (with the ring between the lenses) when I can get them. Rayban no longer makes this frame but Dillon aviator frames are similar. You can push a foam ear plug into that circle and it will hold your glasses further from your face to allow ventilation and this will reduce fogging in all but worst conditions.

Reluctant to admit to the other (more drastic) solution, as you will get lots of comments from your shooting buddies:cool: , but it works quite well. Northern Hydraulics sells a cap which I considered to be a real gimmick but in desperation ordered one. It has a small AA battery/solar panel powered fan in center of the visor which stirs up enough breeze to keep even my glasses clear.

Steve's advice to dismount the rifle between shots on 600 yd. SF is a good one. Lots of smallbore shooters keep the rifle mounted in prone, but the recoil and use of spotting scope in HP shooting tends to cause the butt stock to slip and affect your bullet impact.
