Do you use the internal lock?

Do you use the internal lock?

  • I have guns with a lock, and don't use the lock

    Votes: 128 68.1%
  • I have guns with a lock, and use the lock occasionally

    Votes: 3 1.6%
  • I have guns with a lock, and use the lock frequently

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • I have no guns with an internal lock

    Votes: 55 29.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I strongly dislike the Smith and Wesson lock. It isn't just because I find it unnecessary. It is downright ugly. Most smith and Wesson revolvers are things of beauty and the poorly placed "Hillary Hole" stands out like a boil on the lip of a supermodel. It is as aesthetically displeasing as it is a visible mark of compromise with those who would see our rights disposed.

I've had a couple that had one. Springfield 1911, couple Tauri, one of my Smith & Wessons. At least one of my two Rugers apparently has one. They had the sense to hide it underneath the grip, so you really have to go looking for it if you wanna find it. Have no idea if the other one does.

Activated the one on my 637 once to see what it was all about. Meh.

Don't have kids, wife knows how to handle the irons and the cats show little interest. They do like to sit in the safe when it's open, but I digress. When the nieces or nephew show up, it's simple enough to lock up or put on whatever is out.

Could be useful for some, they're just not for me.
I have one gun with an internal lock - Ruger LC9. I simply put the key, other china-made external lock and legal-beagle manual inside the box it came in; wrap the box in a plastic bag and throw it in the attic with the rest of my gun boxes. That way if I sell the gun I still have the box and other crap it came with. Since I don't keep the key around, I have no way to use the lock.
I have a grand total of 1 gun that has an internal lock, a PT-92. I have never engaged the lock. For that matter, I don't even know where the key for it is anymore.
I don't have any with locks, but I wouldn't use the locks if they did.

I was raised in a house with guns behind doors and in open racks. I was taught from an early age that if I touched a gun without permission, my mom and dad touched my behind!:eek: Never had an accident and still don't touch a firearm that isn't mine without asking first.

That said, with a little one coming soon, all the guns will be locked up until he/she understands proper gun safety.
Several of my guns have internal locks and I don't use them and find them useless. It doesn't bother me that they are there but of no use to me, especially revolvers. I find it funny that there are some out there that vow to never own one with an internal lock. There are only so many guns to go around without the IL and it would make for a pretty low inventory to choose from if everyone had that attitude.
I won't buy a Smith with an internal lock unless I really want that particular revolver and there is no pre lock production alternative. I have a 386 2 1/2"bbl with the lock. Only one I have. I just don't like the hole in the sideplate.

OTOH, I am an old man and don't have young kids running around getting into things. Years ago a kid I knew was 13 and over at his girlfriend's house. Her father had a WWI Luger in a drawer and the kid found it and was trying to rack the slide but couldn't figure out the toggle system.

So in frustration, holding the grip in his right hand, he put his left hand against the muzzle, and pushed as hard as he could. I don't know whether he shoved the bbl back or pulled the trigger inadvertently, but he sent a 9mm cartridge through his palm shattering his wrist bones.

Had to have reconstructive surgery. When I did have a kid in tow I kept my guns loaded and my daughter knew not to mess with them. I was just lucky that she respected that admonition. Much as I don't like the locks I can see where they might be a good thing under some circumstances. :)
I won't buy a Smith with an internal lock unless I really want that particular revolver and there is no pre lock production alternative. I have a 386 2 1/2"bbl with the lock. Only one I have. I just don't like the hole in the sideplate.

While I agree with this, I won't pay $1,000 more for a 627 just to get it without the little hole. That's about the difference in price between a new 627 and one that was made pre-lock. In fact, I can't even justify $900 for the 627 post-lock. I'm holding out to find one used in the $600 range. I know, may be waiting a very long time.:o
I voted no guns with internal locks. I've bought guns with internal locks and removed them as immediately as I could. That however, wasn't an option.
With all due respect, I never had much interest in Political Correctitude. I have accumulated enough guns, ammo & related knicknacks(sp) in the past 40 odd years to give (fill in the blank) nightmares. NONE of my guns have internal locks. When S&W started using locks, I started buying Rugers. When Springfield started using them, I moved to the used gun market.

I can only speak for myself, but IL's just strike me as a really stupid idea.
Cats are pretty smart when it comes to being capable of things to really annoy us however. The are a master of their craft.;)
Cats are pretty smart when it comes to being capable of things to really annoy us however. The are a master of their craft.

Yep, mine often drive me crazy,,,
But they are good companions for me,,,
My fat old tom purring in my lap lowers my blood pressure very nicely.

