Do you use a CHL insurer / prepaid legal plan?

Again, given the strong civil immunity laws in my state I decided that CCW Safe was the best option for me. Those of you who live in states with weaker civil immunity statutes may wish to purchase more protection.

I thought it was worth having protection as well. I don't have enough reserve money to cover the costs of a legal battle criminal or civil. It's worth it to me to have a little bit of peace knowing the legal end is covered and I'll have access to good legal council.

I however opted to use
I have TLS. glad I haven't had to use it, hope I never do like most people. Very reasonable amount it costs for what it covers and I don't miss the money. You see where I live meth has been real bad for a long time. The way I see it chances are someone doing something to make me do what I don't want to do is probably doped up, likely has a big old long record long as my leg and that I know of it also costs money to sue for civil liability and chances are a low life junkie isn't going to have that kind of money. Most twenty-something basket cases going in to shoot up ihop probably don't either. But like I said if I have to use it its because if I didn't Id be history anyway, and id rather it not be because of some lowlife junkie.
I have been looking at the different plans available, and the CCW SAFE looks good to me. I didn't find much about the financial backing of the company which, is a concern since civil and criminal defense can be costly. Just the 24/7 self defense attorney hotline and referral is probably worth the price.