Do you think Huckabee can beat any of the Dem. frontrunners in a national election?

Can Huckabee beat any of the Democratic Party front runners in a National Election?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 55.4%
  • No

    Votes: 29 44.6%

  • Total voters
No, he's a war monger/Bible thumper,

You forgot to add he has a CCW license and fully supports gun ownership & the 2A.

But I am sure Americans would much rather have a candidate that is against gun ownership & 2A rights, and flip flops on issues like a fish out of water.
sasquatch said:
What a moronic statement. Huckabee is a Christian, get over it.

i have no problem with him being a christian, but he is a bible thumper. hes used christianity to justify several things, most of which were unconstitutional/statist, or would lead to unconstitutional/statist actions (examples: illegal immigration, global warming, federal ban on abortion etc).
(examples: illegal immigration, global warming, federal ban on abortion etc).

Good point. I myself do not like some of his immigration stands. But like Einstein said, it's all relative. Just think what the alternative is. How does "ladies & gentleman I give you President Hillary Clinton" sound? Kinda like a bucket of cold water in the face for me.
I would love to see him go head to head on education against Hilary, seeing as when she left AR it had hit rock bottom and started to dig and he brought it back from the brink. Heck any topic would provide a clear example of "this is what the Clintons did and here is how I fixed it".
History supports conservatives

Which is quite surprising, because when they get in power they tend to have a strong move to the left. Just look what happened with Nixon, Ford and Reagan. Within about a year or so, they gone from hardcore conservative to some of the most liberal presidents the country has seen in fiscal matters, getting involved with people's personal lives, gun control and massive increases of the government. I can't remember the last time we had a real conservative in control of the country, instead of the people who proclaim to be conservative and drop it like a brick after their elections. Sometime before WW2.
Don't disagree with much you have to say, except this. I was around for Harry Truman. He would be a conservative by todays standards. Actually FDR was more of a liberal than Harry.
I agree with your analysis. Dem's would be foaming at the mouth if Bush actually attacked our enemies and their operatives and allies the way FDR and Truman did. Nuke's over Afghanistan anyone? Muzzies in internment camps?

But I was merely comparing Truman and the others to their rivals. The bottom line is that liberals don't win and Hillary knows it. That's why she's been trying to reinvent herself as a centrist. It worked for Bill, but he had that strange control over the media, unlike anyone I recall. They certainly didn't give Gore, Dukakis, Carter or anyone else all the passes they gave Bill.

Liberals don't win. The only way Hillary wins is if she manages to pull a Bill Clinton and convinces the electorate he is nearly as conservative as his rivals, as he did against Daddy Bush and Dole.
.....or would lead to unconstitutional/statist actions

You seem to forget that the pres. does not pass legislation, in fact he will face a Democratically controlled Congress! The only thing he would bring to the table legislatively is the veto power over new laws. Principles are one thing, but in partisan politics they may be outvoted. When no principles are involved, it really gets slimey.:barf: