Do you think Huckabee can beat any of the Dem. frontrunners in a national election?

Can Huckabee beat any of the Democratic Party front runners in a National Election?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 55.4%
  • No

    Votes: 29 44.6%

  • Total voters


New member
Very simple, if Huckabee were to get the nomination for the Republican Party, do you think he has a widespread national appeal to beat the likes of Hillary, Edwards, Obama or Richardson in a national election?
I don't think he will. He will do well in the South. The fact that he was a former Baptist preacher who believes that the earth is less than 10,000 yrs old will hurt him nationally.

I would support him against any of the Democrats however. Its a bad year to be a Republican. With the recent Bush mistakes regarding Iran and the mortgage bailout, things are only going to get worse for Republicans over the next few months.
Sure he does. The good & bad news about Hillary/Obama is that they are very polarizing. So there are hard core voters that will support them no matter what, but (IMO) they both have problems pulling in un-decided voters. I doubt the Hillary/Obama voter base will change much in the future. Edwards seems a little less polarizing, but he still may not be able to take the lead among Democrats. I think Huckabee has a chance to keep his voter base fairly broad. Not to mention many voters will see the Democratic runners as a lot of the same old stale bull.

Some latest news.

The fact that he was a former Baptist preacher who believes that the earth is less than 10,000 yrs old will hurt him nationally.

So, he is running against one candidate that thinks a vast right wing conspiracy caused her husband to have sex with a white house aide, and another candidate that won't even salute the American flag.

(This thread should be fun!)
I don't think he can, for the same reasons Unregistered gave. His stance on immigration and banning smoking may help him with some of the dems though. His belief that the Earth is less than 10k/yrs. old bothers me some, but I will vote for whatever Republican gets the nomination (minus Ron Paul) with no problem.
The best thing that the Republicans hope for is that the Democrats nominate Hillary. Hillary will do more to rally Republican voters than any of the current sorry crop of Republicans can.
I'm a registered democrat, but I don't find any of the democratic candidates have a positive attitude. They all have a chip on their shoulder and give me the impression that they are looking for payback. A lot of the programs they espouse, like pulling out of Iraq and nationalized healthcare, while noble ideas, aren't do-able at this point. We can't leave Iraq to just drift and end up where ever it might, and with all the debt the current administration has incurred, we can't afford social experimentation like free healthcare.
We really need a president who can bring everyone together and get past this nasty time in our political history. I don't think all Huckabee's ideas are do-able either, but he's got it right on the important ones, and I think he has the right temprement to get people working together. We also need a fiscal conservative or we are going broke people. Also Huckabee seems strong on states rights and 2nd amendment issues as well. Will his energy plan work? I don't know, but hopefully he's not in bed with the Saudi's like the current admin is. He'll never get the tax plan passed either.
So, what does this have to do with beating the Dem's? Yes, I think he will appeal to both sides of the fence and I think he can win, and be a positive change.
I don't think Huckabee is the best "R" candidate. His tax and immigration policies are not to my liking in this USSA. In addition he reminds me of Gomer Pyle. Surprise, surprise surprise, your taxes are going up to pay for tuition for illegal immigrants.
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The media likes Huckabee. They think he's the "likable" one.
But if the media decides to turn on him there's more than enough ammunition they could use to hang him.

It's the media that chooses our presidents or at the best the nominees for the parties.

Right now you'll see Huckabee portrayed as likable, honest, and genuine. His religiosity is for now being portrayed as faith.

That could change if the media decides to go after the Wayne Dumond story or the gifts given to the Huckabee's as they left the governors office.
It'd be close, but Huckabee is what many voters look for in a President: a centrist who'll give a nod towards views that conservatives find objectionable.

Huckabee is similar to George Bush in that regard.

With a Karl Rove or Dick Morris as a campaign manager he could definitely win.
if Huckabee were to get the nomination for the Republican Party, do you think he has a widespread national appeal to beat the likes of Hillary, Edwards, Obama or Richardson in a national election?


This election reminds me of the 1976 election, no Republican had a chance then, no Republican has a chance now (IMHO) .

Would love to be proven wrong on this one but I doubt it very much.

I have a feeling that the media is doing some manipulation with the current Huckabee "mania". They would probably LIKE to see Huckabee get the nomination, so that it would be more of a "cake walk" into the White house by either Clinton or Obama.

On the other hand, if Huckabee DOES get the nod AND selects a strong running mate as his VP, all bets are off! I don't foresee ANY strong Democrat VP choices for either Clinton or Obama, unless they chose, say, Joe Lieberman....and that WON'T happen!
Put down the valium and the booze people. It's still ok. No liberal has one election to the White House since Harry Truman. Kennedy--back when the Dems were the conservative party-- was clearly to the left of Tricky Dick Nixon of Cali. Carter got elected in a post-Watergate fluke, and even then he barely edged out Ford. If the election had been six months later, we may have had the Gipper 4 years earlier. Clinton, Mr. I'm for that too, ran to the right and governed from the left, but the press never pushed him on fake conservativeness during election years. And Clinton needed the Perot quacks to get elected. Clinton never managed to get more than the same 43% of the electorate that got Carter creamed in 1980.

For all the hand wringing, remember that GWB's approval ratings are still higher than the left leaning congress by a considerable margin. History supports conservatives and GWB isn't running.
No liberal has one election to the White House since Harry Truman.

Don't disagree with much you have to say, except this. I was around for Harry Truman. He would be a conservative by todays standards. Actually FDR was more of a liberal than Harry. Also, Harry would have been after Bin Laden the day after 9/11 rather than waiting around making speeches about what he intended to Bush did.

But this is all water under the bridge stuff. I just hope Hillary/Obama don't win.
I don't think he will. He will do well in the South. The fact that he was a former Baptist preacher who believes that the earth is less than 10,000 yrs old will hurt him nationally.

I don't think it will particularly hurt him in Alabama, Texas, or rural Ohio, which is pretty much about as "national" as a Republican candidate needs to go (for Democratic candidates it's California, New York, and urban Florida).

I think Huckabee is about as decent a candidate for the general as anybody in the Republican field, and better than many. Which is to say that I think he has about as much chance of beating whoever gets the Democratic nomination as any of the other guys; and despite some of the doom and gloom around here that is not zero.
Huckabee might not have as hard a time as we think. It looks like Hillary's attention will be mainly on Obama & Oprah, for a while anyway.

Hillary should be afraid...very afraid. Obama leads in the latest Iowas polls. So, If Huckabee plays his cards right he can rise above the HillBama in-fighting and look...well as they say...Presidential.