Do you remember your first hunt?

this is not my first hunt, but it did brimg back the thrill of hunting again. had obtained my first ml a 50 cal kentucky flint lock and had my ccw with my first pistol (an 1858 new army rem).

i went out to a friends propety opening day and patterned a group of over the next few days. on saturday the first week, i took my 58 rem and set up ahead of them, about noon the herd ( 5 does and a first year spike.) they walked up to within 25 yards. i eased my 8 in rem from its holster and drew a bead on the lead doe and brought the hammer to full cock. when the hammer fell all 6 deer sprinted out of sight, my first of three misfires.
i guess i had my 44 cap gun instead. then came misfire #2 recapped the cyl and again pop. do after pulling the nipple an inspection the powder revealed a gap too great to ignite. a few grains of powder went in to fill the gap, nipple and cap replaced. it went boom. to late to down the deer but a very exciting hunt for me.
My first firearm deer hunt was 21 years ago when I was 14. I didn't have a rifle so my dad gave me a Mossberg 500 20 gauge to use.

I was in Upper Michigan and there we bait deer. Well way before the sun was up my dad and I walked out to the blind about a mile away. We sat there and watched shadows scurry around as the sun came up.

Sitting there we heard the crunching of leaves walk near the blind and this big doe turned in front of the blind and stuck her head inside the window and stared at us. We sat there frozen for a couple of minutes and then she retreated.

The doe ate a few apples and left. Then 5 minutes later we heard crunching leaves again the same as before and were waiting for her to stick her head through the window again. Well this time it was a 3 point that slowly walked into the bait pile.

We watched the deer for a while and my dad gave me the go ahead. I lifted the gun and took aim. I pulled the trigger and a piece of plywood fell off the window. The deer curled it's back and jumped kind of and then fell to the ground.

Turns out I shot through the plywood piece we put up to prevent the doe from sticking her head in again. The slug went though the wood and spined the deer killing it instantly.

I was lucky and successful minutes into opening day. We pulled the deer to the back of the blind and continued our sit. About an hour later a big 10 point walked through the thickest brush almost 100 yards away, stopped on an old logging road as my dad took aim. Then before my dad could pull the trigger the deer walked off into more thick brush.
I was 19 years old, in the air Force and dating my future wife,[now of 43 years].
She took me rabbit hunting on her parents farm with her .410 single shot. I got 2 rabbits and a quail. I was raised on air force bases and never owned a gun. I had a blast and it became a lifelong obsession. [the girl and hunting]
Yeah, I was six and my father took me squirrel hunting. Shot my first squirrel with a .22 bolt action. That was 51 years ago. I still pass that patch of woods going back to my hometown to hunt.
Most likely squirrels. I remember learning to shoot more than in remember my first times hunting, and I remember being handed a 22 and getting told id get a dollar and squirrel dinner for every squirrel I shot around the pecan trees.
A Whole Dollar? get a dollar and squirrel dinner for every squirrel I shot around the pecan trees.

My first "paid" hunt was for barn sparrows,,,
My dairy farmer uncle paid us a nickle for every sparrow we brought to him.

It paid for the BB's.

