Do you need more power than a 30-06?

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The 30-06 was my first rifle and my only one for a number of years, It is one of the the most versatile calibers in existence, with bullet weights ranging from 110 to 220 grains.

If I had to pick one rifle to do everything with it would be the 30-06.
30-06 is the only hunting caliber I have ever used.If I was going to choose a backup gun or something different it would be a 30-30. I guarantee that you will not encounter anything in north america that a well placed shot from a either wont drop in its tracks. Just in case I have 3 more -06 behind the first.
agree with boogieman, even a bison can be taken with a 30-06. a 220gr hard cast bullet with as much trailboss as the case can hold behind it and you have a very good round for thick hide and lots of muscle.
If I place my shots good-to-great every time I only need my 308. but I am not perfect so I feel more comfortable with my 9.3x62

and the 9.3 is a semi so slightly different setup and use.
30'06 is the best for medium to long range shots. I've never fired at anything beyond 80 yards in my lifetime. When I stalk them close I love using my Ruger #1 in 45-70 for it's knockdown power.
I wouldn't mind having a .30-06, and may get one someday, but its just hard for me to see the need for one when I've got my sporterized 8mm Mauser. Nothing the '06 will do that the 8x57 won't IMO
I am there with all the other 30-06 lovers.
Plenty of power for anything on the continent.
And, in most cases, excess power that is not needed for a humane kill.

Plus versatility. All the other so-called 'deer calibers' are nothing more than marketing gimmiks.
Deer and pigs make up the great majority of big game hunting. The "advantage" of versatility is debatable. For instance, I live in Michigan, I do not have any use for a cartridge that is "versatile" enough for the big Brown Bears...there aren't any here. A .243, 6MM Rem., or .257 Roberts are versatile enough for deer and varmints...what advantage would be had with a 30-06?
Please explain about the "marketing gimmicks" of a .243...I'm all ears.
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