Do you let friends shoot on your land? If so, what about letting their children shoot too?

When I lived in the country I let friends and their kids shoot on my property. I've let responsible kids I trusted shoot by themselves while the adults were inside.
I have two thoughts. I really get tired of people basing their choices on “I might get sued” because of such and such. Reminds me of people saying don’t use your reloads for self defense because some DA is going to charge you. Just internet rumor junk. Second, I have fond memories of learning to shoot with my dad on a friends ranch. I’m sorry that a lot of kids learn to shoot at an indoor range. Probably why they’d rather stare at their phones.
But I do agree it’s your land and your call and sense I’ve never owned any “land” maybe I shouldn’t judge.
I have two thoughts. I really get tired of people basing their choices on “I might get sued” because of such and such. Reminds me of people saying don’t use your reloads for self defense because some DA is going to charge you. Just internet rumor junk. Second, I have fond memories of learning to shoot with my dad on a friends ranch. I’m sorry that a lot of kids learn to shoot at an indoor range. Probably why they’d rather stare at their phones.
But I do agree it’s your land and your call and sense I’ve never owned any “land” maybe I shouldn’t judge.
Well, I can tell you if I had kids, they'd be learning right here at home. If I could get certain immediate family members to practice every single day, that would be great, but it is like pulling teeth to get them to practice twice a year. I never used to look at it like I'm assuming risk for them to practice, but for some reason that is how I'm seeing things for everyone else.
I love shooting on my land. I love my friends more. When my friends come over to shoot, I love it. I remember when I was a kid just learning to shoot with my grandpa. I’m glad I didn’t learn at a public range.
Are you talking letting them shoot un-attended by you or with you as a RSO? If it were my land, I would insist on being there, but I'd let others shoot on my land..Wish I DID have a range on my property, alas I have neither the land nor the $..Hickok45 is my hero, when it comes to a private range.
I don't let people shoot on my land unless I am there with them. If they have one child with them, and I know that Dad knows how to supervise his well-behaved child, I will allow the child to single-shot .22 rifles; maybe take a shot or two from an AR - SUPERVISED!
Sorry, I'm not going to continue on with this thread. All I do is rack up infractions, even when I try to answer some rude people in a civil manner. I'm out of here. Take care.
American Man,I strongly support your right to make the rules on your land.
My opinion of your rules is irrelevant.

I look at life a little different.

I've had some wonderful days shooting with kids.But they aren't "free range"

Kids don't touch a gun till they are with an experienced,responsible adult coach,mentor,and RSO,one on one.The adult gives the kid 100% attention.

I,myself,get a great satisfaction from passing it on. Whether its kids or your noob friend who has his outfit.

That's the greatest thing I can do for the 2A. Help a new shooter learn the safe and responsible way. Its these new,responsible shooters who will vote to keep the 2A. And not disgrace the 2A.

Sad but true,our culture does not have the family farm and ranch land. And the family situations aren't the same.

The Grandpas and Uncles just aren't there. Our young people and new shooters don't have "that Old Man" who taught them to shoot. They don't have anyone give them a copy of Ruark's "The Old Man and the Boy"

They don't learn about bird dogs etc. And they don't receive the Gift of knowing the Older Men are trusting him with the responsibility of a gun.

Or a car. Oh,they will get there!!! They teach themselves! How to hold a pistol sideways,shoot signs etc.

To each his own.Hands down,I prefer my way.
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Asked my home insurance agent about this,, His reply.
No, no, don’t let any one except blood shoot on your land, PERIOD.’

Accepted his advice, didn’t go any further.
Holy smokes!!! What kind of friends do some of you in this thread The few friends I have our extremely trustworthy and I would trust them with anything, shooting on land I owned would be about as concerning to me as a cloudy day.
Yet another of the many things that are answered with, "It depends on where you are." You'd have to look into State liability laws and probably court decisions. Rule Number 3 says, "Thou shalt CYA."
The "we usually do some shooting, rifle and pistol." may already put you at risk whether they're cops(most but not all of whom are the most irresponsible users of firearms. There are horror stories about cops and firearms.) or not or the age of the shooter.
In most cases, there is an "assumed liability". Likely especially on a private shooting range(one assumes you have an adequate fall zone with absolutely nothing in it. Utter madness to let anybody on it if you don't have liability insurance.) For example, if you and your buddies are cross country skiing or even just a hike and one of 'em gets hurt. There is an "assumed risk" on the part of the damagee. Also an "It depends on where you are." thing. Mind you, it may not be your cop buddy who does the suing.
And usually one's cop friends are only covered by cop rules while at work. Recreational shooting doesn't count.
Unfortunate that the OP bailed on his own thread.

Your land, your rules. It's good to be a little paranoid. I wouldn't let friends shoot on my private range. I especially wouldn't let family shoot on my land. For one thing, I know my family members and they're not responsible and they always feel entitled to everything under the sun. They have the mentality of, "What's your is ours." Ask me about the time I let one of my brothers borrow a motorcycle.....

When something happens, money becomes a possible element of contention and lawsuits happen. Money just really messes up personal relationships.

Much more to be said on this subject, but not here.

Unfortunate that the OP bailed on his own thread.

Your land, your rules. It's good to be a little paranoid. I wouldn't let friends shoot on my private range. I especially wouldn't let family shoot on my land. For one thing, I know my family members and they're not responsible and they always feel entitled to everything under the sun. They have the mentality of, "What's your is ours." Ask me about the time I let one of my brothers borrow a motorcycle.....

When something happens, money becomes a possible element of contention and lawsuits happen. Money just really messes up personal relationships.

Much more to be said on this subject, but not here.

I dont give family any special privileges. I judge them by merits, not blood.
When I had a place I let friends shoot on my land... was a huge mistake.

Me too. Spent big bucks designing and building a great range. Dumb butt me allowed friends and the police to shoot there un supervised. Trash everywhere and my range building got shot up.

Finally a cow on the neighbors property was killed while police were using my range. Paid the neighbor for the cow, apologized profusely, destroyed the range with a dozer and posted the property.

What an outcry. You would have believed i had violated folks civil rights.