Do you home carry?

Do you carry your handgun on you at home?

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[Ah, I see you were a police officer. Did your dept have a policy that all officers carry while off duty? ]

Some did and some didn't.

When I'm home, I prefer to wear sweat pants and a t-shirt. I've yet to find an elastic band that will support a holstered handgun.
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Right now, carrying in my home is the least of my worries.

For the life of me, I can't seem to get the "quoting" procedure from other posts down pat. :confused:

I'm a member on other forums, and none are so much a PITA as on this forum.
2123 said:
When I'm home, I prefer to wear sweat pants and a t-shirt. I've yet to find an elastic band that will support a holstered handgun.
That's what I usually wear too. So I use a Galco belly band that's even with my waistline. I can even carry a Glock 19 in it comfortably. And the best part about the belly band is that it has two pockets in the front and another holster on the other side. So even when I'm wearing sweatpants with no pockets I can still carry a handgun on one side and my flashlight on the other side. And so far the flashlight has been a heck of a lot more useful around the house than my carry gun.
In sweat pants, one can carry a small bug like an LCP, a small flashlight and a small Sypderco.

The two latter ones come in useful all the time. Lights go out, packages to be opened. It's not really hard.
2123 said:
I'm a member on other forums, and none are so much a PITA as on this forum.
That's done on purpose. They made quoting more difficult because too many people insisted (despite multiple warnings) on being lazy and quoting huge blocks of text. Then someone would quote the quote, and so on and so on until you just had a huge wall of quotes in the thread.

If you want to learn how to quote, read this.

That's two of the best things about this forum: You don't have people mis-using the quote feature, and you also don't have drive-by posts. It drives me crazy when I go on other forums and see people making threads with just a link in it and nothing else.
2123 said:
So, you carry a gun and a flashlight all the time while in your home?
I carry them all the time, period. It just makes it easier and simpler for me. And the flashlight comes in handy all the time; I use it several times a day at least.
Many people are not professional enough to use the TFL quote function.

- Sorry, I couldn't resist. Also, you would be surprised at how your poor mods are cursed for controlling drive-bys. How dare we!

We have found that folks would just post a link to nazis, dirty pictures, atrocities, purely commercial sites, etc.

Given what we are paid (ho, ho, ha, ha), we are not checking out links without descriptions.

As far as a pita - get one with falafel.
So, you carry a gun and a flashlight all the time while in your home?

Yep, got a nice little Streamlight that clips in the pocket and is all kinds of useful many situations. Even carry a pocket knife.

I carry at home almost every day. I like to wear my jeans even on Saturdays, so the gun goes on when the pants go on. When I first started carrying, I started at home so I could get used to the weight and feel in a comfortable and private situation, kinda became a habit after that. Good belt and holster and I barely notice the gun is there, spare mags also. That way I don't have to go find and "gear up" when I go out of the house and whatnot. Its not that I live in fear or anything, though rabid dogs are fairly common in my area, so its good to have something in a situation you can't flee from, even in your own yard. Its just habit, and I'm a creature of habit.

The times I don't carry at home are those days I decide to wear sweatpants or athletic shorts, so if that's your preferred clothing at home, I can completely understand not wanting to deal with a belly band or something like that.

As usual, YMMV
YES!! I carry my .38 snubbie in my pocket holster , hardly know I have it. I'd rather be with it and not need it , then need it & not have it.:)
I never carry in the potty because the fumes might cause corrosion to my collector grade tactical green cerakoat High Point .25 auto.
I'm blessed with living in a fairly remote and peaceful area. My only reason for home carry would actually be to go outside the house, in which case a sidearm is useful when one encounters a rattlesnake or an itinerant coyote.

That said, I do keep a pump 12 ga. behind the door in my office, but that really isn't "carrying."
When I'm home, my carry gun is off and I have an NAA Pug in my strongside front pocket .. always. It's just my wife and I, and we have few underage visitors, so I also keep a .357 stashed in the living room and a 1911 in my nightstand. As they say, it's comforting to know I can reach the Pug in seconds, or have my hand on it if the doorbell rings when I'm not expecting company. We live in a quiet, peaceful town, but s@@@ happens no matter where you live.
Originally Posted by bedbugbilly
. . . if I felt it was dangerous enough that I felt the need to carry in my house . . I wouldn't be living there.

Originally Posted by 2123
If I felt the need to carry while in my home or on my property, I'd move!

Originally Posted by 2123
It's still a free country. Why in the world would someone want to live in an area that they felt the need to be armed in their own home?

Dragline45 said:
I think it's crazy how naive some people can be to believe that a good neighborhood means there will be no crime. That's like saying being in a gun free zone will ensure your safety from a mass shooting.

If you haven't heard of the Cheshire murders, read up on them. Probably one of the "safest" communities in the whole country, yet one of the most horrific crimes was committed against an entire family.
I agree, and it's equally naive for them to immediately say how "they'd move" like that's an easy thing to do nowadays. "But if it's for the safety of my family, I wouldn't care how much I got for my house, or even if I had to GIVE it away!" is another old saw that we all know is BS.:rolleyes:
Every neighborhood is prone to crime. But, the big difference is how often it happens.

If it's an on-going issue that occurs more often than not, then it's time to re-evaluate your situation and make a decision.

We've been in the same house since 1988. Not a single break-in, theft or assault of any kind. No drive-by shootings or kidnappings. No gang issues or problems. We can go for a walk after dark and not worry about taking a gun along. I could go on, but I believe that I made a point.

It's all about choice and whether or not you want to put up with crime and all that it brings to the table. For me, life is too short to put up with it. I have control over my life and I taking protecting the ones I love and my property seriously.

It's never an easy undertaking to move. But, when all things have been considered and the choice is obvious, it becomes a duty to do the right thing.
I put my Pants and gun on at the same time. I take my dog outside where there might be a coyote waiting to invite her over for breakfast. I have a ccw permit, so the gun is with me all day. When I take my pants off, I put the gun up on the headboard shelf on the bed.
I am not as paranoid as I am realistic. I do not have a feeling of impending doom, actually I am pretty comfortable knowing I can deal with most any situation without having to run to go get something first.
I live in a nice neighborhood, somewhat rural, not far from miles and miles of BLM land. I do have strangers come to my door. Sometimes I am outside doing chores when they come. I do not blindly trust people that I do not know. A lot of people who became victims didn't plan on being a victim that day. If you watch the news, you should know that bad things can happen to random people everywhere. The person who comes to your door saying they are there to offer you a service, might just be trying to case your house for a burglary. If they see that I am wearing a pistol, and not all that friendly, all the better. I am not threatening, I just make the point that I don't want what they have, and they are not coming inside for a visit.
I wore a heavy tool belt all my working life, so a wearing a Ruger SR9C does not bother me a bit. If you say that you would not want to live where I live, I am glad for that. I like the neighbors that I have. We look out for each other.
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Mine goes on when my feet hit the floor in the morning and goes on top the night stand when I lay down.I live in the country but that does not make me immune to trouble.At 60 Im not going looking for my fire arm when trouble kicks in my door.I also feel the safest place for my fire arm is in my holster on my person and under my control.When the Grand kids drop in I dont have to remember to put it away.
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