Oh, I've gotten warnings before and met some really nice cops. Real nice, but more often than not it winds up I get a ticket and it costs my family money.
It's strictly a financial thing. While I remember the nice stops, I also remember the pay us stops. Like the cop who stopped me & my partner one morning going to a job. We was talking about the job and I was keeping the pace but probably going a little faster then the speed limit, and he nailed me. He didn't have time to do his radar thingy I guess cause he kept asking me how fast I was going and the speedometer was broke so I told him I;m not sure but I was keeping pace with the traffic. He kept on and kept on asking me how fast do I think I was going. I didn't realize it at the time, but later realized that he was going to write me for what I said. I know what to say next time.
Writing tickets is what cops do. They ask to search because they have no probable cause, but want to search to look for a reason to write you or arrest you. How many times have you heard a cop say sorry, its the law? Its what they do! Everything is illegal if you read the right subsection and its up to the officers discretion. Sometimes good, generally costly to a poor working man. When they have wrote me I hear...it's not up to my discretion, its the law...but it is and since revenue collection is the name of the game, no sir, with all due respect, you may not search my vehicle. See? It's nothing personal or disrespectful to the officer. It's just financial protection for my family. Why should I be 'red flagged' for that?
Could you / have you ever not been offended by a non threatening-reasonably compliant-polite citizen who respectably declined to talk (too much) or search?