Do you have to justify your purchases to yourself?

When I see a new gun, after examining it and determining if it is something I like, then the justification process takes over.

- New calibers require more justification
- New frame sizes may require new holsters
- Does it fill a gap in my collection
- Do I really have a use for it or would it be a safe queen?
- Can I really afford to spend the money now, on this?
- Does it use any of my existing equipment (mags, speed loaders, etc.

For instance, even though I like some .44 special revolvers, I don't currently reload and the ammo is just too expensive, especially when my .41 Mag doe the same job.
but I am constantly trying to rationalize my own behavior to myself. It is like I need a reason for my own peace of mind.

PBP, considering the pictures I have seen of the contents of your safes, I completely understand why you have to justify your purchases.:);)
as long as I am paying off the complete balance on credit cards and setting a reasonable amount monthly in savings then I feel I am justified to spend however I want. my wife and I have a joint account for bills then our own separate accounts for our "play" money. she really doesn't like all the guns but I guess tolerates it. the thing in my favor is I regularly go to the range and practice good safety with the guns, always keeping them locked and out of her sight. she can't say I am wasting money because I shoot everything I own and refuse to buy safe queens. also I reason that if I were not spending money on guns it would go to fishing supplies or get used with my currency collection. that said there have been several times I would have bought but then decided to wait because of the wife.
I'm with PBP on this one. I'm always coming up with excuses to buy the next gun. I've stopped using "I really need it" because I have more than I'll ever need. I've also stopped using "it'll make me a better shooter" because four or five purchases ago marked the high end of my improvement arc. Right now, my favorite, and the one that I think I'll stay with for a really long time is "I want it, I'll enjoy it, and I can afford it." That about sums it up for me.
My one criteria for purchasing a gun is "Will I use it?".

This can equate to:

1) Will I carry it? (handgun)
2) Will I hunt with it? (Handgun/rifle/shotgun)
3) Will I target shoot with it? (handgun/rifle/shotgun)

If I can answer the "will I use it?" question with a "yes" then I can justify it.

I don't keep guns around that I don't actually use, unless they are family heirlooms. Safe queens and collector pieces aren't my thing.
My justification started with "I need a self defense gun", and "That's a good caliber for (insert animal here)"

Now, my justification is much simpler:
"Wow....that's cool!" and "Beautiful!"

Nothing more, nothing less. Collecting and shooting guns is what I love.
I have my 'fun fund'. Usually it's what's left over after ALL of the obligations are met (I'm in construction) and for a lot of years there was a surplus. No justification required.

Today the 'fun fund' is sucking hind teat. It's kinda fun though, like the old days where I had to sell in order to buy. The 'Art of the Deal' is not dead in this ol' boy.
Justified my first handgun bey "hey, gotta get one while I can - don't knoow what will happen under the new administration)" The Wonderful Spouse accepted that, then got himself one too - just in case.

Then I decided I needed a "convertable", something I could shoot cheaper .22's with, but could convert to a larger caliber. Well, just after I told hubby that, I got the chance to buy an AR15. Justified that by asking hubby if I could get my Birthday present early. I pick up the AR tomorrow from my FFL.

Still don't have a convertable, but I still have the cheaper practice ammo excuse to get one (said excuse to be used in the next month or so).

WS's excuses are that he has to keep up with the wife; I fully expect him to find some sort of rifle (black or otherwise) in the near future - probably something for hunting (although he has never hunted before).
"you can still get an AR15 conversion kit to shoot regular old .22LR. Just a thought... They're fun and cheap!"

Oooh, let the fun begin!!!

Looked at the shipping report from UPS. Won't get the AR until Wednesday :(:(

Gives me more time to look into a conversion kit though;)

another reason is that some are just "beautiful" and fun to shoot, and we need as much of that in our lives as we can get!