Do you have a edc bag ?

LL Bean "courier"-type canvas bag with day's work, munchies, etc.
Pad, pens, scale ruler, biz cards
Extra pair of Rx glasses.
Loaded Redhawk 44M & 18 additional rounds (3 speedloaders).
2 cellphones.
Topo & road maps, Lensatic compass, Garmin GPS w/ spare batteries.

Additional gear that is always in the vehicle.
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I prefer to carry as little as I can get away with.
Knife, wallet, keys, gun, phone.
All of which fits just fine in my pocket, winter or summer

Push comes to shove anything else I NEED can be attained with the above.
I keep stuff stored in my pickup. I have a bag that I carry everywhere inside my work vehicle that contains things I feel are important and useful. It is a tool bag full of misc. useful junk. I keep a power converter in my vehicle also.

I always have some tools, SAK, first aid kit, cell phone stuff, GPS, proper ID's for business, business cards, insurance info, compass, maps, firearm, etc ... quite a lot of stuff when you really look at it item by item. My latest thing is a battery operated reciprocating saw. I also have various measuring devices (tapes, electronic laser and so forth).

I used to carry my laptop, but now since I finally got a smartphone, I leave that at home unless I know I am going to need it. This was mostly for emails.

I carry a camera bag if I am out taking pictures or place everything into a day pack for woods carry and use. I don't carry a man purse. But when I spent time in another country, I did have a man purse which was useful to hold some necessary things.

Does the bucket I keep in my pickup for trash count? :D
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I have a Dillon Discreet Briefcase. Size zippered pocket for pistol access. I keep a SureFire G2X / spare batteries. Two knives, fire kit, 2 spare magazines in pouches, foam ear plugs, Gerber Multi-Tool, Braided camo Para-Cord my Grandson made for me, and a holster for the pistol.

It has room for a notebook and file folders if I need to visit a customer.

Good to keep some stuff in the ve-HICLE! (Colonel Potter from MASH)

The hard part is to decide when it's good enough.

So long as you're thinking about it and have something, you're ahead of most.

As far as what I bring in and out of the car everyday for EDC, it's

-extra first aid
-extra chem lights

need to add some maps and multi-tool