Do you enter gun give-away contests?


New member
Do you enter gun give-away contests?

I don't enter the random ones I get in my e-mail,,,
But since I have used Classic Firearms,,,
I feel safe entering theirs.

This weeks contest is my dream weapon,,,
The FN PS90 Personal Defense Weapon (PDW).

I've wanted one of these since I first saw one on the old Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis TV series.

50 rounds of a nasty-fast little cartridge,,,
Totally ambidextrous and ejects from the bottom of the gun.

If I really could only have one gun,,,
This would be my choice.

H&H Gun Store in OK City used to have one of the full auto short barreled P90's to rent,,,
It's amazing how fast one can go through $150.00 of ammo with one.

That was my birthday present to myself two years running.

This weeks contest is one I'm entering as many times as I am allowed.

I'm probably Jinxing my chances by telling you about this,,,
But what the heck, I'm doing it anyways.

Classic Firearms


Very seldom.
Most of these I’ve looked at are data harvesting efforts with your chance if winning less than catching a lightning bolt.
If I do, I provide enough info from a 1-time use email account and phone # that only goes to email.
No. I get enough junk emails as it is. That said, the local Sheriff's department has a gun raffle every year at Christmas to raise money for a local charity. I always buy several tickets but haven't won yet. Since the Sheriff is a 1911 fan, the guns are always a medium high end 1911. Dan Wesson, high grade Kimber, customized Colt, that sort of thing.
I would enter a gun giveaway contest if I ever found one where the prize was a gun I was interested in. So far, I haven't.
I would enter a gun giveaway contest if I ever found one where the prize was a gun I was interested in.

The range I am a member of had a giveaway for a CZ last week. I entered that one!

Nope, didn't win.
A few years back someone decided to send my e-mail address to a slew of sites,,,
Since then I've been bombarded on a daily basis with spam e-mails.

A lot of them have some kind of gun raffle,,,
But like TXAZ said: "Most of these I’ve looked at are data harvesting efforts with your chance if winning less than catching a lightning bolt."

The only one I always look at is the one from Classic Firearms.

Someone from another forum I am a member of,,,
Whose handle I can't ever remember,,,
Won a rifle from Classic Firearms.

What a trip it would be if after posting this thread,,,
I actually win the PS90.

I'd probably have a heart attack!


I agree on the junk emails. I get emails from outfits like "Defending Your 2A Rights" which then offer a "free" ultra-bright and ultra-rugged mini-flashlight, but with S&H only $20. Oh, then there's the link at the very bottom to again register for a free gun so I'll get even more junk mail.
I enter a few here and there, if it's through a place I do business with. Actually won a Diamondback DB10 from Dadvidson's, probably be the one and only time I win anything......

100_2399 - Edited.jpg

I added the scope and mount.
I have entered a few. I have won zero. I do get the junk mail so I can fill part of my day hitting the delete button.

First hand account of a gun giveaway contest winner.

That's so cool,,,
Now I have known two winners.

I didn't win the PS90 though,,,
Some dude in Boise, Idaho got it.

Dang his eyes!



First hand account of a gun giveaway contest winner.

A few years ago my local range did a steel shoot series. The winner of the series would win a new M&P, and there was also a drawing for another one. Each time you participated in a shoot you got a ticket for the drawing.

A revolver guy was just incredible, he wiped the floor with the rest of us semi guys and won the series and the pistol.

Guess who's name came out of the drawing? Yep, he walked out with 2 brand new M&P.

The range changed the rules after that.
Every now & then but I don't use my normal email address, I have a special one that gets a lot of junk,spam in it. I check it about once a week to delete everything I don't want.
"Every now & then but I don't use my normal email address,"

That's what I do when I see something on the web that intrigues me,,,
I have one Yahoo address just for things like that.

The Classic Firearms raffle is an exception,,,
I like their e-mails even though they are always promotions.


I enter quite a few.
Most of the companies sell your data to the same companies, so there isn't much expansion of the spam, if you're already on the list.
Plus, I am not at all lazy when it comes to unsubscribing and/or declaring certain domains spam (which means I'll never see emails from that company again, unless I look in the spam folder). I get on that crap quick, and it stops quickly.

I do, however, avoid many of them that require a phone number.

To date, the only one that I can remember winning was a Ruger Wrangler in a raffle.
But I created the raffle, I managed the raffle, I was the only entrant, and I chose the winner.
Best $1 I ever spent. ;)
No. Not even (especially)NRA sponsored. I don't care for the SPAM and their prizes are mostly banned in my state that they abandoned anyhow. Even if I won I would have to eat "MSRP" taxes (State & Federal) on something that retails for $.80 at best.
Depending on who is having the giveaway, I will occasionally enter if the prize is interesting enough.

I recently entered for a chance to win a one-of-a-kind (custom lower roll mark) Geissele Icon.