Do You Carry in Your BOB?

Do You Carry in Your BOB?

  • Yes a Pistol

    Votes: 11 33.3%
  • Yes a rifle

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • No I do not.

    Votes: 20 60.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Gun in the Get-Home-Bag not Bug-Out-Bag. Doesn't make sense in a BOB. I mean, you're already home where your guns are, right? Why leave a gun in the BOB? I guess it can be done . . .

Considering the number of hours most people spend away from their homes at work, social events, errands...etc... It makes more sense to be equipped to get home.
I carry a pistol ALL the time, so it's not necessary in a bag. but if I had to bug-out, I would definitely be grabbing a rifle, but it's not staged in a bag
My basic thinking is that all my weapons are locked up either in the safe or gun cabinets. If a catastrophic event should happen I would hope that they might withstand the onslaught but if a F-4 can pick up a cow or truck and toss it to the next county I would at least have my BOB that I grab as I head for shelter.

While I hope no one needs to find out one way or another if this is a good idea, I think I would like to be prepared just in case.

Stay safe
If we are talking about a crisis, fluid disaster or other danger based emergency.. why do people always assume they can simply go home. The whole concept of carrying a bob is so that you have minimal preps - all the time. Being prepared to simply [go home] is a relatively low preparedness level. Most bob's are constructed around a 72hr lifeboat mentality. Everyone has their own unique circumstances and if a person can go-home...great but if going home would be more perilous than simply going somewhere else or sheltering in place- how prepared do you want to be?
My BOB has a S&W Model 63 in it. This is in addition to any CCW piece, or truck rifle I might have with me.
The purpose, as others have so succinctly stated, is to get me home, or to safety. This goal might well require a firearm.
Mine has a 12ga in it. Not sure where to vote. It is a small coach gun and it fits just fine in a larger back pack. Also looks like grandpas old shotgun so it may draw less attention that carrying an AR15 or some thing like that. I also carry 2 boxes of ammo, 1 in bird shot and one in Buck Shot.
No bug out bag, but I do have a lot of canned fruit and Vienna Sausages, you know, the good stuff, that lasts for 200 years or more.:D I'm more the "hunkering down" type as well. Haven't yet found anybody around here that's not. Have yet to hear of an incident that would cause me to strap on all 3 of my HD weapons for a just in case, though I suppose that could happen. I do carry my HD pistol on me at all times, though. Doubtful that'll change. Old habits.

Guess if I ever do go with a BOB, it'd contain my Bunting Bullpup, due to size constraints.:cool: