Do you believe you're a good enough shot?


New member
At our range we have some "realistic" targets with a hostage holding a GG in front of him, gun to head, etc. You know what I'm talking about. There's really only the BG's head showing and it's right next to the GG's head.

What I want to know is, at 10 or 15 yards, are you good enough to draw as quickly as you can from full concealment and put one in BG's gourd without killing the hostage? I'm talking less than 2 seconds, preferably much faster.

I am not.
I haven't been able to shoot enough for the last few way I'm anywhere near that kind of a shot now, if I ever was.......but that's the way I plan to start practicing...soon.
could've said yes right up to the 2 sec. or faster rule. if you got to do somthing that fast in that situation pull a "Speed" thing and shoot the hostage?:eek: ;)
10-15 yards? Wouldn't take the shot even if I was good enough.

7 yards or less. Yes, provided the hostage was one of "mine".
And realize that making that shot on a nice flat range, on a nice flat piece of nonmoving paper, at your own pace is about a billion times removed from anything approaching reality.

I practice that drill everytime I go to the range, except I shoot the first mag empty (10 shots), change mags and fire another 10, I only graze the GG once or twice at 21 ft..
I shoot the ten because I want to make sure that I am a consistent shot throughout. Same reason that I change mags, then shoot another 10.

LOL..the first time I tried it, I drilled the victim right between the eyes. Whole range went quiet., until I said loudly, "That'll teach you to grab my mother-in-law."
No, and I doubt that I would try unless I knew for a fact that the hostage might die anyway. Then, what have I got to loose!
Yes with a qualifier. I wouldn't try to do it in less than 2 seconds.
Thats a concentration thing and last resort. 10-15 yards is negotiating distance.

Seek cover and take your time before attempting the shot.
Gomez said it. Its a cute trick when you're at the range. Imagine that your blood is boiling, its a pretty girl that's hostage, the BG has a black mask on, and its nighttime...think about it.
Given your 2 second timeframe, try this:

(Of course, you won't be able to do this on most ranges, but you'll get the idea)

On the start signal (whatever that is), begin running full speed at the threat, accessing your pistol as you go. Screw the muzzle into the side of the head of the badguy and pull trigger.

You should be able to accomplish this in 2 seconds or so and it'll be much easier to pull off than any sort of precise "hostage rescue" shot, particularly under the emotional stress/adrenalin dump of a real world OSM.
If the terrorist has taken a hostage, then he truly isnt ready to die in the first place. He is afraid. You have to have some reason for taking that hostage. If he was just going to kill the person he probably would've done it already. That means chances are good that I'll have enough time to use my sights and get a good 'bead' on him. If this is the case, then yes, I would take the shot. I'm reasonably certain that I could hit my target under these circumstances.
Well, I'm more of a Hey, can we just talk? kind of guy.

Gun would be levelled at BG before dialog, as though I thought better of action.

Can we just talk about this? (Assessing perp.)


I'd much prefer for just my own life to be in jeopardy, though.
Your problem is bigger than you think. You must kill the bad guy without his muscles convulsing, in other words he must go limp. The only place you can shoot him that will result in this is an area about the size of a quarter centered on the tip of the nose. Not me not at any range not when my first shot out of a cold gun cannot be guranteed to be on the x every time. :p
Takin a shot like this, with your heart beating hard in you chest and your vision narrowing is the stuff of tv and movies. Almost none of us are skilled to take a shot like this. You are fooling yourself if you think that shooting at hostage targets at the range prepares you for this in any way.

Try this: set up your target at 15 yards. Then go out into the range parking lot and run around at top speed for 2-3 minutes. Then run up to your shooting station and try your shot. This should help you simulate the adrenilin rush you will feel if you are ever actually in this situation.
I have run this scene over and over in my mind! The pros and cons of taking the shot.

I have seen a few people at the range over and over make these sort of shots. One guy that I have shot with several times will transition from making COM shots to "dotting the eyes" of the target.

It is pretty scary when you realize there are people out there that could make the shot, on any given Sunday.

Talking to the guy while lining him up for the shot would probably be my only option.

Hope i never happens for real.:)

I wouldn't take the shot. If closing distance and screwing the pistol into the BG's eye socket before pulling the trigger was necessary, that's a much more doable course of action for me (and, I think, for most people).

If distance favors the skilled opponent, then close proximity negates the effects of poor marksmanship under extreme stress.
If it only takes a thousandth of a second for the brain to decide to pull the trigger, I don't even think a contact shot will work. I seem to recall reading somewhere -- and there's probably neurological research to back this up -- that even some CNS shots offer just enough time to squeeze off a shot, even as brain death is occuring.