I shoot at two different clubs, and at both, if you are in the right spot and the wind is howling you will occasionally get peppered with pellets. Wear eye and ear protection at all times.
On one occasion my son and I were shooting plate racks with 9mm pistols. I have been doing this without incident for many years. All of a sudden, while he was shooting I felt a sting on my forearm. I looked down and there was a trickle of blood. It was a shard of copper jacket from an FMJ bullet. I said, "Hey, dude, you just shot your old man." I don't know what happened, maybe it hit the edge of a plate and sheered off, but strange things happen.
Point is, had that fragment hit me in the eye it could have meant blindness.
In this case, you really can't be too careful.
Ltriker, what happened to you is one of my fears when I shoot at those types of ranges. A good range officer is invaluable. I have served as range officer a few times and it always amazes me that you have to remind folks to keep their hands off of their weapons when people are down range. It should be common sense, but apparently it isn't.