Do any of you know who Larry Sinclair is?

Okay here is a man who has passed a polygraph claiming he had sex and did illegal drugs with Obama and it gets no press time while all kind of smear flies on McCain for maybe doing hanky panky with a hot younger woman and there is no proof of impropriety?
You think that might be because the claims are bogus and unsubstantiated? If this story had an ounce of truth to it you would see it all over the news. The news loves nothing and noone above ratings and would smear their own mothers for a sensational story.

The story says $10,000 is going to charity (even though I see no information to support that claim) which means he is being paid up to $90,000 for telling a lie. For that kind of money I would even claim that I had sex with Hilary...I would even claim to have enjoyed it. :)

When people are so quick to give this kind of story credibility, simply because they want to believe it, they cheapen themselves.
Some supporters on a Obama Candidate site have forwarded the opinion that Sinclair is a GOP mule or KKK.

I agree with PBP, nobody should believe this because they want it to be true. Perldog007 is no friend of anybody who wants a nationwide ban on ccw. You can believe that if you believe nothing else.

On the other hand, I do want to know the truth, especially if it involves somebody pulling this accuser's puppet strings.
[RickJames] Cocaine's a hell of a drug [/RickJames]

Sinclair is 22 bottle beer goggles, If I was gay and saw that smilin at me I'd chase Rosie O'Donnel instead.

Then again...Bill...Monica...:rolleyes:

WildgnawoffyourarmAlaska TM
Maybe Larry was better looking 9 years ago ?

Naw he was just younger.:D

I know there is no accounting for taste but my rule on the sex lives of politicians is simple...don't make a difference who you do it with, as long as we won't laugh at you for your choice.

JFK doin Marilyn...dude you rock.
Bill doin Monica....dude, no wonder you lied about it:D

Baracks a good looking guy in an emaciated, metro type of way. I could picture him with Johnny Depp but not some guy that looks like a lump delivering pizzas.

WildhewhateverhappenedtolarrystallsexcraigAlaska TM
My son just did a little internet search on Sinclair and came up with this :D

Larry Sinclair in '99

Not a bad lookin kid if you like that sort of thing ... The plot thickens :D
Maybe Larry was better looking 9 years ago

Having been inflicted with a hopeless case of right wing heterosexuality I may not be the best judge of this, but his 1999 picture shows a different and younger healthier looking person.

But this is not my issue. A crack smoking candidate is one issue - true or false?

I tend to think false. Which begs the question who is driving this if it is a smear campaign?

If true voters must decide if the drug use/other behavior and/or misleading characterizations of the drug use are relevant.
Agreed Perldog07 , which is why IMO the Limo Driver is the missing link to verify whether this story is at all true. Then the question needs to be asked by his supporters whether or not it matters to them.

I don't like Obama so for me it makes no difference . He's not getting my vote.
I don't think he would ever get my vote either on 2a issues. Finding out the truth about this could cause me to lodge a protest vote in the highly unlikely scenario that McCain was behind some kind of smear.

I don't think that is the case so I am looking forward to this story being vetted.

His lawsuit says he is filing pro se, and he sounds somewhat credible in his talk show interview (Sinclair). Maybe he is a lone gunman (pun intended). Still want to know for sure.

EDIT- reports polygraph results will be posted within the hour -
IF this is is true then the timing does the most for Hillary. The Clinton machine has shown itself to be capable of far more than this (from Vince Foster, James McDougal, Mary Mahoney, Ron Brown, and aprox. 20 more deaths and of course the Balkens).

Timing is what makes a hit piece effective, ask the NY Times, it's far more advantageous to make the allegation against a Presidential nominee then a Senator. The Times timed their article accordingly.

The timing here benefits Hillary immensely given she MUST win Texas AND Ohio to remain viable. This is even confirmed by Bill.

True or untrue this story will hit mainstream press by the weeks end. The more credible Sinclair seems the better for Hillary. As long as she keeps her mouth shut she can avoid backlash from it. Let unconnected, VERY insulated surrogates do the pushing.

It is of course possible that Sinclair is acting alone. He just happened to have excellent timing.......
So if we are a crowd that thinks the WOD is a unconstitutional excersize of JBT powers, and that these unconstitutional laws should just be defied as a violation of our natural rights yadda yadda, why is the thought of a younger Barack packin the stem with a Choreboy and pullin an Amy Winehouse so disqualifying? :)

I'm a freedom lover, Barack has demonstrated his commitment to fighting the unjust laws with his crack pipe, I'm voting for him.:D

WildorisitnotfortheebutformeAlaska TM
The activity may indeed be endorsing for some. If true.

If Sinclair is somebody's pawn then we have other issues that need to be aired.

Maybe this is a ploy by the Obama campaign to get that fringe vote from crack users who endorse same sex intimacy. Maybe not. Probably not.

The circumstances of the timing may suggest that if not extemporaneous some animus from an opponent.
you'd have to be completely dumb to accept the story

give the history of the site and a complete lack of documentation I can not see anyone who is willing to evaluate the story and the site as anything more than pure crap. Its like the National Inquirer you have to look for what they don't say. The say the guy passed the polygraph. They don't say the polygraph questions were related to the claims; they insinuate the polygraph questions were. A classic way the NI get you to believe some guy talked to a spaceman, visited another planet, spent a night with celebrities or witnessed some doctor remove a persons heart with a fork. Simply twisting the words to make it appears the words say things they only imply. They (the site) are going to release the results of the polygraph. They are not releasing the questions just the results although they imply it is more than just the results.

So far not one single network TV has had anything to say about the entire series of claims. Now Word Daily Net has picked up the story that's a great credibility builder for the story as WDN has less believable stories that a talk with first graders about spacemen from Mars.

For those who will make their decision on who they will vote for based on this or other stories from the site's that require lots of foil wrap around the ears I'm just glad you are a very small portion of the population.
Actually, as of a minute ago, the site says the man has completed a polygraph and they are releasing results today (though they are now late because they said between 1300 and 1330 EST) along with videos of the polygraph.

I have never said that I accept the story as true, I do accept that the story has been told and want to know if is true as well as who may be driving the story.

On balance, this story does have a person claiming to be a witness to acts of impropriety as well as an accomplice to those acts. That is more than the New York Times had in the hit piece on McCain.

Edit - the site just posted that deception was indicated by a polygraph examiner in both tests. One test dealt with the sex allegations and one with the drug use. One more examiner's report is still to come.
Transcripts and videos are expected to follow.

Dr. Ed Gelb, Former President of the American Polygraph Association was the Polygraph expert selected by He has done over 30,000 polygraph examinations over his long career. There were two polygraph tests administered by Dr. Gelb on Friday. the first polygraph asked Mr. Sinclair on his sex claims. The second polygraph test asked Mr. Sinclair on the drug use claims. There was deception indicated in both tests.

The question remains, did somebody put him up to this? Who and why?
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The question remains, did somebody put him up to this? Who and why?

Judging from the timed release of information (and missing every deadline they mention ensuring even more eyeballs) I suspect it is simply part of their January 2008 re-branding campaign: was founded in 1997 by Dan Parisi. Over 100,000,000 people have visited our site over the years. We are rebranding and relaunching as a Political/News/ Entertainment site in January 2008. We have been featured on hundreds of media outlets all over the world.

Our only business will be to report the real stories of what really goes on in Washington and how it effects you. We are not affiliated or endorsed by either the government of either of the national parties so we will be unbiased on what we report. Our corporate headquarters will be located in Washington D.C.

Of course, they don't exactly have any other stories...
That could very well be the case SecDef. The story was growing legs before got involved, but it certainly is a juicy tawdry bit of gossip for brand marketing purposes.

Whomever is behind the timing of the release, true or not, is on my list of critters to watch. If anybody knows about one of my state legislators smoking crack and waits almost a decade to come forth they ain't my friend. I could care less about their sex lives, and I don't think that part of the story is intended to do anything but raise shock value.

For people who do care about the private lives of legislators and leaders, I daresay that many of them are not seeking the level of detail this whislteblower (pun intended) provided.