Do any of you know who Larry Sinclair is?


New member
Because apparently he was doing drugs and having sex with Obama as late as 1999. Of course then again he could be a kook looking for notoriety. However it appears he's passed a lie dector test. Anyone else heard of this?
Sleazy? They basically laid down 10,000 that said he couldn't pass a polygraph and he's kicking the money to charity. Not sure what's so sleazy.

Interesting that it seems that Sen. Obama might be homosexual.

...not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)
When did stop being just a porn site? Certainly more recently than the 11 years they say. Can't even begin to list the number of machines I had to block when students would go onto the Internet and get REALLY BIG EYES.

I like how the place to go with this stuff is and post a video. There are plenty of credible news sources (and even popular, non-credible -- rush?) that would be happy to run with this story.

Hey, even if a network is fair and balanced it would run a story with credibility. I'd be much more interested in seeing how Obama responds to this. Responding to attacks (whether vicious, credible, fabricated, or implied) are a great way to measure the worth of an individual.
On the positive side, if Obama becomes president, maybe he will take the lead on ending this War on Drugs nonsense.
Man, you guys are so simple. Don't you know it doesn't count if somebody preforms an act of oral endearment on a Democrat? That matter is well settled in court of public opinion. It's personal not business and it's not the same thing as having sex.

So knock it off before you get the entire RKBA movement labeled as homophobic.

Seriously, I could care less about those allegations. It's the candidates stand on issues I care about. Like the RKBA and his ambition to outlaw ccw nationwide.

Who he does what with whom between smoke breaks is a non starter. My real fear is that this will lead into public pronouncements of the details of Candidate Clinton's and Candidate McCain's private lives. Believe me, I don't want to know.
Who he does what with whom between smoke breaks is a non starter. My real fear is that this will lead into public pronouncements of the details of Candidate Clinton's and Candidate McCain's private lives. Believe me, I don't want to know.

Yes, at least the best looking one of the bunch got chosen for this round of unrequested visual images :D
Okay here is a man who has passed a polygraph claiming he had sex and did illegal drugs with Obama and it gets no press time while all kind of smear flies on McCain for maybe doing hanky panky with a hot younger woman and there is no proof of impropriety?

I remember in another age when Gary Hart got blown out of the water because he was caught with a hottie and he was a DEMOCRAT!

Obama is getting a very unusual free ride. So far he has teflon that only Reagan and Clinton possess in my memory.
If the candidate was crackin it up in '99 that's a serious problem. He could always do the Rehab and religion thing, but still to flawed for Commander in Chief IMO.

The drug use concerns me if true. We can be pretty sure that some folks will carry his water anyway, just because he is a radical departure from Bush. Eight years of bashing from the media will pay some dividends.

IN any case, with everything thrown at the right by the MSM we deserve a thorough investigation on this one. If it's not true, we need to know who is behind it. Then we need to hold the perpetrator(s) responsible

If it is true, we need to send this man back to Chi town and leave him to pursue his passions outside of public service.

Edit - Worldnetdaily has broken the story -

I still think it's important to have the story vetted. And in fairness. John McCain catches a hit piece from the New York Times on less basis than this tale. It should not be too hard for a good investigator to determine whether or not Larry is credible.

Edit AGAIN - from the Democratic Party Community Billboard -

The wagons are being circled, this one should break in the big media soon.
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I wouldn't get all worried about previous illegal drug use. Clinton admitted smoking marijuana, and Bush would not deny that he was a cocaine user.
LIke Watergate, it's not the act so much as the coverup that enrages the public.

I don't approve of infidelity, but don't believe that there are many saints inside the beltway.

Using crack while a member of a state legislation is another matter. A little hanky panky with whomever in the back of a limo may not be a breach of one's oath of office in some more progressive leaning circles. Smoking crack while under oath to uphold and defend the Constitution might be different.

That W. huffed up some lines at Yale is not encouraging, but if it had been proven he did so as a military pilot that would have been a dealbreaker for me.

Another issue is, if not true, who is behind this? The public should know.

There is apparently a lawsuit filed by the man making the allegations -
Last time I looked into it, polygraph examinations were only about 85% reliable and that's with a highly trained examiner. The examinee has to meet some criteria as well such as never have been given an exam before.

Since we don't know if the polygraph was in fact given, much less if it was properly given by a professional examiner, we might suspect this to be a fraud.

I'm not a fan of Obama, but stupendous stories like this are most often lies.

On the other hand, since McCain has spoken at length about his serial infidelities, I have pretty strong confidence in their validity.
Sleazy? They basically laid down 10,000 that said he couldn't pass a polygraph and he's kicking the money to charity. Not sure what's so sleazy.

You know that for a fact, based on your independent, empirical investigation, or, are you just regurgitating blather from the aforementioned website? (and I sure as hell am not an Obama fan!)
Me, myself, and I are inclined not to believe the story as presented by Mr. Sinclair. The allegations are proven to have legs of their own and that's why we need some investigative reporting on this.

If indeed the allegations are a fabrication wouldn't you like to know who is behind it before voting? I sure would.

The situation reminds me of the movie "The Departed" where Mr. Baldwin's character says "Qui Bono - who benefits?"

and Mr. Damon's character responds "Qui who gives a (expletive deleted)?".

I give a (expletive deleted), who is behind this? Did a guy living in a HUD project come up with the money for the lawsuit, is he pro se, does he have a behind the scenes backer?

If untrue the allegations certainly are actionable and during an election become very dangerous to the public at large.