Do-All Steel Resetting Target

steel targets

They DO shoot back. If you do it that close, make sure you have on eye protection and be prepared to be hit in the face & body, resulting in cuts/scratches. It WILL eventually happen if you shoot enough and if it's a high-powered rifle, it could even be fairly serious.
Steel targets

I agree with Ken O. The local club hosts a Steel Match twice a month. Distances are 10 yards out to 35 or 40 yards. Handgun calibers only. During the set up, the match directors are careful to have the plates directly facing the shooter. I typically shoot 158 grain LSWC in a revolver. Once I had a flattened slug come back and bounce off my shooting hand. Looked down at the ground and there was this nice little flattened lead slug. Barely had enough energy to make it back 8-10 yards. With the guys shooting 38 Super, the bullets literally fragment. During a typical match I am bombarded my very small fragments of lead falling from the sky. Mostly I notice the fragments on the top of my head. A lot of the shooters wear a cap just to keep the lead out of their hair. Considering each shooter typically shoots 150-250 rounds per match and there are sometimes upwards of 30 shooters a match, this amounts of thousands and thousands of rounds a year without serious injury. Like Ken O I've seen a couple of guys that took rounds that barely broke skin. The bleeding lasted maybe 10 seconds Can't remember tell of anyone ever going to the hospital. Eye protection however is a definite must.
Normally I just use my regular eye glasses for eye protection (not sure if this is fine or stupid really). Should I look into some sort of safety glasses or express intended shooting glasses?

I would either need something that would fit over my glasses or clip onto the frame of my glasses. My eye sight isn't that awful bad (I don't wear glasses through most of my day) but its bad enough that my shooting suffers without them.
We put thousands of .22 LR's into a target like this at 30' - so much so the thing is just about toast from all the chips coming off over time:


We've also put close to a thousand rounds into a spinner like this at 30' with the .45's, and it too is starting to shows some definite signs of wear:


We've been peppered by assorted size fragments before but never anything serious. The most amusing thing I've found is that when I get whacked it's not so much the whack that surprises me as it is the temperature of the fragment - I've had 'em get under my clothes and they are a tad bit warm, even more so than a shell going down your shirt. Nothing that an idiot dance won't cure though... ;) Just be prepared as it will happen. Should make you rethink your eye wear choice being certain that your lenses are an unbreakable polycarbonate material...
When the steel becomes "cratered" or dented is when you'll start to see lead and jacketing come back at you. Steel that has been properly maintained will allow for "crumbs" to come back at a real slow rate.

I shoot a steel plate league at an indoor range that has a baffle type backstop that is cratered from lack of maintenance and people shooting rifles at baffles that aren't designed for rifle fire. We get large pieces of jacketing and lead hitting us quite often at great speed.

I can't speak for IPSC but IDPA rules require steel be 10 yds from the shooter.
I've thrown thousands of rounds at similar targets with no problems. I think that the manufacturer is just covering it's backside. Which everyone has to do in todays legal society. Just like the: CAUTION HOT! on your gas station coffee cup.
smince said:
I hope you are still capable of maintaining muzzle control while doing this "idiot dance"!:rolleyes:

Yeah, we do, but we can make an exception in case you're around... :rolleyes:
Here's a great post on this topic. Sounds like he knows what he's talking about......

Not to highjack the thread, but the subject came up...

I’ve shot handgun on metal targets since 1974 or so. I know I’ve personally fired over 20,000 rounds on metal targets in that time and supervised (ran the match) many times that many. I have one colleague who has supervised and shot a lot more.

The primary value of a metal – gong – target is ease of scoring. If it makes a sound, you hit it; if no sound results, you missed. In practice sessions this gives immediate feedback to the shooter.

On a flat metal surface more or less perpendicular to the path of the bullet, bullets do not ricochet. Handgun bullets fragment on impact, even fully jacketed bullets. The fragments fly off the face of the target along the face of the target. Anything to the edges of the target will be peppered with fragments; dangerously so up close. The fragments fly in a 360 degree pattern, parallel to the face of the target. If the fragments hit another solid surface, one obtains a secondary splatter effect. So, metal targets should not be hung over concrete pads or a metal plate. A bullet fragment splattering off the target can be secondarily deflected back to the firing line. (This is the usual cause of ricochet hits in indoor ranges; sort of a two or three cushion shot back to the firing line.)

Another, very serious form of ricochet is from a cupped or cratered metal target.

Metal targets suffer from three forms of damage. All are annoying, and all can cause fragments back toward the firing line.

Craters or cups in metal targets are the most dangerous. By cup, I refer to an indentation that does not penetrate the plate. Cups are usually formed by impact of a large heavy bullet. The resulting indentation can – on the next hit – allow the projectile to slide down the side of the cup, be turned in the bottom and slide out of the cup right back at the firing line with little loss of velocity. Even if the bullet hits the bottom of the cup and shatters, the sides of the cup direct the fragments back toward the firing line.

Holes in metal targets are typically caused by high velocity impacts. Various strength metals have different limits, of course. What works well for moderate handgun rounds can be cratered or punctured by a top end .357 Magnum load. A .30-30 rifle, pedestrian as it may seem, will put about a .40 - .50 inch hole in quarter inch mild steel plate. The resultant hole will almost always have a raised rim around the entry side. This raised rim will fling minor fragments back toward the firing line, usually at the unnoticed to annoying level. Depending on the size of the rim, this could be potentially dangerous.
The round that penetrates steel can peel off the jacket and the jacket can be ejected in any direction. I have witnessed one minor injury from a jacket bounce; a small but rather painful cut on the forearm requiring a stitch or two to repair. Being hit in the eye with such debris would be catastrophic.

The third problem is the bending of the plate. Shooting mild steel or boiler plate with non-penetrating rounds is pretty much like beating on it with a hammer. Sooner or later, the plate will start to bend under the impact. Turning the plate around and shooting the other side will beat it back flat, more or less.

I am not a metallurgist. I once knew what kind of plate to ask for at the metal yard, but I’ve forgotten. The good news is the people at the metal yard know about it and will direct one’s attention to the material best suited.

For general handgun use, I suggest nothing thinner than three-eighths inch thickness. Rifle targets should be thicker for longevity. Again, talk to the man at the metal yard.

If you know anyone with experience building a silhouette target set, they are an excellent source of information.
There ain't no free lunch, except Jesus.

Yeah, we do, but we can make an exception in case you're around...

The reason I was asking was because I've seen muzzles go in every direction except downrange when hot brass went down a shirt...:rolleyes: