
Are the people we are talking about armed? If not, how are we justified in "getting to the gun"?

You can get to the gun in a way as to not alarm the potential bad guy yet still give you instant access should the dynamics of the encounter turn justifiable. If you wait it could be to late. If you are to early you may get in trouble with the law. If you access secretly .....just right and very legal.
Personally I have put the smartphone away ... and more than just glance at passersby. I scrutinize and prioritize everyone with a CPA that will put them inside my personal threat zone. Then I look for available cover/concealment and alternate avenues of advance or escape.

After a while this "multi-tasking" becomes second nature and is quickly accomplished without much effort.
shootniron, I don't enter into bar fights, mutual combat, etc.

Where I live, robbery is a forcible felony. If somebody wants to mug me, but didn't bring a weapon, that would be poor planning on his part, as deadly force is lawful for defense against robbery.

This is not the case in many jurisdictions, but is the case in many southern and southwestern jurisdictions.

Now, if it turned out that I could handle the assailant quickly using bare hands, then fine. But that would mean one of two things - either I got a fast takedown or TKO on the guy when he first made contact, or else he opted to back off when his attack went south.

Note: The last time I had a guy take a swing at me, it was some idiot who had mistaken me for some other guy he was going to fight in the parking lot of a Hooter's. Came in from my left side, and I picked his right with my own, and slipped around to his right rear flank. Reflex action from many years of aikido, plus some kenpo. Guy looked pretty shocked, said, "Sorry man, thought you were somebody else..." and I let him leave.

Didn't even have to throw a punch, or lock him up, so I definitely wouldn't have drawn on him.

But by the same token, at my university, years ago, a guy took a punch, fell, hit his head on a car bumper, and never woke up.

I don't casually enter into fights, and if somebody forces one on me, I will assume very bad intentions.
It is not possible to keep people away from you. As the OP stated you are in lines, shopping at grocery stores, walking through a crowded mall or in a parking lot. One can try to be aware of surroundings, but to keep everyone at a 21 ft distance is impossible.

Thanks for explaining that as I was confused as to the situation and my state is the same as yours as to the forcible felony.

As always....I have another question.

Is it necessary in this scenario that the attacker express his intent or is the act of the attack the manifestation of the attackers intent of forcible felony?
Shootniron, assuming he doesn't state it's a robbery, he's going to kill you, etc, now you are back to the reasonable man standard.

Unless he is breaking into your home or occupied vehicle, in which case where I live we are back to forcible felonies.