Disney revises guns at work policy

If anyone wants to find an anti-American,anti-family,anti-gun,liberal, pro homosexual organization they need look no further than Disney.:barf:
It amazes me how many people spend their hard earned money on all of Disneys Chinese made "stuff".
I looked up Orlando on the FBI website. It's one of the real violent cities in the US, and, property crime is really high as well. The anti-gun policies of the Disney folks have had the usual results: it's a free fire, free theft zone. Now, in an area that is really high crime already, we are going to allow the bad guys to steal guns out of cars, thanks to Disney's stupid policy.

Somebody ought to get the NRA to fund picket lines, and, hurt these idiots in their pocket books enough to allow the employees to carry their guns onto the property.

I used to go to Marineworld in Vallejo, but, they have metal detectors as well. All this means, is on the long walk, or in the parking lot, is the perfect place for a criminal to mug me, and, since they are rather expensive, it's a perfect place for a robbery. Combine this with being a stones throw from The Crest, an area of town that's pretty much gang banger, projects heaven, and you have a formula for disaster. I don't see any real easy answers here...
I don't see any real easy answers here...
No, the answer is easy. Carry your gun on your person, don't leave it in a car where its useless, and a target for criminal activity!

I totally agree. What I meant was, with Disney using metal detectors, employees can't take their guns with them. Considering the place is one of the theft capitals of the United States, leaving a gun in the car is really stupid, just as stupid as not allowing armed employees, when I'm pretty sure they do have armed security guards...Same problem with Marineworld. Actually, the answer is simple: keep your money, and don't go to such places until they change policy. Another solution is political activism, like protests.

I'm pretty much with Te Anau on this one...
Actually, Disney security is NOT armed. They have a small contingent of Deputies that are assigned to the park, but security is unarmed. Disney uses a division called "cash control" to move money through the park. They are always sent in pairs, disguised as tourists, and they move large amounts of cash from one location to the other.

When I worked there years ago, a cash control team was robbed of over $50,000 in small bills. Disney investigators never caught them.

Just so you know, Disney has all kinds of special laws that are just for them. Their rides are not inspected like other amusement parks, they have a special fire and building code, a special tax district, their own fire department, and are allowed to operate their own power plant without state regulation.
No, the answer is easy. Carry your gun on your person, don't leave it in a car where its useless, and a target for criminal activity!
So what you're saying is you ignore federal law and carry your gun into the post office rather than locking it in your car... hmmmmm. Or are you saying that women should just leave their guns at home and accept being raped on the way home from the post office as just "the breaks"? How about let's get back to putting the blame where it belongs - on the criminal!
So what you're saying is you ignore federal law and carry your gun into the post office rather than locking it in your car

I can't remember the last time I was in a Post Office.

And how does having a gun in her car help a woman from being raped in the parking lot?

If the gun isn't with you, its not helpful.
The point is there are places that you cannot legally carry a gun. So do you take your gun and leave it in the car while you go into those places, or do you just leave it home for the day. The fact that you're unlike to get raped at Disneyworld or in the post office but may be car jacked or attacked during other errands needs to be kept in mind as well unless we're just going to be obtuse.

Of course it's wise to use a locked container cabled to the car for storage.
Gun owners should be held legally and financially responsible in the even an unsecured gun in an automobile is used in a crime. The most common place for a gun to be stolen is when it is in an automobile. It is a bad idea, everyone knows it,

That is almost as absurd as saying women that are out in public should be held responsible if they are raped. The most common place for a woman to be raped is outside the home and everyone knows it. :rolleyes:
I think a plaintiff's attorney could make a case against someone leaves an unsecure gun around, whether its in a car or not. A certain level of security for a firearm is expected and should be provided.

Do you think it would be ok to leave loaded guns on your front porch also?
I think locked in my car meets sufficient security requirements. A child isn't going to walk by and find it and hurt themselves. A thief must break the law to enter my car. Should you be held responsible if someone steals you car and commits manslaughter while running from the police? After all, you could have secured you car against theft by taking the battery with you once you parked it.

I would wager more firearms are stolen from homes than from automobiles. Do we want to hold homeowners responsible? After all, they could have secured their weapons in a gun safe with a monitored alarm system and several guard dogs.
I think if you go back and re-read my posts, you will see that I was very clearly discussing unsecured guns.

However, up until very recently (ie, when the NRA started trying to make it OK to keep gun on employer property), it was considered poor form and unsafe to have a gun in a locked automobile.
I have kept a gun in my vehicle at work for the past 24 years. To date, none have been stolen. In that time, no car in the parking lot has been broken into.
You are very lucky. I had my Garmin GPS stolen out of my locked vehicle about 2 weeks ago. The only reason they didnt get my gun was because it was in its holster on my hip. The thiefs sped off as I returned to the car. I am glad they didn't get a chance to shoot me with my own gun.
Where do you have this container installed?
What does that matter?

Your whole argument is right out of the brady campaign and they trail lawyers dreams. Leave your guns at home or get sued. Oh and if they get stolen from your home get sued. If an armed robber gets your weapon during an armed robbery get sued. If your car is stolen and used in a crime gets sued. If your identity get stolen get sued. You just weren't careful enough. Use your weapon in self defense get sued - you should have thought of a better way. Get raped go to jail - it's all your fault for the way you dressed. I assume you're also for cities suing gun manufacturers because their products might wind up in the hands of a criminal. If they didn't sell them the criminals wouldn't have them isn't that what you're really saying.

If a thief commits a crime only the thief should be held responsible not the victims. I've wasted enough time on this.
What does that matter?

Not trying to stir, but why won't you just answer the question? You were the one who brought it up, not me. I think it would be an excellent idea to have a way to secure the gun. If the gun can really be secured in such a way that it is inaccessible to car thieves, then that would alleviate a lot of my concern about leaving a gun in a car.

The trunk is about the only place I can think of where you would have enough room to install a lockbox or safe, but isn't that inconvenient? And does it not require you to go fumbling around in your trunk, thus lingering in a potentially unsafe parking lot? It would seem that lingering in a parking lot might make you at more risk for being attacked.

Also, when you take it out the lock box (assuming its in the trunk), don't you run the risk of being accused of "brandishing" in some jurisdictions?

You suggested the lock box as a solution to the problem, and I am just curious how you go about dealing with the issues outlined above.

And I will respectfully ask again, where do you have your lock box installed?