Disney fires back on guns at work...

+1000 for sholling.

If you wan't to have absolute control regarding this issue you should accept all the ramifications as well.

But on the same day that the House took its final vote on the gun bill, the exemption for explosives companies was revised so that it also includes "property owned or leased by an employer who has obtained a permit" under federal law for such explosives.

Disney has such a permit, for the extensive fireworks used in its theme parks.

State Rep. Stan Mayfield, a Vero Beach Republican also involved in crafting the final legislation, said lawmakers had agreed to insert that exception at the request of a small group of lawyers representing several businesses and business groups -- including Disney.

But Mayfield said nobody ever intended for the language to spare so much of the Disney resort, which covers about 30,000.acres.

"I don't think anybody that voted for that bill expected Disney to be exempt," Mayfield said.
First, he's lying. Second, this is exactly what happens when you start making exceptions to laws without extremely good reasons.

I can't think of a reason why companies licensed to transport/possess explosives need an exemption from the new law.

Danzig said:
Employment should, and by right ought to be, a private contract between employer and employee. As such, if you want to work, abide by the rules that YOU agreed to in your contract. If you don't like the rule..find another employer who will let you keep your guns on their property.
Basically, I agree with what sholling said... you want to restrict the RKBA? You should be liable for anything bad that happens to anyone who might not have been hurt had the victim (or others) been allowed to have a gun for defense.

Also, businesses are subject to regulations that private citizens (and private residences) are not.

Also, businesses that are open to the public are subject to even more regulations.

Also, as covered in the last thread not too long ago about this very issue, free speech rights extend to political campaigning at work. Explain why free speech rights extend (to some degree) into the workplace, while the RKBA (you claim) does not extend 1 inch onto corporate property.