discussion; mauser or mosin?

where I could take it to have someone check whether it's 8mm or if it's been rechambered?

The world is a pretty big place.

I would recommend going to Google maps, find your house, then search for gunsmiths.

No idea what rifle you are talking about, but if it left the factory as 8mm, and has the factory barrel, then it is still 8mm. There is a small possibility that it was re-chambered to 8mm-06, pretty easy to tell by trying to chamber a .30-06 case. If the bolt won't close, it is most likely still 8X57.
^^^ This.
Unless you have a "sporter", it's likely just an old military mauser in original configuration, usually 8mm.

Pictures here could help tell you whether a trip to a gunsmith /chamber cast is even warranted.
I don't think that there's a close race between them. The Mauser has more virtues and thus it has been highly copied and there are several excellent derivatives, like the Springfield or the model 70 Winchester. Who wants to copy a Mosin? A closer comparison might be made between the Mauser and the Arisaka. And, since those two likely came up against each other in Manchuria, one could wonder which was the better armed soldier in that conflict.
"Only the Russians chose the mosin nagant design"

That is not entirely accurate, remington and N. E. W. built mosin nagant rifles until the communist came into power.

OP, its up to you which rifle YOU like more. Even though the Mauser is a nicer shooting rifle in general, I get much more gratification out of collecting mosin nagants. Don't believe all the negative hype around the mosin nagant rifles, I have a rather large collection and the majority are good quality weapons.
Mauser rifles are better rifles in my opinion but to say the Mosin isnt as accurate isnt entirely accurate. My 1929 Mosin will shoot 3-4" 5 shot group at 100 yrds with the factory iron sights. I have killed a deer with my M-44 Hungarian Mosin at well over 200yrds. I was debating on trying the shot or not but I had a lot of trigger time with that rifle so I was confident I could hit it. I was shooting S&B 174gr ammunition that was loaded with Sierra Matchkings. I also have some Bulgarian surplus brass cased 182gr. thats very accurate in my mosins as well. I think ammo choice plays a big part in the Mosins accuracy. Maybe I just got lucky when I bought mine I dont know. Always wanted a FN made Mauser though. One day maybe.
Most of the "inaccuracy" of the Mosin is due to the low quality surplus ammo usually used.

Most of the rest is the poor to fair trigger and sights.

If you work up tailored handloads, you might be surprised at the difference in group size, even with the stock rifle.
I got 3" or so out of my M24/47 with handloads at 100 yards. I only tried once, though. The load needs to be tweaked a bit to get prime accuracy out of that rifle.I'd get a 24/47 or an M48. Get a Finn if you want, but I like my Mauser more, and Gold finns run upwards of 400 IIRC . If you really want accuracy I'd get a K-31. They're like sub $400 or so but ammo can ne a pain sometimes. But for all around ammo availability, fun, accuracy, and inexpensiveness, I'd go with the Mauser. I'm looking to offload my Mosin at the moment and replace it with another variety of rifle possibly, or maybe another Mosin.